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Sarah opened her eyes as her door slowly opened.  She was surprised as she saw Gaara walk in with Naruto.  She had met him only once since she had come to the Leaf and then it had been just a coincidence as she had accidently interrupted a meeting between the two leaders.  She could not lie, he intimidated the hell out of her.  He no longer held the demon spirit inside of him but he was intense at all times.

Naruto gave her a smile she recognized as trying to put her at ease.  She could read him so easily, having watched him so intently on the show.  "Naruto... Gaara...  What is wrong?"

Naruto came beside her and sat down.  "I'll wait until Kakashi is here.  How are you feeling, Auntie?"

"Like an Uchiha beat my ass again," she chuckled.  "Why are they so rough?"

Naruto chuckled and grinned at her.  "I ask myself that all the time."

"Is Sasuke still gone?"

"Yeah," Naruto frowned.  "He has barely spent any time with Sarada since she was born.  I didn't think he would leave like that but..."

Sarah nodded and closed her eyes for a moment, feeling tired.  "I should have hit him harder when he was training me.  Not cool at all.  I don't understand him, Naruto.  I never did."  She shifted her eyes towards Gaara, "Since you are here, I can only assume this won't be a pleasant meeting.  It's not often the Kazekage makes his presence."

Gaara gave only a flicker of a smile but remained silent.  Kakashi arrived a moment later with the two boys.  Misti came in a moment later followed by Guy.  Misti ran to her side and clasped her tightly, "I'm so thankful you are alive!"

Sarah felt her eyes burn.  Misti was her oldest and dearest friend.  They were more like sisters.  They had fought and made up at least a dozen times through the years but they had never lost contact completely.  "I'm sorry I pulled you here... I didn't mean to..."

"No, I'm glad you did!  I love it here!" She said with a glance back towards Guy before lowering her voice, "And girl... you see that Blue Beast over there... I'm gonna marry him eventually."

Sarah almost choked at the words and she could hear Kakashi suddenly coughing as well.  He would be the only person in the room with hearing so precise that he could have heard her words.  "Seriously? Guy?"

Misti wiggled her eyebrows before pulling away from her.  She blushed slightly as she noticed Naruto and Gaara in the room for the first time.  "Hi, I'm Misti!  Who are you guys?"

Sarah laughed at the looks that crossed their faces.  Little did Misti know that these were two of the most powerful men in this universe.

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki, Hokage of the Leaf.  This is Gaara, the Lord Kazekage of the Sand."

She smiled at them, completely oblivious as to what that meant.  "Nice to meet you both."

Naruto looked at Sarah who had both boys up in her bed at this point.  Both of them were clinging to her despite Kakashi trying to get them both down.  She waved him away and gave Naruto her full attention.

"Kakashi told me about what you said earlier.  You also probably don't remember it but you said a few other things that brings us some alarm while you were out of it.  Your Dojutsu was activated when these things happened."  Naruto looked back at Gaara, "We think until we figure out where Jaylyn Uchiha and her group are at that we should send the boys to the Land of Sand for their protection.  Guy and Misti will go with them to watch over them while they are there.  There is no doubt that Jaylyn has a personal vendetta to settle with you and Kakashi."

Sarah closed her eyes and tightened her grip on the boys.  It was going to kill her to be separated from them but she knew it was safer for them to be with Gaara and far from the Leaf for the time being.  "Okay, I understand."  She looked at Misti, "I know you will watch over them as I would.  Thank you."

Misti nodded, "Guy has been showing me a few things.  Before you know it, I'll be in full fighting mode."

Sarah didn't doubt that at all.  She smiled at her, her eyes burning.  "Be careful, Misti."  She gave Guy a hard look. "Watch out for her as if she is your own."

"Have no fear, Sarah, the Blue Beast protects those in his charge!" He then gave her a thumbs up and she swore his teeth gleamed.

Sarah looked at Gaara, "Thank you, Lord Kazekage."

He inclined his head.  She leaned down and kissed both boys on the head.  "Now I want you both to be good for Misti and you keep getting stronger.  You start the Academy in a few months and I want you to be able to kick some butt when you get there."

Obito and Tiberius gave her cheeky smiles but their eyes were watery as they said their good-byes.  Misti scooped them both up and followed Gaara and Guy out of the room.  Sarah had a feeling she was in for a wild ride.  She waited until Naruto also left before narrowing her eyes on her husband.

"You did that because of what I asked, didn't you?"

Kakashi raised his brows at her.  "I did it because Jaylyn will go after them.  They'll be safe with Gaara and no one will know where they are since they're leaving in the night."  He sighed heavily and sunk into the chair.  "I can't be distracted like that.  If I had my way, I'd send you away too."

Sarah closed her eyes and lay back in the bed.  "I should have killed that bitch.  She's really getting to be a pain in the ass."

Crossing Over (#2 In Shifting Series)Where stories live. Discover now