Might Guy - The Blue Beast

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Iruka groaned at the sound.  If it was anyone other than Kakashi, he was going to kill them.  He reluctantly set Melissa back on her feet before heading to the door.  He grabbed a Kunai in hand as he approached and looked through the peep hole.  Damn it!  He scowled before opening the door with obvious irritation.

"Guy this is not-"

"Iruka!  I did not expect to find you here!" Might Guy exclaimed before laughing.  "Of course, Kakashi would have someone skilled watching his young and Melissa."

Iruka then noticed that Guy was not alone.  He shifted his glance to the woman beside him before Guy abruptly walked in without being invited.  She gave him a slight smile before following Guy in, her eyes looking at the other man with... admiration? What the hell?  He had never seen a woman look at Guy like that before!

Melissa seemed to recover first, "Guy, do you know anything about Sarah?"

"That is partially why I am here," he responded with a nod.  "Sarah is in recovery but she will probably be in the hospital for at least a week.  She is strong like the Lotus flower.  She will come back even stronger!"

"Oh thank God..." Melissa whispered.

She was starting to feel a little bit guilty.  Here she was making out with Iruka and her friend was badly injured in the hospital.  Although, she had a feeling Sarah would tell her to go for it.  She had momentarily forgotten all about her though...

"I'm assuming you know this lovely flower?" Guy said with a big smile.

Melissa looked at the woman.  She looked vaguely familiar but she was certain she had never met her.  The woman was giving her the same kind of look.

"No, never seen her before," they both said simultaneously, then started laughing.

"Interesting," Guy spoke.  "I assumed that since she was friends with Sarah, she would be friends with you too."

Melissa covered her mouth, "Oh no... Sarah did it again?  Her mother is going to kill her."

Misti laughed and stepped towards her, "You definitely know the family.  I'm Misti Ryell."

Melissa snapped her fingers, "Oh yeah!  Now I know why you kinda looked familiar but I didn't know who you were.  You're Sarah's oldest friend... the missionary!  I'm Melissa Warner!"

"Yes!  Sarah talked about you when we were face timing!"  Misti grinned, "Leave it to Sarah to grab her two favorite friends into her own fantasy."

 Melissa laughed came forward to embrace the other woman.  Misti hugged her back and the two laughed.  "Honestly, I have no idea about this place.  I don't watch or read Anime... honestly, I don't even have a tv or read.  Too boring.  I'd much rather be exercising."

Guy seemed to puff up at her words.  He then cast a glance to Melissa.  He put his hand on the back of his neck before saying, "Um, Melissa could I talk to you for a moment."

Melissa groaned inwardly, surely he wasn't going to ask about the date now?  She gave him a nod and motioned for him to follow her to the kitchen.  She felt her cheeks flush at the glare Iruka was sending to the back of Guy's head.

"I know a lot has gone on today but I realized..." he glanced back towards Misti, "that you and I won't actually be a good match.  I hope you understand if I back out of our date?"

Melissa barely managed to cover her reaction with a solemn nod.  "I think I can move on from that, Guy.  I appreciate your honesty."  She motioned towards Misti with her chin, not at all feeling guilty about trying to turn his attention to her.  "I think she might like you, Guy."

Might Guy perked up and flashed that brilliant smile of his again.  "You think so?"

She nodded and almost felt sorry for Misti, except when Guy started walking back towards her she caught an expression on the other woman's face that she might actually be interested in Guy after all.  She shook her head, to each their own.  Yikes.

"Kakashi thought that maybe Misti could stay with you for a little while until the village gets itself righted?  There will be a lot of homeless after todays incident and all the apartments that are still standing will fill up fast.  He said your place had two bedrooms?"

"Oh... of course!"  Melissa responded.

So much for finishing what her and Iruka started earlier.  He gave her an expression of chagrin from across the room.  Might Guy preened as he looked at Misti.  "Are you still interested in that challenge, Misti?"

"Absolutely," she responded.  "I have every intention on winning!"

Might Guy laughed loudly, "Excellent.  We might have to wait until the village gets cleaned up.  However... would you be interested in getting a tour of the village and having something to eat with me tomorrow?"

"I'd love that," Misti smiled up at him in adoration.

Melissa almost choked and she wasn't even drinking or eating.  Iruka's eyes got huge and he looked just as pained as she was feeling.  They both had to turn away as their bodies shook with laughter.

"Excellence!" Guy boomed with a smile that literally gleamed.  "I will come by tomorrow early in the morning!  I better go, there is a lot going on in the village that I can help with.  You all should be safe with Iruka watching over you."

Melissa almost wilted in the kitchen.  Not only had she gotten out of her date with Guy but she had no worries about his attention ever coming back her way.  Misti looked towards her with a gleam in her eyes after he shut the door behind him as he left.

"Oh my gosh.... I can't believe I met such a great guy!"  Misti squealed.  "Finally someone who can keep up with me!"

Melissa and Iruka could contain it no longer, they both started dying laughing.  Melissa had always thought Sarah was joking about her best friend but it was definitely true.  She was literally a female Guy.

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