The Rules.

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Kelsey was in lingerie that Chase had bought for her sitting on her bed looking out at the night sky lost in thought when she heard a knock at the door and heard,"Kelsey?"
"One sec,Dad!" Kelsey put on her robe then opened the door.
"You okay? You're very quiet up here."
"I know. I was just thinking about some things."
"Okay." Liam said. "Well,I just came to say goodnight."
"Goodnight." Kelsey said hugging him.
    Closing the door,Kelsey took off her robe and said,"If Dad saw me in this, he'd flip." she went to bed and turned out the light going to sleep.
    In the morning,Kelsey was at the Gym getting bungee cords tied to her and stood at the edge of the platform.
"You ready?" the instructor asked.
"Yeah." Kelsey said.
"You can do it. You're very brave, you've done it a thousand times."
Kelsey took a breath and jumped off, she fell fast then bounced back up.
   Chase was leaving the coffee shop and saw Kelsey bungee jumping,he ran inside looking at her and she gasped surprised to see him hanging upside down swinging back and forth.
"What are you doing?" he asked.
"Bungee jumping."
"Get down from there! Before you hurt yourself!"
Kelsey did and left with Chase,she was so embarrassed.

In a Cafe,Kelsey sat pouting looking at her coffee and Chase said,"I don't know how you can do something so dangerous like that. What if you'd gotten hurt?" looking at her.
"I've been bungee jumping since I was 12,I know what I'm doing."
"Your Dad allows you to do that?"
"Yes." Kelsey said. "He gave me lessons."
Chase thought and said,"Well,if you enjoy that then I can't stop you,but I just would feel comfortable if I was with you."
   Kelsey said,"Fine." sipping her coffee and Chase said,"You agree with it?" sipping his coffee.
"I don't like it but I agree. If it'll make you feel better."
"Okay." Chase said happily. "I know it sounds like I'm being overprotective but I can't see you getting hurt."
"I get it." Kelsey said.
   Chase dropped Kelsey home and she thanked him going up to her room,she sat on her bed sighing running a hand through her hair and said,"I'm having sex with you,you don't need to be protective of me. My Dad does that,and quite well too." she lay down looking at the ceiling. More rules. Kelsey thought miserably.

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