Oh My...

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Melissa was having the best time talking with Naruto.  All of that energy he put forth was contagious.  It was for this reason she was shocked when she looked at the time and realized they had been talking for hours.  She glanced over to where Sarah had made a spot on the couch.  She was actually sleeping!  She had one arm slung over her eyes and the other was dangling off the side, there was even the faint sound of snoring coming from her lips.

Naruto followed her glanced and laughed, "She's getting to be too much like Kakashi Sensei!"  He looked at Melissa, "Are you any good with paperwork?"

"I had to do inventory and stuff like that at my last job," Melissa answered.

"How would you feel about working for me with Sarah on all of this paperwork?  I would also have you doing a few other projects for me too.  Kind of like an aide to me and Skikamaru."

"That would be great!" Melissa responded with a grin. "That sounds like a lot of fun!"

A knock on the door interrupted their conversation.  Naruto called for them to enter and Melissa stepped to the side to stay out of the way.  She looked towards the door and her mouth dropped open.  It was Yamato, a.k.a. Tenzo, and he was absolutely gorgeous.  His dark hair was thick and wavy, contained only by the metal headgear he wore.  His eyes were large and thickly framed with lashes, the kind women would fight over.  He was lightly bronzed all over from hours out in the sun and had muscles that rippled when he moved.  To say he was gorgeous was actually an understatement.

Did I drop into the land of sexy men, or did I drop into the land of sexy men?  Melissa thought to herself.

Yamato's dark eyes flickered towards her for a brief moment, a slight smile, before he turned his full attention to Naruto as he came to a stop.  He gave a slight bow of respect before speaking.

"Everything went well on the mission.  Here is the report," he spoke as he handed Naruto a sealed scroll.

"Thank you, I knew you'd take care of it quickly." Naruto said while opening the scroll and nodding at the contents before rolling it back up.  He shifted his attention to where Melissa was standing quietly.  "Yamato, this is Melissa.  She's from the same world that Sarah is from."

Yamato smiled and gave a nod of his head.  "Nice to meet you, Melissa. How did you get here?"

"Sarah," she motioned towards her sleeping friend.  "She brought me just in time too."

Naruto's eyebrows rose, "Oh?"

Melissa could have kicked herself.  She had not even told Sarah about that yet.  She could already feel her cheeks flushing with color.  "I was about to be arrested."

Yamato's brows rose at the words and Naruto's mouth dropped open.  "For what?"

"I punched my boss in the nose.  He got handsy one too many times," she answered with a nervous laugh. "I promise I won't ever punch you or Shikamaru."

Naruto laughed alongside Yamato who said, "Sounds like he needed it."  

Yamato then once more glanced to where Sarah was sleeping and raised a finger to his lips.  Melissa watched as he walked softly over there and loomed over her, putting on a facial expression he had used often on Naruto when trying to freak him out.  He then lightly tapped her on the head.  She flinched and opened her eyes.  She let out a small scream, almost falling on the floor.  She then scowled as she realized who it was before hitting him on his arm. 

"Damn it, Yamato!  Are you trying to get killed?"

Yamato laughed and dragged her over the back of the couch to hug her.  "It's good to see you.  Seems like ages since I've been out on missions so often here lately."

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