Rescuing Sasuke

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Melissa looked up as Sarah and Kakashi came back into view.  Iruka was idly rolling his thumb on her neck as they sat on the front porch and waited.  A loud boom had been heard only a few minutes before and both of them had exchanged a worried look - Sarah's powers were so unpredictable.  She was relieved as she saw her friend looking none the worse for wear but Kakashi looked like he had been cooked a little.

She gasped as she suddenly heard Sarah's thought in her mind.  They were so clear that she could hear nothing else and images started flashing past.

We're all going to die if we don't save Sasuke.  Only Sasuke and Naruto have a chance against this being.  Come on legs move faster!

Melissa was horrified as the image of what had Sarah in a panic filled her mind.  She didn't realize that Iruka was holding her arms, yelling what was wrong so focused on the images and words that were bringing horror to her soul.  Then she was abruptly released.

"Oh my god, Iruka...  This is bad, really really bad...."

Sarah yelled out to them, "We gotta get to Naruto now."

Her hands were moving in front of her, weaving fast signs that were almost impossible to follow.  Abruptly the air in front of them split open in a large doorway and on the other side they could see Naruto's office.  Iruka looked at Melissa hesitantly then the opening.  Teleportation?  She could do teleportation now?

Melissa gave Iruka a nod and the two of them jumped through the opening, followed by Sarah and Kakashi.  The look on Naruto's face as they suddenly appeared in his office was priceless.  He went into instant full mode as he caught the look on Sarah's face.

"What's happened?"

"Iruka figured out my Dojutsu..." She said while trying to catch her breath.  "Naruto, we got to get Sasuke right now.  He can't take this person on his own. Kaguya... It's one of her people.  Not about taking over this world.  Wants revenge against you, Sasuke, and the Leaf."

Naruto took a step back at the name before his cloaks seemed to burn brighter.  Sarah looked at Kakashi with an expression that spoke sadness.  "Forgive me," she whispered before shoving him back next to Iruka and Melissa. A barrier formed between them and her and Naruto.  She weaved signs fast and another opening appeared in the room.  "I can't lose you."

Sarah grabbed Naruto's arm and pulled them both through the opening that immediately closed behind them.

"Sarah!" Kakashi yelled before a litany of curses followed.

Melissa squeezed her eyes shut as he fell to his knees and pounded his fists against the floor.  Iruka grabbed her when she started towards him, shaking his head at her in warning.  Now was not the time to approach the Copy Ninja.  Melissa could still hear Sarah's thought in her mind just as she disappeared with Naruto.

We might not return from this.... 

Kakashi slowly got to his feet, his chakra was burning a bright purple in his hand as he stood.  "I'm going after them."

"I'll go with you," Iruka responded then looked at Melissa.  "Stay here until we return."

Melissa felt a chill roll over her and she gripped his arm tightly.  "No, I'm coming with you.  Sarah said something when she was in the hospital.  Be careful of the darkness... Things are hidden in betrayal.  Do not leave his side or it will all burn.  She was talking about you.  I know it.  If I don't go, everything will be destroyed."

Iruka was horrified at the thought of Melissa going with them.  He remembered all too well how powerful Kaguya had been and if this was another of her kind, their chances of returning alive were low.  Not to mention all of the other inmates that made up this new rivals group.

"Kakashi, summon your dogs," Melissa then said.  "Send them to Yamato, Sakura, Rock Lee, Sai, Kiba, Hinata, Shino, Shikamaru... all of them.  It will take all of us.  I know you want to leave immediately but we need as much strength as we can muster to defeat this thing.  Don't ask how I know, I just know.  Trust me as you trust Sarah."

Kakashi looked torn before he abruptly bit his finger, extended a scroll and summoned all of his Ninja Hounds.  He quickly relayed the message to them and instructed them to come with the group to hunt out the scent to the location.  He then looked at Melissa, "I do trust you."

Melissa felt warmth in her heart because the Copy Ninja did not trust easily.  They left the building behind and she questioned her sanity.  Was she really going to go into the middle of a battle without any real skills other than mind reading as her defense?  She had to be crazy but she was certain that she was meant to be there in the middle of everything.  She could feel that Iruka was not happy at all that she was coming.

He could be mad at her all he wanted.  She was not going to leave his side, no matter what!

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