Into Hell

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Naruto was frowning at her as they appeared into a dark cavern that appeared to be empty.  His glow gave light to the otherwise dark place.  Sarah narrowed her eyes against the darkness, her blue glow joining his golden.  She kept her voice low before she spoke to Naruto.

"Sasuke is near... I kept my mind on him when opening the portal," she spoke softly.

"Why did you do that?" Naruto asked her.

"Kakashi can't help us now," Sarah responded.  "This threat is something only you and Sasuke together can defeat.  The less distractions here, the better. And... he saw me.  He knows that I know and he'll be waiting for us."

Naruto gave a grim nod before they started cautiously down the pathway.  Sarah grabbed his wrist for a moment.

"The most important thing is getting Sasuke out of here.  If anything starts to go south, don't try to help me.  That is the other reason I wouldn't allow Kakashi to come."

"I never leave a team mate behind," Naruto responded.  "And don't argue with me or I'll blast you back to the village myself right now."

Sarah's eyes widened then she felt some humor as he gave that grin he always had when making proclamations.  She loved this kid.  They both felt the presence at the same time and moved into cover as they watched what they assumed was a guard talking to someone.  It had to be Sasuke in there.  Naruto closed his eyes for a moment before giving a nod to her and he came out of hiding with a flying Rasengan.  The guard saw it a moment too late.

Naruto stood guard as she rummaged through his clothes and found the key to the cell in the rock.  She had no idea what kind of shape he would be in because she had not heard a sound coming from that room.  She unlocked the cage and swept the room with her Dojutsu.  She grimaced as she saw him in the far corner.  He looked like he was almost dead, multiple wounds all over his body.  She went to him and one of his eyes opened to look at her.

"Sensei... we're getting you out of here," she whispered while trying to hook an arm under him.


She gave a heavy sigh, "Yes, I assumed as much.  We're still getting you out of here."

"You're as crazy as Naruto," he managed to say just before all hell broke loose.


Melissa leaned forward as she rode on the back of the giant, ink bird that Sai had created.  The wind was whipping through her hair and she loved the exhilaration of flying so high above the earth on the back of a bird.  She probably should not have been so excited since they were most likely flying to their doom but she basked in that moment.  She felt Iruka's face lean close to her own from behind.

"I still don't think this is a good idea," he said softly.  "If we... survive this, will you marry me?"

Melissa turned her head around so fast she almost hit him the nose.  His dark eyes were intently looking into her own as he waited for an answer.  "Are you asking me to marry you on the back of a bird, Iruka Umino?"

Iruka chuckled softly, "Yes, in fact, I am.  Not exactly how I had thought about doing it but..."

She kissed him before he could say any more.  "Yes, I will marry you."

Love birds, Sakura's voice rippled in her mind from their right. Now really isn't the time for that.

Melissa blushed as she looked over at the young woman. Being able to hear thoughts was becoming almost normal and she was shocked at how easily it was coming to her.  In this case she had not even tried to hear. Fear was quite evident in the way that Sakura's eyes were slightly narrowed and her mouth pinched.  It was her husband after all that was in trouble at the moment.  If Sarah had taken the time to think through a plan, instead of charging ahead, she would have done well to grab Sakura before heading off.  If they had already captured Sasuke, he was most likely going to need medical attention.

Melissa could not imagine anyone getting the best of Sasuke.  There was no doubt in anyone's mind that him and Naruto were the most powerful of all Shinobi.   Kakashi was in the lead of the group with Sai and she felt some compassion for him.  He was doing a good job at hiding it but he was about ripped apart.  She could hear his thoughts in his mind.  He was both furious at Sarah for leaving him behind but also terrified that he would not see her again.  She felt her lips twitch a little as she heard, This is why I sent the boys away.  You were supposed to stay beside me, not go running blindly into the darkness.  Damn it, Sarah.

Melissa broke contact with his mind.  If they all survived this, she had a feeling her friend was going to be in a world of hurt by the time her husband got ahold of her.  She was still trying to understand what she could possibly do in the situation they were in.  Why did she have to stay with Iruka?  Why was she so important that her friend spoke such a prophecy over her?

She shook her thoughts away as the bird started pitching downward to the earth.  Iruka's arms around her waist tightened as they made their descent.  She gasped when abruptly one side of the mountain suddenly exploded outward.  She could see Naruto's form flying back through the sky, flipping end over end.  Then she saw him... the white devil with the white eyes.  He was flying after Naruto as the two grappled in the air for control.  It was unreal watching that battle in the air.  But where was Sasuke?  Or.... Sarah?

Melissa did not have time to think about it as the bird beneath her suddenly disappeared, having been hit by something coming from the ground below.  Iruka gripped her tightly with one arm and twisted them in the air.  In his other hand he held a Kunai and sunk it into the bark of a tree as they raced to the ground below.  The Kunai ripped through the bark under their weight but they did slow enough that when they hit the bottom it was just a mild jarring.

There was no time to breath as they were set upon almost immediately.

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