First Sight

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Iruka Umino was whistling to himself as he walked down the crowded streets.  He had just seen Naruto to discuss the newest group of Genin that had just graduated and to talk about what procedures they wanted to take when Boruto started classes next semester.  He was feeling a little more optimistic after talking with the young boy. He didn't appear to be quite as wild as his father had been.  Of course, he had grown up with a family and Naruto had not.  At least he wouldn't have some of the worries he had when Naruto was at the academy.  That boy had been incorrigible it seemed, but boy did he step up.  He smiled slightly, thinking of the young man Naruto had been compared to the man he was today.  He was definitely a success story if there was ever one to be told.

Up ahead, he noticed Sarah Hatake coming out of one of the shops.  She was laughing while talking with someone and he couldn't help but smile.  It was most likely Kakashi.  He was one of the few people that kept that brilliant smile on her face all the time.  This was fortuitous as he actually needed to talk to them about the boys next semester.  They would still be a half a year young to start; however, he felt like if they were anything like their father they would do well.  He had another reason as well, he felt like the children of team 7 should all be kept together if at all possible.  It had been fortunate that they had all been born within months of one another, after all.

He started to jog in her direction when a woman he had never seen walked out of the shop behind Sarah.  He almost tripped over his own feet as he was looking at her and not where he was going.  He then also almost plowed into Sarah who had abruptly stopped.  He managed to catch himself at the last moment, and he hoped that neither woman noticed his momentary clumsiness.  So much for Shinobi finesse!

Sarah looked up at him and a gleam he did not quite understand crossed her eyes.  She looked like she did when she was planning something; having witnessed it a few times over the last few years.  She slowly smiled at him, and he suddenly felt like a fly in a trap.

"Iruka!  Well, isn't this fortunate, I don't have to hunt you down.  I want to introduce my best friend, Melissa Woods.  She's from my world and just crossed over today.  I'm giving her a tour and introducing her to everyone."

Iruka smiled as he turned then almost froze.  This woman had the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen.  They were a mixture of blue and green, reminding him of the land of waves.  He was momentarily transfixed by those eyes. It took a force of will to look at her other features as he had never in all his days seen eyes like hers. He then noticed that her dark hair was threaded through with red that gleamed in the sunlight. His eyes travelled down to full lips and a body that was shaped just the way he liked it.

Melissa was just as shocked as she looked at Iruka.  She did not need to hear Sarah announce who he was, she would have known him on sight.  Dark hair pulled back into a manly tail, with eyes a deep brown.  The scar across the bridge of his nose a reminder of dark times from the past.  Only faint lines were at the corners of his eyes, indicated he was older. Yet his smile made his face look almost boyish and he was turning that smile on her at the moment.

Sarah looked between the two of them and smirked.  This was going better than she had hoped and she hadn't had to arrange a damn thing.  What great luck to run into Iruka on the street!  They were already staring at each other like they had never seen anything greater in their lives.  It was going to be really awkward in a minute if she didn't snap them out of it.

"Leaf village to Iruka," she called while snapping her fingers.

Iruka visibly jumped, red crossing his cheeks before he put his hand on the back of his neck with a nervous laugh, "Sorry, Sarah, I just was... expecting Kakashi, not... Melissa, did you say?"

Sarah almost rolled her eyes at the words, but she was enjoying this too much.  This was a successful match if she ever saw one and she didn't have to do a damn thing.  She smiled at him, "Yes, this is my best friend Melissa... from my world."

Iruka blinked then took a step back, "From your world?  How... I thought you coming here, and then your mother was a fluke?"

Sarah grinned and nudged Melissa in the side when she noticed that she was still staring at him like she was caught in some kind of daze.  She blinked and looked over at her friend then seemed to come back to where they were in the present.  "Sarah did it," she blurted out.

Iruka turned his eyes back to her and raised a brow, "She brought you here?"

"Yes," Melissa said with a flush to her cheeks.  "We made a promise, you see, that if we ever managed to come here, we would bring the other.  We thought it was just wishful thinking and it kept us entertained thinking about it but... here I - we - are."

Sarah almost face palmed as they went back to staring at each other.  This was the most awkward introduction she had ever done.  She almost told them to go find a room quick as the sexual tension was almost visible.  She cleared her throat, "Iruka, what was it you were wanting?  I assume you were coming over to talk to me?"

Iruka dragged his eyes away and looked at Sarah with a nod.  He finally seemed to come back to himself while smiling big at her.  "Yes, I wanted to talk to you about admitting Obito and Tiberius to the Academy this semester coming up instead of the one after.  I've seen them training with you and Kakashi and I think they will do well despite being a little below the age mark."

Sarah worried her lower lip between her teeth before answering, "I don't have a problem with it, but you might have a hard time convincing Kakashi.  He isn't of the opinion that children should be pushed before they are mentally ready.  He didn't have much of a childhood as you know."

Iruka rubbed his chin between his thumb and forefinger as he thought.  "I'll talk with him.  We've got a pretty good friendship, I'm sure I can convince him it will be good for both boys.  Plus, it will keep the families of Team 7 all in the same class."

Sarah's eyes got that look again as she smiled at him.  "Why don't you come by for dinner tonight?  You can talk to him about it and get a home cooked meal also.  I know you eat Ramen way more than you should."

Iruka laughed, "That sounds like a plan.  I better head off, I've got one more stop before I'm free for the day."

"Okay, well we will see you tonight... six o'clock," Sarah said with a devilish grin.

Iruka gave her a nod then looked at Melissa.  He was composed this time and gave a slight bow to her, "It was nice to meet you, Melissa."

Melissa watched as he jogged off, her eyes slipping down to his butt as he left.  She let out a breath she did not even realize she was holding and continued to watch that gorgeous man until he disappeared from view.  Sarah laughed at her side and tugged her along.  "You'll get to see more of him tonight."

"Why am I hearing the song 'Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Make me a Match' in my head?"

Sarah only laughed and avoided the question.  A matchmaker never lets on that they're matching, it just isn't done!

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