I Might Kill Your Kid

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Melissa yawned as she pattered out into the living room.  She was very groggy and needed a strong cup of coffee to face the day.  She knew she probably looked like a wreck but she really didn't care.  The house was quiet in the early morning hours.  She was so used to getting up early, her body naturally woke her up by five.  

As she turned towards the kitchen, something swung down from the ceiling.  She let out a startled scream and fell back on her ass.  Ti laughed as he stood upside down on the ceiling, his little arms folded across his chest. A smug little smile on his face.  He looked like a miniature Kakashi without the mask.

"Good Morning, Auntie Lissa!" He hooted.

"That's it, kid, you're dead," she growled while coming back to her feet.

Tiberius howled with laugher and started running across the ceiling.  "You have to catch me first to kill me."

"You little..."

She ran after him, jumping to try to catch him.  He giggled, one big game for him.  The little brat, she was going to teach him a thing or two when she got her hands on him.  He was looking back at her and not paying attention when he tripped on a beam and started falling.  Melissa caught him before he hit the ground and then smirked down at him, while wrapping him tight in her arms.

"Now you're mine, boy," she whispered menacingly.

Tiberius gave a loud shriek that would have woken the dead.  Kakashi and Sarah came stumbling out of their room, looking ready to battle.  They both stopped and stared as Melissa was belly blowing their child and tickling him without mercy. Obito walked out of their room and watched for a moment before grinning and jumping on top of Melissa.

Now both boys were ganging up on her.  She shrieked as they started tickling her.  She would get hold of one and the other would come at her.  The three of them were laughing hard by the time they wore each other out.

"I surrender, I surrender..." Melissa finally called out. "Although you..." she pulled Tiberius closer, "you better not scare me like that again."

Tiberius giggled, "You're funny when you're mad, Auntie Lissa.  I like making you mad."

"I swear if you weren't Sarah's kid..." She chuckled.  "I feel sorta sorry for Iruka right now."

Obito crawled up in her lap and wrapped his arms around her neck.  He kissed her cheek, "I love you, Auntie Lissa.  This was fun!"

He was such a little sweetheart, it melted her heart.  She squeezed him tight and kissed his forehead.  "I love you too."  She then yanked Ti up to her and gave him a loud kiss on his cheek, to which he screamed like he was being murdered.  "And I love you, you little brat."

Sarah covered her mouth, trying hard to not laugh.  She was not sure what prompted the morning romp but she knew Tiberius must have been up to some nonsense.  Melissa normally was not herself until she had her morning cup of coffee.

Kakashi yawned and turned back to the bedroom.  They had stayed up late the night before and he had managed to get the information out of her about the group chat.  He could be very persuasive when he wanted to be.

Sarah walked into the room and grabbed Ti up into her arms.  She gave him a raised brow.  "Care to tell me what you did to poor Melissa?"

"Nope," Ti grinned.

"He scared the shit out of me is what happened," Melissa said as she got back to her feet.  "Little brat was on the ceiling and swung down right in front of me. I gotta tell you, I might just kill your kid one day."

Sarah laughed, "Ti that wasn't nice.  Why are you so fixated on harassing Melissa?"

Ti grinned and shrugged.  "It's funny when she's mad.  Her whole face gets red like a tomato!"

Melissa face palmed, knowing it would not be the last time he was going to harass her. How Sarah could have two opposites in children was amazing to her.  Obito was absolutely precious and sweet.  The kind of kid that you just wanted to cuddle.  Tiberius on the other had seemed to have endless energy and seemed to thrive off of causing chaos.

A knock at the door interrupted the conversation.  Kakashi came out of the bedroom fully dressed.  He went to the door and nodded his head to whoever was on the other side before shutting it once more.  He walked over to Melissa and handed her a thick envelope.

"It's from Naruto," Kakashi said before walking over to Sarah and plucking Tiberius out of her arms.  "You and I are having a talk."

Tiberius for the first time looked worried and Melissa could not help but grin before sticking her tongue out at him before Kakashi hauled him into the bedroom.

"So what is it?"  Sarah asked as she started to make both tea and coffee in the kitchen.

Melissa grinned as she dumped a key out into her hand, "Looks like Naruto got me a place of my own!"

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