Iruka the Knight

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Melissa ran her finger over her lower lip.  She was still trying to process that kiss that Iruka had planted on her before running back to the village.  She had never felt that way from a kiss before and it was shaking her inside.  Obito was in her lap and had fallen asleep against her chest after crying himself to sleep.  Tiberius was sitting silently next to her, not moving.  He was unusually still and it was starting to worry her.  He had not cried like Obito but rather had gone silent.  He looked shell shocked.  It was a lot for a three year old child to process.

She hesitantly lowered her hand to the top of his head and smoothed back his silver hair from his face.  He looked up at her finally and then turned his face into her side as his little arms went around her.  She realized after a few moments that he was finally crying.

"Is Mama dead?"

"No, no..." she said while wrapping her arm around him.  "Your Mama is a tough lady.  She'll be okay."

Melissa silently prayed she was not giving the child false hope.  That woman that had appeared was very powerful.  It had not taken a genius to see that in the short period of time she had witnessed the clash between her and Sarah.  She was shaken by just how strong her friend had been though as well.  She did not know what kind of Jutsu her friend possessed but she had never seen the like on the show.

She looked at the faces that were all huddled in the shelter.  Everyone had a terrified look about them.  They had not seen this kind of violence in many years and it showed.  She closed her eyes and squeezed the little boy next to her.  She was scared for Iruka.  What if he didn't come back?  She could still see him as he protected her over and over again on the way to the shelter.  He was like a knight that had appeared in the middle of a nightmare.  His entire focus had been to shelter her and the boys.

And then that kiss....

Melissa did not think she would ever forget that kiss.  It had been raw and filled with promise.  She realized in an instant that she could not date any of the other two men now.  Not after getting that kiss.  It would just be... wrong?  Was she seriously considering having a serious relationship with Iruka?  She had always admired him because of his passion for the kids and the way he had basically been a father to Naruto.  In truth, there was not a lot known about the man though.  His character was one of the most pivotal on the show, yet the screen time did not give a whole lot of details about him.

She was still processing in her head when murmurs started rolling through the others.  She then heard that Naruto had drove the invaders out of the village and that they were now safe to return to the village.  She stayed sitting, not sure how she was going to get up with Obito in her lap and Tiberius clutching her side so tightly.

Iruka was suddenly there and kneeling down in front of her.  He gave her a smile and her heart melted.  She could feel warmth go to her cheeks as she remembered that kiss again.  She then saw that his arm was bleeding and she gasped.

"Iruka, you're injured!"

He glanced over at it then shrugged, "It's nothing.  Might not even need stitches.  Are you okay?"

She blinked.  Never had a man cared about whether she was okay or not.  They had always just been focused upon themselves.  Iruka on the other hand did not care about the wound to his arm, his whole focus was on whether she was doing well.  It was mind blowing to her.

"Yes, thanks to you," she responded with a smile.

"Kakashi is at the hospital with Sarah.  She was injured but I don't know how bad.  He asked that I watch over you all for now."

"We can go back to my place," she said softly.  "If it's still standing that is."

Iruka gave a nod, "I know where it is."  He ruffled Tiberius' hair, "How are you doing kid?"

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