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**Artist name on picture**

Melissa was very warm as she drifted out of sleep.  A flicker of light would drift across her closed eyes then retreat once again.  She felt warm arms around her and she could not help but snuggle closer to the body next to her.  She smiled as she felt soft lips kissing the crook of her neck from behind and a strong, callused hand gently squeezing her upper thigh.  It was almost the same every day for the last two weeks.  Iruka rarely went home these days.  Now that the boys were gone, he did not have to stay around but he was almost permanently attached to her all the time.  It was only on the days that he had to go to work that he would be gone before she woke up.  Today was his off day and she was enjoying the early morning snuggle.  It was her day off too so they had the whole day to enjoy each other.

His lips were now trailing down her spine while his hand on her thigh was slipping around, squeezing in a way that was tantalizing. She could feel his teeth lightly nipping at her flesh and she gave a slight moan. He was a master at arousing her.  He ran his tongue lightly across the spot he had softly nipped and she shifted a little.  His arousal brushed against her backside.  His hand was now sliding up across her stomach before closing over her breast, kneading.  She sucked in a breath as his fingers expertly tweaked her nipples.

Iruka loved the feel of her breasts and loved the taste of her skin.  He could not get enough of her and when he would slide inside of her, pure heaven.  She would grip in so snugly that he felt as if she could milk every bit of him out.  He continued kissing, nipping, and licking her flesh.  Her little moans were like music to his ears, making him harder.  He reluctantly released her breast to slide down her stomach before finding the heat between her legs.  She arched back against him as he brushed her clit and started rubbing it the way she liked.  He slid his fingers lower and smiled against her skin as he felt the wetness waiting for him.  He began working his fingers in and out of her, flicking the clit with his thumb as he drove her crazy.

"Iruka..." she moaned as she arched back, his lips now sucking on the crook of her neck.

He slowly withdrew his fingers, despite her protest.  "Mmm, sweetness... Not yet."  

Iruka rolled her over to kiss her deeply, sliding his length between her folds in a teasing manner.  She tried to shift her hips and he grinned against her lips, capturing her wrists and holding them above her head for a moment as he slowly worked his way down to her breasts.  God he loved those breasts.  The series of love bites that ranged in coloring from when they were placed attested to that fact.  He sucked in one nipple deeply, flicking his tongue against it.  He then continued downward as she shifted restlessly beneath him.

Melissa groaned, she wanted him in her now but he was teasing her this morning.  She was going to die from the exquisite torture.  He was now sucking on the skin just above where she was dying at and she almost came off the bed.  He chuckled, "Not yet..."

"Iruka..." she begged. He finally released her wrists before lowering to press his mouth against her ache.  She almost came off the bed as he drank his fill.  "Holy shit...."  She grabbed his hair not knowing if she wanted to pull him off or keep him there as he worked her with his lips and tongue.  "Iruka!"

He abruptly pulled away and flipped her over.  He lifted her hips up before sliding himself into her to the hilt.  He slammed in and out of her hard, hitting her g-spot with precision.  She came undone but he was not done with her yet.  He slid one of his hands into her hair, pulling back to arch her while the other grabbed her breast.  His mouth was nipping and kissing her back as he rode her hard.

She groaned feeling that delicious tension building once more.  His groans making her even more excited as he thrust in and out of her. "You feel so good," he groaned.  "Moan for me baby girl, I want to hear you. Don't hold back."

Melissa had been biting her lip but now she did as he wanted.  "Mmm.  That's good." he said as his hands clinched her hips as he filled her even deeper as he spread her legs further.  She was so close that her moans were no longer quiet.  He suddenly pulled out, then flipped her over before sliding back into her from the front.  His weight was delicious as he captured her lips and began hitting her in a new way that was causing the tension to be almost unbareable.

Iruka raised up, his hands on either side of her face keeping her eyes locked with his own.  He was groaning as his body slapped against her own, creating that delicious music.  It was so intense to have his eyes looking into her own, his lips hovering against her own as they moved.  

"Melissa..." he groaned while looking into her eyes.  "I love you, Melissa."

The dam inside her broke at the words and she could feel his release fill her as well.  He collapsed on top of her, crushing her into the mattress.  She could still feel him twitching inside her as his words went through her mind over and over again.  He was stroking her sides as his breath rolled over her neck where his head rested next to her own.  He was shaking slightly, indicating how intense his release had been as well.  She ran her hands down his back, loving the feel of his tight skin which was slightly beaded with sweat from their morning romp.

Iruka had not meant to say it but when he was looking into her eyes, he knew it was true.  He could not stand a moment being apart from her.  Even when he was at work, his mind was constantly drifting away to her.  He kissed the side of her neck before slowly raising up on his elbow to look down at her.  Her blue-green eyes were wide as she looked at him and he smiled.  He knew that she was guarded and did not expect her to love him back.  At least, not yet.

"Move in with me," he said into the growing silence.


"Move in with me.  I don't want to go a single day without you with me."  Iruka responded softly.  "I love you, Melissa.  Share my home with me."

Melissa felt a measure of peace roll through her.  It was really soon in their relationship, but she felt as if it was the right time for them.  She did not like being separated from him either.  "Okay, I'll move in with you."

The smile he gave her was so beautiful that she was glad she had agreed.  She felt warmth in her heart knowing that he did love her.  She loved him too but she could not speak it yet.  Her past trauma's kept it buried inside her heart for now, scared that the peaceful world they had created would disappear and heartbreak would come.

Crossing Over (#2 In Shifting Series)Where stories live. Discover now