Torn Apart.

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Kelsey told her Dad about the baby and he was surprised,even more when he found it was Chase's,he was happy for his daughter and called Chase to come over to talk. Kelsey hoped that her Dad would forgive him.
   Chase came over and Liam invited him in,they went to the kitchen to talk and Kelsey sat on the stairs listening to them. She held her stomach thinking,I hope Dad makes up with Chase. I hope he accepts this. You are all that matters now,my little one.
“Kelsey! Come in here.” Liam said.
   Kelsey went to the kitchen and Liam was with Chase smiling,she went to them and Liam said,“Kelsey,you have no idea how much happiness you've given me!” he hugged her. “Chase told me everything and I am sorry. This baby is going to be the best thing that has ever happened.”
“So,you accept us being together?”
“Of course!” Liam hugged her. “I'm so happy for you!”

They had dinner celebrating and Kelsey was glad her father had accepted her and Chase being together, she walked him out and he said,“Your Dad has finally accepted us.”
“I still can't believe it.” Kelsey said.
“This baby has brought us together.” Chase said holding her stomach. “Liam has accepted our relationship and his future grandchild.”
“You have no idea how much that means to me,Chase! After everything, things are looking up now.”
“Yes,they are.” Chase hugged her smiling.
    Kelsey was in her room,she was so happy that things had worked out. Her Dad and Chase had mended their friendship and he had accepted them being together as well as the baby. She lay down hugging her pillow in joy and said,“Mom,I really wish you were here. You would be so happy! Dad and Chase are friends again and he accepted the baby. Everything I going to be okay now.” she was glowing with happiness.
     Chase was on his way home,he was waiting for the light to change when another car came speeding out of nowhere hitting him. He was bleeding and unable to move,he was taken to the hospital for treatment being put in ICU. He was badly injured,his leg was broken as well as his ribcage and he'd lost a lot of blood.
     Kelsey heard what happened and went to the hospital to see Chase but the doctor wouldn't allow her in the room,she pleaded but he refused. Chase was in a very critical condition and needed surgery since he'd suffered a rupture. She hoped he would be okay for her sake and the baby's.

In the night,Liam got a call from the hospital about Chase. He'd died during surgery and Liam was in shock,he didn't tell Kelsey but she'd heard his conversation and went to her room crying hardly able to believe that Chase had died. She was alone now,her baby wouldn't have a father.
   She cried hugging her pillow and Liam came to check on her but her bedroom door was locked,she refused to open it up cried all night. In the morning,Kelsey was so depressed she refused to eat but her father got her to eat a little for the sake of the baby.
    Kelsey stayed in her room all day. She sat rubbing her stomach and thought about Chase,six months had passed and she was so empty inside that Liam found it hard to talk to her. In the evening,Kelsey packed her bags deciding to leave home.
“I can't stay here anymore. I need to leave. It's too painful here.” she left a note for her Dad leaving.

Liam had found the note and couldn't believe that Kelsey had left,he went to find her but couldn't. He asked the police to help him find her but they couldn't after months of searching,he couldn't believe his daughter was gone and decided to move away selling the house.
   Time had passed. It was raining and the train station was full of people hurrying to catch their trains,it was late and passengers were putting their luggage away getting into their seats. A woman was looking for her seat and said,“I'm sorry but does that seat say 14A?” looking at the girl holding a baby.
“Yes.” she got up letting the woman in calming her baby as he fussed.
“I was lucky to catch this train. I'm going to see my relatives.”
“That's nice." the girl said smiling.
“Your baby is really very adorable.” the woman said smiling.
“Thank you. I named him Chase. After his father.” she kissed her son smiling.

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