What the Hell?

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"Are you serious?" Sarah asked with wide eyes once she caught her breath.

"I'm absolutely serious," Melissa responded.  "You know my history with men.  I don't want to make the same mistakes I did back home.  So I'm going to have fun and if... if one of them is right, it will present itself.  Otherwise, I'm just going to have a good time and at the same time protect myself."

Sarah tilted her head to the side.  She could understand that logic but these men weren't like the ones back home.  "I just hope you don't get your heart all tangled up and not be able to pick one.  These guys all have great parts to them."  Sarah looked around guiltily, "To be honest, if Kakashi had shunned me I'd have gone after Yamato."

Melissa then choked on that.  "Why Yamato?"

She shrugged, "He was always my number two on the show.  He's such a sweet guy and he is hilarious.... in his own way.  Although, I do have a warped sense of humor so..."

"Okay, out with it.  I want the whole story.  Leave nothing out," Melissa said as she tasted the Ramen.  She almost groaned, it was a whole lot better than the instant they had at home.

Sarah rested her chin on her hand.  "Well as you know, I jumped in the river and saved a kid."

"Yeah, they made quite a deal about that.  You wouldn't believe it but it went statewide."

Sarah's mouth dropped open, "Mom didn't say anything about that."

"That's because I didn't want it to go to your head!" Anna said as she set a wash rag down on the counter and leaned towards her daughter.  "You always were a little cocky about what you could and couldn't do.  I don't have to worry about you now because Kakashi keeps you under control."

Sarah sputtered and her face turned red.  "Seriously?  Kakashi doesn't control nothing.  I just don't have to do everything myself."

Anna rolled her eyes, "Sure, hon.  Just keep telling yourself that.  Who was it that had to wait almost two years before they were allowed to work on their Ninjutsu again?"

"I'd rather not talk about that," Sarah groused.  "That was an ongoing fight that I'd rather not remember."

Anna looked at Melissa who was watching the interchange with barely contained humor.  "Kakashi was the best thing that could have happened to her.  Even Ben, god rest his soul, had no idea how to get her compliance without much of a fight."

Sarah face palmed.  "Mama... please... for the love of everything..." Anna laughed then grabbed her wash rag and moved into the back out of sight.  "I swear, she's gotten lippy since her and Teuchi got together.  And she always has that blasted smile on her face as she's doing it."

Melissa howled with laughter, earning a glare.  It took her a moment to stop laughing before she motioned for Sarah to continue with her story.

"Any ways... I was swept down the river and went over those three falls.  Girl, I thought I was dead for real when I went over that third fall.  It seemed like I fell forever and when I went under the water, I totally lost my direction.  If my feet hadn't hit the ground, I think I would have drowned for sure."  Sarah visibly shuddered.  "I managed to get my head above the water but I was all tapped out.  Then this man came along and pulled me out.  It was Kakashi."

"Oh my god... Were you stunned when you saw him?"

Sarah laughed, "I didn't know it was him.  I thought he was just some guy that pulled me out of the river.  You know how everyone was wearing masks and on one hand, I thought he really resembled Kakashi, I didn't process it because it was impossible... or so I thought.  But Kakashi knew exactly who I was."

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