Mission: Seduction Pt. 1

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**Photo by RISE Design Studio**

Melissa yawned as Tiberius and Obito shoved on her to get up.  She really did not like mornings.  She had slept hard, though.  It was the first time in a long while that she had slept that deep.  It had to be because of Iruka.  There was a great comfort in knowing he was within shouting distance.  Her mind went back to the day before and she shuddered.  She had never seen anything like that before in her life and she had lived a crazy life.  She had almost died and if it had not been for Iruka, she would not be in the cozy bed she was right now.

"Auntie Lissa, get up!" Tiberius and Obito howled.  "We're hungry!"

"Okay, okay... I'm moving..." she muttered while throwing the blanket off her body.

"Finally," Tiberius said before running out of the room with his brother.

"Y'all be quiet if Iruka is still sleeping!"

She could only imagine what she looked like as she walked out of the bedroom.  Unfortunately, it would be impossible to put herself together before Iruka saw her because both boys would be too wound until she fed them.  Also, the bathroom was not connected to her bedroom.  She rubbed the sleep from her eyes then looked towards the couch.  It was empty.  She then turned her eyes to the kitchen and her mouth dropped open slightly as Iruka was cooking.  He even had an apron on and she almost laughed at how domesticated he appeared.

He sent her a smile, "Good morning sleepy head."

Obito and Tiberius were on either side of him looking at the food he was cooking with faces that were almost comical.  She half expected them to start drooling.

"I got the kids if you want to get cleaned up," he then said with his attention on what he was cooking.  "By the time you're done, I'll have you something all made up."

"Just so long as there is coffee I'll survive," she grinned in thanks.

Melissa went back into the bedroom, found one of the new outfits she had bought, then went back out and meekly went into the bathroom.  She wasn't sure if she looked hideous and that is why he had told her to get cleaned up or if he was just in tune with her desire to look nice around him.

Iruka glanced down at the two boy as he finished the first omelet he was making.  It reminded him of Naruto when he was a kid and he would buy him Ramen.  They had the same expressions on their faces.  He cut the omelet in half and put the two parts on two plates.  "Okay, boys, go sit at the table and I'll bring it to you."

They both almost ran to the table and ended up fighting over one chair before Obito was forced to relinquish the chair and go to the next one.  Tiberius was just too good with his hands.  Iruka shook his head, wondering what they would be like after a year at the Academy.  His observations was that Tiberius was very skilled in Chakra control for his age and was faster in his movements than Obito.  Obito on the other hand had a very sharp mind.  He doubted a normal three year old would have fully understood the conversation they had the night before.  He reminded him a little of Shikamaru in intelligence.  He would have to test him to see exactly just what kind of level of intelligence he actually possessed.  The last thing he wanted was for him to fall behind like Shikamaru did because he was bored.

He walked over and put the plates in front of the boy then went back to the kitchen and got them both a glass of milk.  Half of their omelets were already gone by the time he put the milk in front of them.  Little wolves.  He laughed softly before turning back to the kitchen to start on Melissa's omelet.

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