The Return of Old Enemies

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Iruka was on his way back from the academy when he spotted Kakashi leaving the Hokage's building.  He called out his name and then hurried up to him.  He had one of his books in hand and looked almost like he was going to try to avoid talking to him.  He wasn't going to fall for that old ploy.

"Kakashi!  I wanted to ask you about-"

They both stilled as a wave of something dark and menacing fell over them.  They had both felt that once before during the Fourth War.  Neither were soon to forget those days or the feelings that ran with them.  Iruka looked up and could see Naruto had come out of his office onto the balcony that ran around the building.  He was illuminated in his full Kurama Sage chakra.  

In an instant all hell broke loose in the village as huge creatures of every kind of animal were suddenly summoned, levelling houses and buildings.  Kakashi immediately stashed his book and looked back at Iruka, "Sarah and Melissa are somewhere in the city with the kids.  If you find them, get them out of here and to the shelter."

Iruka nodded and ran in the opposite direction.  He palmed his Kunai as he saw multiple hostile parties appear, indiscriminately killing the citizens that stood in their way.  He leaped forward and started fighting them, while yelling for the citizens to go to the shelter.  There was so many of them, how did they get past the security shield around the village?

His heart was pumping as he drove a Kunai into the chest of one of the attackers, then round housed another.  His eyes were looking for Melissa and the others while evading and forging a path through the chaos.


Melissa screamed as the building in front of them suddenly exploded.  She stumbled back and almost fell as she looked up at a huge snake that had appeared out of nowhere.  She looked to Sarah and her mouth dropped open as her body had taken on a blue glow.  Her friend looked back at her with eyes that looked like blue fire.  Sarah grabbed both boys and dove to the side as the snake's tail whipped out towards them.  She narrowly escaped the hit that crashed through the building they were standing by. Melissa watched as a woman with black hair and eyes that glowed red landed in front of Sarah. The look that crossed her friend's face sent a chill down her spine.  Sarah pushed the boys behind her towards Melissa and threw her hands up as the woman balled what looked like a golden rasengan in front of her.

Melissa ran forward and grabbed both boys by the arms and pulled them out of the way just as the ball of energy slammed into Sarah who had thrown up what looked like a shield at the last second.  Sarah flew back and slammed hard into the building behind her.

"Sarah!" She screamed.

Sarah pushed out of the crater that had been created at her impact.  Her eyes narrowed and she spit some blood out of her mouth.  Melissa had never seen her look that angry before.  She ran towards the other woman, screaming the name "Jaylyn" as she engaged her in a fight that was almost mesmerizing to Melissa.

Sarah skidded hard against the ground and looked back at her after deflecting another bolt.  "Melissa, run now!  Head to the mountain!  Protect the boys!  I've got this bitch!"

Melissa nodded and started running in the direction she had ordered.  The snake's tale whipped out and slammed into the building above their heads.  She grabbed the boys close and tried to shield them from any debris that was falling.  She saw a pair of white shoes in front of her eyes and looked up.  The man in front of her gave her a toothy smile as he raised a sword high.

She squeezed her eyes shut as he swung down, drawing the boys closer to her.  She could feel them shaking in her grip.  However, the swing never came.  She looked up in surprise and saw Iruka standing between her and the man.  One hand was blocking the sword with a sword of his own, the other had embedded a Kunai in the attacker's chest.  Iruka shoved him back and turned towards her, extending his hand.

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