Iruka's Desire

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**Art by Leonid Afremov**

Iruka had a restless night on the couch.  This was not where he wanted to be in the least.  He had taken a shower the night before just to get his body under control.  He could not go walking around with a hard on all night long.  When he had gotten out of the shower, someone - he suspected Melissa - had put a change of clothes on the floor just inside the bathroom door.  He smiled slightly, wondering if she had taken a peek at the shower curtain.  He was certain she had been just as bothered as he had been.

He had been with his fair share of women through the years.  He had always made sure it was very discreet, always mindful of his role as mentor and teacher.  However, he had never been as aroused as he was by Melissa.  Her eyes... those eyes he could disappear into.  He flipped onto his back with a sigh.  He had to stop thinking about her or he would be in a state again.  It was hard, though, being as she was literally on the other side of the wall with the boys.

There was no getting around it, he had to get her alone.  But how?  She now had a roommate, who by his own observation was entirely too much like Guy.  She had complained about being bored when they all sat around watching some television before going to bed.  She had then started doing a series of push ups, leg lifts, and even some handstand push ups.

He also suspected that until Sarah was out of the hospital, Melissa would be playing babysitter to Tiberius and Obito.  Kakashi had come by briefly before they had gone to bed, sat with the boys for a while, before heading back to the hospital.

"Damn," he whispered to the silent room.

Iruka almost came out of his skin when he lowered his arm from over his eyes and saw a pair of big eyes staring down at him.  He jumped slightly before releasing his grip on the Kunai under his pillow and sitting up.

"Obito? What are you doing up?"

"I'm thirsty," he whispered.

Iruka got up and took the child's hand.  He went into the kitchen, found a glass, and got him some water.  He picked the child up and put him on the barstool before handing the water over to him.  Obito drank it quickly before putting the now empty glass down on the bar.

"Are you okay, Obito?"

The child shook his head no.  He then peered at Iruka, "Why?  Why did they do that?  Why did that woman hurt Mama?"

Iruka felt a punch in the heart.  He leaned against the counter and gave what he hoped was a sympathetic look.  "There are bad people in this world, Obito.  They enjoy being bad.  Some of them, they're just messed up.  They don't see that what they are doing is wrong."

Obito frowned, "When she hit Mama... I wanted to hit her."

Iruka smiled at him, "Of course you did.  That's your Mama."

"I'm gonna get strong so when I'm bigger, I can stop bad people."

Iruka gave him a nod, "I understand.  Just remember that sometimes even bad people can change."  He tilted his head to the side, "Did your parents ever tell you about the man they named you after?"

"That he was Daddy's friend," Obito said softly.

"Yes, they were friends but he became very bad for a very long time."

Obito's eyes widened and his little mouth hung open.  "Really?"

"Yes.  He got confused and went down a bad path for a long time because he was hurting so bad inside.  But before he died, he remembered who he really was and became good again.  If it was not for him, your Daddy would not be alive today."

Obito was silent for a long time thinking about what he said.  He finally nodded his head.  "I understand."  He yawned, "I'm really tired."

"Come on, I'll put you back to bed."

Iruka was quiet as he entered the bedroom with Obito.  He carefully moved the covers back and the little boy crawled under them.  He shifted his glance to where Melissa was sleeping.  She did not move and he knew she was in a deep sleep.  She was beautiful in rest.  His heart tugged as he watched her for a long moment.  He visibly had to shake himself before silently slipping back out of the room.

He was just laying back down on the couch when Misti came bouncing out of the spare bedroom.  He looked at the time.  Four-thirty in the morning.  She looked over at him as she flipped on the kitchen light and started rummaging through the food.  She found a banana and took a big bite before addressing him.

"So you're still up or just got up?"

"Neither," Iruka answered, tired.  "Obito woke up and I just put him back to bed."

"Ah, well the day is young!  You should get up and come running with me.  It will make you feel ready to face the day!"

Her and Guy were made for each other.  "No thank you, I'm too tired."

Misti shrugged before tossing her banana peel into the trash.  She then grabbed a set of keys and started for the door.  "Suit yourself."

Iruka put his arm across his eyes as she left.  His mind once more turning back to how he was going to get Melissa alone.  He had to have her.  He frowned when he thought again to the flowers that were on the bar that he had looked at the night before.  Guy had been in full pursuit until he met Misti.  He then remembered that Yamato had asked her out as well.  Yamato was currently out on a mission but he had no illusions that he would be coming around as soon as he got back.  No.  He couldn't share her.  He had to claim her before Yamato got back to town.  He knew Yamato well enough to know he would back off if they were already established.

His mind turned to Misti.  Hmm.  Perhaps he could foist the kids off on her and Guy for a while.  He could appeal to their energetic enthusiasm and the fact that the boys were both traumatized at the moment from the events the day before... yes, a sort of getting them out training to work out the trauma.  He smiled slowly.  Then he could whisk Melissa away for a while.

He folded both hands behind his head while grinning.  Yeah... his plan had to work.  It did not matter to him that he had only known her a few days.  He knew instinctively that she belonged with him and he with her.  He was finally able to sleep as he put together the details in his mind of how he would seduce her.

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