Mission: Seduction Pt. 2

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Iruka could not believe how easy it had been to maneuver Guy into taking the boys with him and Misti for the day.  Then to have Guy make the suggestion that he take Melissa out on the town as if it was his own idea and not one that he had already planned.  He almost felt like rubbing his hands together, so great was his excitement as things fell into place.

His mind went over their word play earlier.  She was definitely receptive to him and it made him feel more confidence than he ever had in the past.  He almost chuckled as Misti was just as eager to go out with Guy and the boys to watch them train.  She even asked if Guy would train her too.  She had an almost endless energy it seemed.

Just to keep up the show, he followed Guy, Misti, and the boys out the door with Melissa in tow.  He almost considered waiting until they disappeared then getting her back in the now empty apartment.  Yet, he did not want any interruptions this time.  The apartment felt like an endless stream of people at this point and he would be damned if he got interrupted again.

He did slip his arm around her back lower back as he steered her off away from the building once outside.  He flexed his fingers against her soft side, loving the feel of her flesh beneath the shirt. They walked for a while before he spoke to her.

"So what would you like to see?"

"Whatever you want to show me," she responded with a mischievous grin, her blue-green eyes twinkling.

Iruka wondered if she had caught on to what he was up to.  She looked a little pleased as they walked through the busy streets.  Every so often he would have to relinquish his hold on her as he caught sight of one of his students.  She peered up at him after the third time.

"So... are you embarrassed to be seen with me or something?"

Iruka laughed softly and put one hand on the back of his neck.  "Not at all but I try not to let my personal life be known to the students."

"Oh," she said softly.  "You don't think they would understand you like someone?"

"It's not that," he responded.  "I just have a responsibility to always portray a certain image as a single man."

Melissa smiled at that.  "You really love them so much."

"They're like my own kids," he responded quietly.  "So yes... I do love each and every one of them as my own."

Melissa felt his hand slip inside her own as he pulled her in a new direction.  The shops started becoming further apart and it looked more like a residential district.  His eyes were looking around more intently as they continued on their way and she wondered what he was about.  He hesitated outside a small home with a white fence around it.  He glanced about before opening the gate and pulling her inside.


He grinned at her but was silent as he moved quickly up the front and unlocked the door.  Her brows went up as she realized it must be his place.  He tugged her inside then shut the door behind him.

"I hope you don't mind but I thought you might like to see my place?"

Melissa smiled at him, suddenly getting a clear picture that he was trying to get her alone.  She looked around the small home. It was very clean and had a scholarly feel about it.  There were several shelves filled with books.  She moved away from him but could feel his eyes on her as she walked around the room.  She touched the spine of one of the books.  He had so many different subjects on the shelf, she could see that he was a well-read man.  He had taken his role as a teacher very seriously.

She paused in front of a photograph on the wall and looked at it.  "Is this your parents?"

"Yes," he said so close behind her that she was surprised.  He had been so silent.

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