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Melissa was a little mortified as she thought over how she reacted to seeing Iruka in person.  He was even more handsome than he had been on the show. She felt like face palming.  She literally had just stood there and stared at him.  She would probably still be staring at him had Sarah not nudged her out of her stupor.  And she was going to see him again in a few hours!  Inwardly she groaned.  She had to get herself pulled together before then or he was going to think she was a total spaz.

But... Oh my God, I got to meet Iruka!  She looked over at Sarah, who was looking a little too smug.  She shoved her.  Her friend laughed as she stumbled to the side.  She came back over and shoved her back, much like they had numerous occasions through the years when out and about with each other.

"That wasn't funny," Melissa muttered, her lips twitching.

"The hell it wasn't," Sarah howled.  "I thought y'all were going to eat each other right where you were standing."

Melissa felt her face flush, "Well he was really hot.  Oh, my word..."  She then shifted her eyes at her, "So... he was doing the same?"

Sarah could not believe that she asked that question.  They both had acted like two virgins that had never laid eyes on anyone of the opposite sex ever in their lives.

"Girl, I literally had to snap him out of it." Sarah laughed hard while shaking her head, "You definitely caught his attention. That boy probably has a raging hardon right now."

Her lips turned up, "Good because I can call him Daddy anytime." She then frowned, "He did say though that he was expecting Kakashi... he could have just been surprised.  You know how it is when you're expecting one thing, but then something else entirely happens.  Your brain just kind of sputters for a moment."

"Seriously, Melissa?" Sarah rolled her eyes.  "I'm telling you, that was not surprise."

"Hmm.  We'll see how things pan out tonight."  Melissa responded skeptically, thinking it was too good to be true that one of her crushes was just as flabbergasted as she had been.  That was bordering on Fantasy Island levels.

"Are you ready to meet Naruto?" Sarah asked with a grin as she steered the topic away from the handsome principal of the Academy.

"Am I!" Melissa pushed Iruka from her thoughts.  "Is he like he was on the show?"

Sarah laughed, "Oh yeah, just as scatterbrained as ever.  I miss working with him."

"You worked with him?"

"Yeah, up until the twins were born.  Kakashi and I decided that I would take a break until they were in the Academy."  Sarah smiled, "I hope Iruka is able to talk Kakashi into letting them go early.  I love being with them every day, but it will be nice to go back to work.  To be honest, it's harder keeping an eye on them than it will be working any time."

Melissa eyed her for a minute debating about asking the questions that had been brewing since she stepped through that portal.  She got the impression that they really didn't have that much time before she would be meeting Naruto, but they were really burning in her mind.  After a brief inward battle, she deciding to do so, even if she only got a short, condensed version. "So... what the hell happened, Sarah?  How did you get here?  How did you and Kakashi hook up?  I want to know it all!"

Sarah stopped outside a building that Melissa knew was the Hokage's building as soon as she turned her attention towards it.  Damn, they were already there?  Sarah gave her a grin, "I'll tell you everything... after you meet Naruto because it will take a while.  We'll go to Ichiraku's for some Ramen, and I'll lay it all out."

"Deal," Melissa said with a nod but inwardly she was cursing.

Melissa was surprised at how exact everything was as they made their way inside and up to where Naruto's office would be.  She eyed the guard outside the Hokage's office as they rounded the corner.  He looked vaguely familiar, but she could not put her finger on which character he was on the show.  Sarah knocked on the door and Naruto's familiar voice came through the wood before she could figure it out, "Come in."

Sarah stepped inside and almost came to an abrupt halt, almost plowing into a stack of papers on the floor.  She stepped over the stack of papers at the last minute, averting a minor disaster.  Melissa was wordless as she looked around the office.  It looked like a paper volcano had exploded in the office.  It was the most disorganized mess she had ever witnessed in all her life.

"What in the hell happened, Naruto?" Sarah asked with wide eyes.  "What happened to the system I set up?  What is all this?"

Naruto gave her a strained smile from between two towering stacks that looked like it was going to topple on top of him at any moment.  "Hey Sarah... well things sorta fell apart after you left."

"Good Lord, you should have said something," she said in horror as she looked at the mounds.  "When I come back, this will take me weeks to unsort, if not longer!"

Naruto stood up with wide eyes that were filled with hope, "You're coming back soon?"

"If Iruka can talk Kakashi into letting the twins start this next semester, then yes..."

"I'll take care of that!" Naruto said excited.  "Thank god, we're drowning here.  I shudder to think of what all might be in this mess!"

"What happened to the electronic system I was getting set up?" Sarah then asked with her eyes slowly narrowing on him.

Naruto gave a big smile and put his hand on the back of his neck while chuckling nervously, "Well... we got sidetracked and I actually forgot about it."

Sarah face palmed, "I'm already getting a headache."

Naruto chuckled then shifted his eyes to Melissa who was quietly watching the familiar interchange with wide eyes.  The interaction spoke volumes of how close the two of them had become since she had arrived in the Leaf. "Hello, there, I'm Naruto.  Are you a friend of Sarah's?"

Sarah flushed suddenly remembering why she was there.  The paper fiasco quickly took a backseat as she glanced over at Melissa before addressing him.  "Sorry.  Naruto, this is my friend Melissa... she's from my world."

Naruto's blue eyes widened, "Seriously?  Did you?"

Sarah chuckled, "Yeah.  It seems I've mastered that particular Jutsu."

Melissa stepped forward with a smile and extended her hand to him.  He shook it with a smile, "It is such an honor to meet you, Naruto."

"So... are you just like Sarah?  I mean, do you know all about us?"

Melissa flashed a big smile then laughed, "Yes!  Can I hug you?"

Naruto laughed and put his arms out.  She needed no more than that and quickly she hugged him tight.  "You were such a cute kid.  I always wanted to do this."

Naruto was a little pink as he pulled back.  He looked between the two of them.  "That's the second time I was told that.  Seems like I had a group of Mama's in another world."

"Without a doubt," Melissa responded.  "There are many of us that wanted nothing more than to take you in as our own."

"So, tell me about yourself," Naruto said.  "I want to know everything now that you're here with us."

Crossing Over (#2 In Shifting Series)Where stories live. Discover now