Catch That Bouquet

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Melissa could not remember the last time that she had laughed so much or had felt so loved as she did while sitting at their reception.  Everyone was in attendance that could be there and it was quite the party.  The only person who did not appear to be having that good of a time was Misti as she absently swirled a straw through her drink.  When she would look at her, she would give her a bright smile but Melissa was no dummy.  She was really down.

She shifted her eyes into the crowd and caught sight of Guy on the far side of the reception.  They were outside as the weather was perfect and with as many people as had been anticipated, it was the only place that would accommodate so many.  He didn't look quite as cheery as usual either.  What in the world happened in the Land of Sand?

She was going to have to grill Tiberius or Obito to find out... if either boy even noticed.  Speaking of Tiberius he was rolling in the dirt with his new puppy that would one day be a Ninja hound.  He was a mess already and his face was covered in dirt.  Most likely stuck to sugar from one of the three pieces of cake he had snagged.  Oh, Sarah was going to have her fun with him tonight.

Obito was sitting by the fountain and was watching everyone so closely she wondered what he was thinking.  Sometimes she wondered just how deeply the kid thought.  Iruka had told her that the kid was a genius on the same kind of level as Shikamaru.  That could be interesting once he was a teenager... unless he got like his predecessor and was lazy.  Not if she could help it.  His Auntie Lissa would prod him to always work hard and she doubted Kakashi would let him get away with it either.

As Melissa shifted her eyes back over to Misti again, she got an idea.  Perhaps she just needed a nudge that she wasn't going to be the only single one.  So what if her and Guy hadn't worked out, there were plenty of Shinobi in the village.  Perhaps she could start talking to someone normal... like Yamato.

Melissa looked over at Iruka, "I think it's time that I toss the bouquet and we slide out of here."

Iruka gave her a slow, sensual smile with his dark eyes darkening as he said softly, "Thank God, I want to get you out of that dress.  You're too gorgeous for words."

Melissa stood and walked around the table.  She was going to intentionally throw the bouquet to Misti.  She looked pointedly at her before saying, "All right single ladies.  Are you ready to catch this bouquet?"

Excited squeals followed while the girls all got together.  Melissa watched as Sarah tugged on Misti's arm and practically pushed her into the gaggle of women.  She looked back, taking note of her exact position before throwing it in a wide arch directly at her.  All of the women scrambled forward before a collective gasp went through the guests.

Might Guy had leaped over all of them and had caught it in mid-air, landing on one knee directly in front of Misti.  Her eyes were huge as she looked at him.  "Misti Ryell... I beg you, please marry me and make me the happiest Shinobi alive!"  He then shoved the bouquet into her hands.

"Guy Sensei!" Rock Lee howled from the guests, tears rolling down his face.  "That was beautiful!"  Guy flashed him a huge smile, teeth gleaming with a thumbs up.

Melissa and Sarah both dropped their jaws.  Kakashi was choking on a piece of cake he had unfortunately taken a bite out of just as the bouquet was thrown.  Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke and all the others were making horrified faces.  While the other single women were howling about why a man had snatched their chance that way.  Misti's face lit up like the sun as she looked at him.

"Yes, Guy, yes!  I will marry you..." A glint entered her eyes, "If you can catch me!"

She abruptly shoved him before making a mad dash, in heels and a dress no less, away.  Guy laughed loudly before jumping over tables in full pursuit of her.  It was the fastest that they had ever seen Guy run and that was saying something.  Guy laughed as the bouquet was thrown back at him like a weapon, which he easily caught in his pursuit.  Before they got too far out of view everyone watched as he tackled her into the dirt.  Their laughter reached all the guests as it was outrageously loud.  Of course, they were a rather outrageous couple.

Sarah and Melissa looked at each other before bursting into laughter.  They were both crying and holding each other up before they finally settled down.  They would all agree that Guy's proposal ended up being the highlight of the wedding.

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