New Starts

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Melissa took a deep breath before unlocking the apartment.  It was in a good neighborhood according to Sarah.  She was still nervous and it did not help that little hands were clutching her pants.  Obito was getting a bit attached to her.  Kakashi had a meeting so they had to bring the boys with them.

She turned the key in the lock and sucked in her breath.  Wow.  It was gorgeous and bigger than she had expected after Sarah described her first place.  The two boys ran ahead of her and started running all over the apartment.

Sarah gaped at the place.  "I'm starting to feel like I got the shaft when I got here!"

Melissa squealed before going into the place.  "I can't believe this is all mine!  What a great place!  And look at that view!"  She immediately went to the large balcony and opened the doors.  She could see most of Konoha as well as the mountain faces.  There was an adequately sized kitchen and as she turned into the bedroom, she gave another squeal.  A second balcony was there with a completely different view of Konoha.

Everything looks so fresh and new.  She was amazed at her good fortune.  Sarah was standing by the kitchen with her arms crossed in front of her.  Her lips were twitching as Melissa came back out of the bedroom.  She motioned towards some flowers that were sitting in the middle of the counter.

Melissa eyed her before walking over to them.  She plucked the card off and felt her mouth drop as she read the script inside.

For the bright flower of youth, looking forward to our date. ~ Might Guy

"How did he..."

Sarah smirked a little and covered her mouth.  "I didn't want to say anything but Might Guy's place isn't that far from here."

Melissa groaned and sat down hard on one of the benches.  She smelled the flowers and had to smile at the fragrant scent.  "Well, I'll give Might Guy this, he does know how to charm a lady... even if he's a bit over the top."  She looked at Sarah, "So how far in over my head am I in now?"

"Well... when I got here, Guy followed me everywhere.  I thought he was just being friendly up until he did to me what he did to you.  Kakashi and I had been sneaking around for quite a while by then.  Kakashi made a rather large spectacle out of us when Guy was ignoring his command to leave me alone.  That's actually how the village found out about us."

Melissa gaped at her, "That was a detail you left out."

"That's because I'm still a bit embarrassed about it," Sarah chuckled.  "I think you can expect Guy to be on your heels for a while."

"Hmm," Melissa said as she looked at the flowers.  "He does have good taste in flowers though.  This is a bit sweet.... a little creepy he got in here... but still sweet."

"These Shinobi can get in just about anywhere they want if they have a mind to," Sarah responded. "I wonder if Guy got this place worked out for you because I'm suddenly feeling like the red headed step child.  My whole apartment was literally the size of your living room."

Melissa laughed, "I'm not complaining if he did.  I mean... wow.  This is one of the nicest places I've ever lived in and it's completely furnished.  The only thing I need is to buy food and cleaning supplies."

"So... What are you going to do about Guy?"

Melissa thought for a moment, "I'm not sure.  Maybe I'll give him a chance?  I mean... we are talking about loads of energy... can you imagine for a moment-"

"NO!" Sarah said horrified. "I don't even..."

Melissa laughed at her reaction and punch her lightly in the arm.  "Naruto gave me some money too.  Let's go get me stocked up on some groceries.... Ti!!!  Get off the ceiling!"

Sarah looked up and shook her head.  Ever since her son figured out how to use his chakra in his feet he was literally everywhere.  "Now, Ti!"

"Aw man, but it's so much higher than our place!"

"Ti now!"

Tiberius scowled before dropping lightly to his feet.  Sarah rubbed her temples.  "I'm glad they are going to the Academy soon.  He'll hopefully get so worn out he won't be such a handful.  I swear, Kakashi is the only one he fears."

"Hmm, he's definitely not like Kakashi was when he was a kid.  Skilled, yes, but... the personality.."

Sarah groaned, "He looks like his father but he's just like I was as a kid. Which is scary because I was always jumping head first into things. Obito is the one that got Kakashi's personality.  I swear, Ti is my mom's 'I hope you have one twice as bad as you are' curse."

"So you're to blame for that?" Melissa said with a smirk.  "Then you probably earned it."

Sarah face palmed then started for the door.  "All right, lets go get some shopping done."

Two hours later, they were making their way back to Melissa's new apartment.  Melissa smiled as she watched the boys.  They were both carrying a bag each and were behaving for the moment.  It was hard to get into trouble with your hands full.  Score one to Sarah.

Sarah suddenly started slowing down and looked around.  An expression she had never seen before crossed her friend's face.

"Something is wrong..." she said softly.

Crossing Over (#2 In Shifting Series)Where stories live. Discover now