A Journey to the Other Side

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Melissa was drifting along what felt like a current.  She felt complete peace as she drifted along.  She was not sure where she was in that moment but she did not really care either.  She knew that she had done what she had been called to do.  She believed that she had been brought to the land of Naruto for that very purpose.

She opened her eyes and looked around.  She was floating in the air, just above a beautiful open field of white flowers.  In the distance, a huge ice capped mountain loomed.  She had never seen one quite that large before in her life.  It was incredible and for a moment, she considered floating over to it just to see it more clearly.  Behind that mountain, she could see brilliant rays of golden light beaconing her towards it.

She then saw in the distance a little girl running through the flowers while laughing.  Behind her walked three men and a woman.  They were talking with one another and smiling as they watched the little girl in front of them.  As the child grew closer, she recognized her on sight.  She felt a twinge in her heart and a burning in her eyes.  Anaise.  Sarah's daughter that had passed away before she had ever got the chance to meet her.

Anaise paused only for a moment, plucking one of the white flowers between her small fingers before continuing towards her.  Her dark eyes were serene and a smile was on her face as she approached Melissa.

So she had died after all.

Anaise extended the flower to her and Melissa took it with a smile.  "Hello beautiful.  Thank you so much."

Anaise smiled, "You're Mama's friend Melissa right?"

"Yes, I am," Melissa answered.

"I've seen you having fun with Mama," Anaise said.  "Thank you for helping her to smile.  It hurt to see her in so much pain."

Melissa did not know what to say and by that time the three men and woman had approached.  She instantly recognized Ben, who was smiling with the same peaceful look in his eyes that his daughter carried.  She then recognized Sakumo Hatake.  It was hard to not notice him as so many of his features were like Kakashi's.  She was then surprised as she took in the last couple, who were holding hands with one another.  Kohari and Umino Ikkaku, Iruka's parents.

She was a little surprised.  She had always thought that when she died, it would be her family greeting her on the other side.  She was a bit confused and they all smiled, as if reading her thoughts.

"You're not dead yet, Melissa," Ben said softly.  "This is the valley before you reach the other side. On the other side of the mountain is the after life."

"Oh," Melissa answered, turning her gaze once more towards the light that beckoned her.

"It isn't your time," Sakumo then said, bringing her attention back to them.  "We wanted to give you messages for those we love."

"And we wanted to meet the woman our son loves so much," Iruka's mother said with a soft smile.

"And the mother of our grandchild," Iruka's father said with a laugh.

Melissa's mouth dropped open, "The mother of who..."

Iruka's parents laughed at her expression.  Ben gave her a look, "Tell Sarah that we love her and that we are happy she is finally at peace with a good man."

Anaise gave a nod of her head, "Yes, tell Mama that I love her.  Also, tell her to stop trying to get here too soon.  My brothers need her around for a long time."

Melissa nodded her head at the child, "I will do that."

"Tell Kakashi that his mother and I are very happy and at peace together now," Sakumo then said.  "Also, tell him to keep a tighter watch on Tiberius, he's going to get himself into trouble one day."

Melissa almost rolled her eyes.  Anyone could see that was coming.  Tiberius was such a brat now, she could not imagine what he would be like as a teenager.  She then looked at Iruka's parents and they smiled.

"Our only message to Iruka is that we are so proud of the man he has become," his father said.  "He will be a good father."

Melissa felt overwhelmed in all of their presence.  "I will make sure to tell them all that.  I know that they all love you so very much."

Sakumo then stepped forward and whispered one last thing into her ear.  She felt her eyes widen as she pulled back and looked at him.  He grinned and she could feel herself being pulled away from them.  They all raised their hands in farewell before she felt herself flying backwards.

"I got her!" Sakura was yelling.  "Sarah, get that portal open now.  We need to get her to the hospital immediately." 

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