Misti and Guy

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Melissa was mortified as she left the hospital.  She had only to look in the mirror to see the dark purple mark on the left side of her neck.  She was holding her hand over it as they went down the street, her eyes looking for anyone selling a scarf.  Iruka had one hand on the back of his neck, his face a bit flushed.

"Um, sorry?"

"How did you not see that before we left your place?" She accused him.

"Honestly I was looking at your breasts and ass.  Not your neck."

She looked at him and groaned.  "Iruka, everyone that saw us earlier now knows.  That includes several of your students and parents."

Iruka gave a heavy sigh, "So be it.  Nothing can be done about it now."  He tilted his head to the side, "Is it really that bad that people know about us?"

Her brows rose up as she looked at him, "I'm not the one that was trying to avoid that."

She spotted a seller that had some scarfs, grabbed one and quickly paid for it.  She wrapped it around her neck and secured it into place before giving a long sigh of relief.  "At least Guy and Misti won't see it... yet.  I think Misti will keep her mouth shut when she does later."

Iruka laughed at her expression.  "Hmm. Well maybe we should make it a little more official."

She looked at him, "W-What?"

Iruka draped his arm across her shoulder and pulled her up along his side as they continued down the street, drawing a lot of stares.  "Instead of sneaking around, maybe it's time for Iruka Umino to have an official girl.  What do you say?"

Melissa felt her mouth drop open.  "Are you serious?"

"I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it," he responded.  "I'm getting too old for sneaking around and I think we have something special going here.  So... what do you say?  Will you be my girlfriend?"

She turned and wrapped her arms around him tight.  "Yes!"

Iruka laughed and kissed the top of her head.  "Good, I was hoping you wouldn't reject that.  I was going to ask you later but since the cat is already out of the bag..."  They continued down the street a little ways before he quietly asked, "About Yamato..."

"I already had decided I couldn't date him," Melissa confessed.  "Before we even... you know..."

Iruka flashed a broad smile at that answer, "Thank god.  I was worried..."

Melissa laughed then pulled him faster down the street.  "Come on, lets get Max and get back to the apartment before Misti and Guy think we abandoned them."

Thirty minutes later, they arrived back to the apartment with Max.  He had sniffed Iruka suspiciously and Melissa almost swore he looked between her and Iruka before sulking?  She had knelt down to talk to him seriously, "Listen Max.  Iruka and I are together but I promise, he's a good guy.  No meanness in him at all." Max had looked at Iruka before making a snorting sound.  She had laughed before scooping him up to carry him back to the apartment.

As they approached the apartment, Melissa had instant concern as she saw both Obito and Tiberius sitting alone on the stairs outside the building.  She quickened her pace to reach their side.  "Where is Misti and Guy?"

Tiberius grinned at her before pointing down the street.  The two of them were running ON THEIR HANDS while heading back to the building.  Melissa gaped as she watched them.  "Oh my word... Are you kidding me?!"

Every so often one or the other would swing a leg out, trying to topple the other as they went.  It was the craziest thing she had seen outside of the challenge Kakashi and Guy had during the rebuilding of the village.  Iruka covered his mouth, trying hard to not laugh.

Tiberius jumped to his feet as they approached and yelled, "Go Misti go!"

Obito not to be left out yelled, "Go Guy Go!"

Misti swerved as they reached the end of their challenge and intentionally rammed into Guy.  He laughed and grabbed her as he started to fall.  They both landed in the dirt with their arms outstretched to an invisible finish line.  Guy was flopped on top of Misti and she was laughing.

"So who won boys?"  Misti called.

Obito and Tiberius both yelled opposite answers, choosing to honor their personal champions.  Melissa laughed alongside Iruka.  "I say it's a tie," Melissa called out finally.

Guy levered himself up and looked down at Misti.  His face flushed with some color before he scrambled back off of her.  He rubbed the back of his neck nervously, "Well I guess we can say that it is a tie."

Misti sat up on her elbows and grinned at him, "Okay, fair this time but I'm totally going to beat you next time."

Guy had come to his feet and extended his hand to her.  She took it in her own and he pulled her up.  She stumbled a bit into him then grinned as she looked at him.  His face was almost tomato red and he was sweating.

"Why is your face red, Guy Sensei?" Tiberius yelled.

Misti laughed and patted Guy on the chest.  She then stood up on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek.  "Thank you for one of the best days I've had in a long time."

Tiberius' mouth dropped open, "Eew... Why you got to do that Misti?"

"Because I can," she shot back.

If Guy was red before he was crimson now.  He rubbed the back of his neck while nervously laughing as she sauntered away from him to get in front of Tiberius.  She bent over as she met his eyes, "And what you going to do about it?"

He stuck his tongue out at her and she copied him.  Melissa howled with laughter and had to grab the railing to keep upright.  That was the craziest thing she had ever seen in her life.  Misti looked back at Guy as she took the boy's hands in her own.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Guy, bright and early!"

Guy smiled big, waved at Iruka and Melissa, then jogged off into the distance.  His face was still crimson and it was absolutely priceless.  Who knew Guy would get a girl?

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