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**This song has been used sooooo many times on TikToc for Kakashi that I had to put a scene in here with it. LOL.**

Melissa was watching Kakashi and Iruka from the corner of her eye as they were discussing the twins and the Academy.  Iruka was definitely passionate about the Academy and his students as he made his case to Kakashi.  So far it did not look like Kakashi was going to give in.  Sarah was nervously biting her lower lip as she cooked their meal and watched the discussion.

"We need some music," Melissa announced to her while chopping up an onion.

She reached into her pocket and pulled her phone out.  Sarah raised her brows as she turned her attention to her friend.  "Ooooh, you have a working phone!  Mine got destroyed in the river and the techs have been fiddling with it ever since trying to reverse engineer it."

Melissa grinned at her as she found the song she wanted to play.  "I bet you haven't heard this one in a long time."

Sarah's mouth dropped open as the beats suddenly filled the room.  It even halted the debate in the other room.  "Oh... no... not Rasputin!"

Melissa laughed and hooked her arm while starting to dance to the song.  "Come on, girl, this song was used so many times for your man."

Sarah was reluctant because both men were now watching but she couldn't help but join in.  The two of them had danced around laughing to the song so many times in the past it only seemed natural to break out in dancing and singing.

"There lived a certain man in Russia long ago... He was big and strong, in his eyes a flaming glow Most people looked at him with terror and with fear But to Moscow chicks he was such a lovely dear He could preach the bible like a preacher Full of ecstacy and fire But he also was the kind of teacher..."

Kakashi's mouth was hanging open as he watched his wife and Melissa.  He had never seen her having quite that much fun with another woman before since she had come here.  He chuckled a little when she pointed at him while singing "He was big and strong, in his eyes a flaming glow..."  The two bumped hips with each other before dancing around in a circle.  The song was not one he had ever heard before but the two of them were laughing as they danced and cooked the food.

Iruka was quiet beside him, watching with humor at the unrestrained display they were showing.  He smiled and absently rubbed his chin between his thumb and forefinger.  His eyes were on Melissa, clearly she was having a good time.  He suspected there was a hidden message and teasing on her part with Sarah that he did not know about.  

Melissa was laughing hard with Sarah as the song came to a close.  She stopped the next song from coming on.  "Oh man, we haven't done that in a long time."

Sarah wiped at her eyes that had teared up from her laughter, "Oh my, it has been a while since I even thought about that song.  So many videos.  We sure did have a good time didn't we?"

"Hmm and to think... you caught him.  It's probably a good thing since we both had wanted him at one time that you got to him first," Melissa whispered.

Sarah shushed her, "The man can hear you even if you whisper.  He's got freaky good hearing."

Melissa laughed and went back to chopping up vegetables.  "Don't worry, I don't anymore.  I've got my eyes elsewhere."  She lowered her voice again as the two men started talking once more, "By the way, you were right."

"Hmm? Which time?"

"Your Mom is right, sometimes you are cocky." Melissa rolled her eyes.  "About Iruka.  He asked me out on the way here."

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