Late Night Shenanigans

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Kakashi walked down the dark streets with his hands shoved into his pockets.  It was well after midnight and only a few places were even still open at that hour.  Mostly just the bars and convenience stores.  As he neared the Hokage's building, he spotted Iruka coming from the opposite direction.  He felt a small measure of relief, so it wasn't just Sarah that had not come home yet.

The two men stopped in front of the building in silence.  "Sarah hasn't come home yet either?" Iruka finally said, breaking the silence.

"No," Kakashi answered.  "What could they possibly be doing this late?"

"Melissa sent a message saying she was going to be late but no details," Iruka responded.

Kakashi frowned under his mask.  Sarah had not sent him any messages.  The two men turned and went up the steps together.  The Anbu standing outside turned to look at them.  "Is Sarah still inside?" Kakashi asked him.

"Yes, Lord Sixth," the operative answered.

He gave another sigh, thankful that they were still inside even though it was a ridiculous hour to be working.  Something must have happened.  He gave a nod then proceeded inside with Iruka at his heels.  As they reached the floor, they could hear music playing from Sarah's office and loud giggles of both women.  They glanced at each other before continuing forward.

Kakashi felt his mouth drop open as he opened the door and looked at the scene inside.  Several stacks of paper littered the room and in the center was Sarah and Melissa.  They were dancing... rather wobbly... and singing at the top of their lungs to the music that was coming out of Melissa's phone that was plugged into the wall.  Several empty bottles of Sake was off to the side of them and they were currently working on another.

Neither seemed to even notice that they were no longer alone. 

"Whoa... we're half way there... Oh, Oh... living on a prayer!" They were shouting to the music.

Iruka started laughing next to him while Kakashi covered his face with his hand.  They were both obviously plowed.  He had never encountered Sarah drunk before.  Both women stilled at the laugher and looked over.

"Whew... there is my sexy man..." Sarah said with a laugh.  "Damn... he's fine."

"Ha, mine is sexier," Melissa said while giving her a light shove that almost had Sarah falling into the wall.

Sarah smirked, "But can yours..." She whispered something in Melissa's ear.

Kakashi felt his face turn red under his mask, hearing her perfectly.  He was thankful Iruka didn't have his hearing or he would be even more embarrassed.  "Okay, I think you've had quite enough."

Sarah giggled as Kakashi went to grab her and she side stepped him with a rather sloppy Aikido move.  "Oh no, we're almost finished.  Just one more stack to go..."

Kakashi was not amused and moved so fast Melissa thought she was seeing things.  Sarah gave a squeal as he tossed her up over his shoulder and started going for the door.  His hand came down hard on her backside when she started to squirm.  Melissa shrieked with laughter watching her friend being dragged away.

Iruka grinned at her, "Did you have fun love?"

Melissa chuckled while tilting the bottle up to her lips.  She then waved her hands at the stacks of paper.  "I don't know... if.... this mess was fun... but we made the last few hours fun.  And we are almost finished... too bad we didn't quite get to that last one.  But... when the music hits with the drink... You gotta let loose."

Iruka chuckled and started towards her.  "Well I agree with Kakashi, I think you've had enough."

Melissa let out a small shriek when Iruka did the same to her that Kakashi had done to Sarah.  He then walked over to the phone and unplugged it.  He shut off the music and shoved it into his pants.  "Let's go home.  You can finish this tomorrow."

Melissa laughed as she hung upside down over his shoulder, "Oh Iruka... You really don't have to do this.  I can walk."

"I guarantee this will be faster," he chuckled.  "You're very drunk Melissa."

Melissa laughed and giggled as she hung over his shoulder on their way out of the building.  She raised her head as they left and gave the Anbu guard a drunken wave.  "Have a good night!" She howled at him.  Iruka gave her backside a swat.

"Behave yourself," he said with humor in his voice.

"Mmmm.... Iruka.... You know.... I do love you too..." 

He almost came to a stop then looked at her butt over his shoulder.  "Oh?"

"I just... I just.... Couldn't say it earlier.... Don't wanna get heart broken..."  Melissa started making noises that did not sound good as he turned a corner.  "Oh God, I'm going to be sick."

Iruka quickly swung her down, wrapped his hand through her hair to keep it back as she bent over and started vomiting violently.  She groaned when the last of her stomach contents spilled out into the street gutter.

"Oh... I don't feel so good now..." she groaned.

He swept her back up bridal style and started down the road again.  She snuggled her head against his chest, obviously drowsy.  "You're a good sport, Iruka.  Thank you for holding my hair."

Iruka couldn't help but grin as he looked down at her.  His heart was light.  She loved him.  She would probably regret saying it in the morning, but it was out.  Now, he just had to wait until she was not totally plastered to say it again.

Max met him at the gate as he opened it to go into the house.  The little dog yipped at him and he knew that the dog was concerned for his mistress.  "Don't worry, Max.  She's just drunk."  The dog made a snorting sound then quietly followed behind him into the house.  He kicked the door shut and turned the lock awkwardly before going into the bedroom.  He set her down sitting up and she was not helping him as he tried to get her out of her clothes.

"Mmm.  Iruka, I don't think I can have sex tonight."

"Don't worry, love, I'm just trying to get you comfortable."

He was able to get her out of her shirt, her bra off, and a t-shirt on her body before she flopped over and started snoring.  He would have laughed had he not thought it might wake her.  He pulled off each of her shoes next then her pants.  He pulled the cover back before transferring her under the blanket.  He smoothed her hair back from her face and gave her forehead a kiss.  The last thing he did was put a trash can next to the bed.  She would probably throw up again in the morning. He quickly got undressed, shut the lights off, then crawled into bed next to her.  He wrapped his arm around her stomach and nuzzled her neck from behind.  

"I love you, my wild girl."

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