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Melissa stared at the ceiling in wordless wonder.  She had been well loved over the last three hours.  She could honestly say she had never had better sex than she had with Iruka.  She glanced down at her chest and felt a blush cover her face.  He had left love marks all over her breasts.  He had been obsessed with them once he got her fully naked.  Definitely a breast man.  She turned her head to where he had rolled off her a little while before and admired his body.  He was all muscle with a six pack.  His eyes were closed but a smile was playing on his lips.  Those lips...

She did not think she would ever get enough of him.  The pull in her heart startled her.  She had promised herself that she would never again allow a man to have hold over her heart.  It had been that reasoning that had her willing to explore multiple men.  Yet as she looked at him, she knew she was already doomed.  She had already decided that she could not date Yamato since Iruka had laid that first kiss on her.  Yet now she knew she would not be able to see anyone else because her heart was already attached to Iruka.

It scared the shit out of her.  

Melissa had no idea what kind of relationship Iruka had in mind.  They had fallen into bed with one another before even going on a real date.  What if she was just a bump buddy to him in the end?  Her heart would be broken, for sure.  Yet as he opened his eyes and leaned up on his arm to look at her, she was willing to take that chance.  She hesitantly ran her thumb over the scar across his nose.

"How did that happen?"

"You'll laugh." She raised a brow at him and a slight blush crossed his cheeks.  "I was four and one of my friends suggested we fight.  Instead of using the practice Kunai, I got my Dad's.  Well, long story short they accidentally cut me with it.  I got in so much trouble."

She chuckled, "And here I thought it happened during the Nine Tails."

"Nope, just a dumb kid messing around," he grinned.  "Speaking of kids... we should probably start heading back to your apartment."

Melissa grinned at him, "I hope this won't be the last time we come visit your place."

Iruka rolled out of bed, his long hair hanging down to his shoulders.  He winked at her while pulling his locks up and tying them off again.  "Oh you'll get more familiar here than your own place."

"Could we go check on Sarah and go by their place?  I need to get Max."

Iruka gave a nod, "Absolutely.  I'm sure Guy and Misti can handle the boys a little longer."

Melissa smiled then rolled out of the bed.  She grabbed her clothes and hurried to his bathroom to clean up fast and change back into her clothes.  He grabbed her on the way back out and gave her another hard kiss.  "I wish I didn't have to take you home."

"Mmm.  Yeah, I wouldn't mind just staying in with you for the rest of the day."

He gave a heavy sigh, "Duty though.  Perhaps you can stay over after the boys go back home."

"I'll hold you to that," she laughed.

"I'm sure you will," he grinned then swatted her on the butt.  "Alright, love, let's go."

Melissa felt her heart flip over at his way of calling her love.  Maybe it was more than just a good time.  She followed him out the door and almost laughed as he looked one way then the other before emerging with her.  He was ultra discreet.  It had probably been one of the few times he had brought a girl back here.  That made her smile a bit that he had taken the chance with her.

He took her hand in his own as they walked through the streets.  This time, he did not let go when he saw one of his students.  He just waved with his free hand and kept going.  She was amazed at the change in him.  They got a few glances from parents but no one stopped them on their way to the hospital.

Melissa felt nervous once they got directions to Sarah's room.  She wondered what kind of shape her friend was in.  She bit her lower lip in preparation as Iruka pushed open the door to the room and gently put his hand in the small of her back to guide her inside.  Kakashi glanced up from his book and both his brows shot up as he looked at them.

She ignored him, not sure what that was about as she turned her attention to Sarah.  She was very pale and it was the first time she had seen her looking that wrecked.  She had an oxygen mask on and her eyes were closed.  The part of her body that was visible was covered in dark bruises and splints were on a couple of her fingers.  Melissa winced then turned her attention back to Kakashi as she approached the bed.

"How is she?"

"Still very weak," he responded quietly.  "She was awake briefly earlier but not for long.  How are the boys?"

Iruka spoke up when she felt a blush cover her face, "Guy and Misti took them out to train.  They thought it might get their minds off their mother."

Kakashi raised a brow at him, "Really?  Guy came up with that idea?"

Iruka shifted on his feet slightly, "I might have suggested something like that to him."

Kakashi gave him a look then turned his eyes down to the book in his lap.  "Hmm."

Melissa moved close to Sarah's side and leaned down to whisper to her.  "Get better, Sarah.  I'll be by tomorrow to check on you again."

Sarah's eyes fluttered open as she started to pull away.  Her hand went around Melissa's wrist as she looked at her with those eyes that burned blue fire, "Be careful of the darkness...  Things are hidden in betrayal.  Do not leave his side or it will all burn."

"Sarah?" she gasped, not understanding the cryptic words at all.

Her friend's eyes abruptly closed once more and she once more was out of it.  Melissa looked over at Kakashi with wide eyes.  His expression mirrored her shock.

"What just happened?"

"Write down what she said," Kakashi responded intently.

Melissa grabbed a pad and pen on the table next to the bed and quickly wrote down what she had said word for word.  She then tore the page and gave it to Kakashi.  He looked at it for a long time before folding it up and putting it into the front pocket of his vest.

Kakashi raked his fingers through his hair and squeezed his eyes shut.  He looked like he was in pain and she realized that it was emotional.  It was killing him to see Sarah this way.  "You couldn't have done anything more than you did."

He looked up at her, "Two times now this woman has hurt her and both times I was unable to prevent her from getting injured."

"That is just life, Kakashi," Melissa responded.  "You did get there in time to keep her from being killed.  If you had not come when you did, she would be dead.  Don't look at what you couldn't do, look at what you did.  Without you practically staying right at her side twenty four seven, you won't always be able to be there."

Melissa moved around the bed to his side and wrapped her arms around him.  He shook slightly at the contact then looked up at her.  "Thank you."  He motioned for her to lean closer to whisper, "By the way, you might want to wear a scarf or something.  You have a love bite showing."

Crossing Over (#2 In Shifting Series)Where stories live. Discover now