Melissa's Awakening

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Iruka abruptly rolled with Melissa and thrust her behind him as he came to his feet.  His hands weaved signs and a barrier suddenly appeared in front of them as a ball of fire leaped towards them.  The fire crashed against the barrier but it held.  He narrowed his eyes and stretched out with his mind, seeing in a moment how many of the enemy was around them.  Too many.  He counted at least five within a twenty foot radius.

Melissa felt somewhat helpless as Iruka pulled a sword out and looked back at her.  "Stay behind me and don't engage, no matter what happens."  She nodded wordlessly and moved behind a tree as she watched the barrier being battered by several hits.  As it fell he leaped into the air, swinging the sword at the first attacker.  Her heart was pounding as she watched him move.  He was so skilled.

She felt a ripple of energy roll over her and voices in her mind.  So many voices that she covered her ears, trying to block them out.  She was shocked as she realized it was her team as well as the enemies thoughts crowding and falling all over her.  It was overwhelming and for a moment, she lost track of Iruka as she tried to slowly drown them out.

Melissa looked to the sky as she suddenly could hear the creature that was fighting Naruto.  They were lobbing powerful blows on one another, streaking back and forth in a dizzying display.  As she narrowed her eyes on the beast from hell, she could feel her mind sliding into his.  In that same instant, she watched as he suddenly was distracted and Naruto slammed him with a hit that flipped him end over end to crash hard into the mountain.

Her eyes widened and she started laughing.  THAT WAS IT!!  Now she understood what it was that she needed to do!

Only a sliver of warning came, causing her to twist to the side.  A series of shuriken slammed into the tree where she had been hiding behind.  She stumbled around the tree and Iruka abruptly grabbed her and started running in the opposite direction.  

"Iruka!  I know what I'm supposed to do!"

He tackled her and rolled as fire balls erupted around them, setting the trees on fire.  "That's good love but we got immediate problems right now!"

"You got to get me to where I can watch Naruto and that creature fighting!"

"Don't ask for much, do you love?" He responded with a grin as he pulled her back to her feet.

Iruka set her behind himself once more and started weaving signs.  His eyes became intense as he looked at the two men right on their tales.  She felt a vibration in the air and both men suddenly stopped moving, dumbfounded looks on their faces.

"What did you-"

"I put them in a Genjutsu," he explained before taking her hand again and weaving through the trees.  "It won't hold them long but it might give us enough time to get to where we need to be."


Shortly before...

Naruto looked back at Sarah and Sasuke,  "Get him out of here now!"

Sarah started weaving her hands together fast as Sasuke leaned heavily against her.  In that same moment, a brilliant light filled the cavern as if it was daytime.  Naruto started sending flying Rasengan's in all directions and through the stone she saw the creature that had been in her mind step through as if the stone was nothing more than water.  The portal opened as she focused her mind on Sakura.  She shifted her grip on Sasuke and spun with him, throwing him through the opening using her Aikido for leverage.

She could not leave Naruto behind even if she was not match for the being.  She could not fight him and win but perhaps she could distract him enough for Naruto to get in a few good licks before she could open another portal for them both.

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