Sarah's Dojutsu

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** Photo: Blue Fire Eye by nithilien on DeviantArt**

Kakashi stilled as he saw Sarah flinching in her sleep.  He quietly set his book down and leaned forward, resting his chin on the tips of his fingers.  It was not the first time he had seen her twitching like that when she was sleeping.  She had yet to fully wake up as her body healed.  He was still puzzling over the cryptic words she had spoken to Melissa earlier in the day.  He wished that they understood her abilities better.  While she had gained some mastery over them, the extent to what she could do was a mystery.  He had a feeling that the cryptic words were some kind of prophetic word but he could not comprehend what they meant.

The monitors at her side suddenly started beeping wildly and he came to his feet.  She was swinging in her sleep and the medics came running into the room.  She was taking on that blue cloak again and her eyes had flared open yet she did not appear to be looking at the room but something that no one could see.  The medics tried to hold her down as she was gasping for breath.

A blue dome suddenly blew out from her and had the medics flying back.  Kakashi went forward and wrapped his arms around her tight. "Wake up, Sarah, for the love of god, wake up!" He yelled into her ear, fully preparing for her to blast him back as she did the medics.  He could hear her speaking words that he did not understand, in a language that sounded old and ancient.  Then she suddenly went limp in his arms.

The medical devices went back to normal and everyone in the room looked shocked at what had happened.  Kakashi carefully set her back down on the bed and saw that her eyes were fully open for the first time, her natural eyes.  She blinked as she looked at him.


He almost cried and framed her face with his hands.  "I swear Sarah, you're going to be the death of me."

"The boys... Melissa..."

"They're fine, Sarah, absolutely fine.  Melissa and Misti are taking care of them.  I have Iruka guarding them while I'm with you."

Confusion crossed her features, "Misti?"

He laughed and pressed his forehead against hers.  "You did it again, Sarah.  You brought one of your crazy friends here."

"Oh no... I swear, I didn't mean to."

"I know, baby girl, I know." He kissed her forehead. "Do you remember anything?"

Sarah flinched slightly, "I remember the fight... And... I was having these really strange dreams and images I.. I can't think about it right now.  It hurts my head..."

"It's okay, don't right now."

She looked at the medics and was surprised that all of them were standing well away from her.  "What happened?"

"It doesn't matter right now," Kakashi answered giving the medics a warning look.  "Just relax.  You've been out of it for two days now."

"Kakashi... something bad is coming... I don't know if it's Jaylyn's group or something else but something bad is coming..."

"Sssh," he breathed against her forehead.  "Just rest for now."

"If it ever comes down between me or the boys... Save the boys..." She whispered.  "Please promise me."

Kakashi gritted his teeth, "Close your eyes Sarah... Don't think about it right now."

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