Carrier: Seven

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Xiao Zhan woke from a nauseatic feeling.

He immediately rises up from his bed and ran to the bathroom. He suddenly felt dizzy, his head is throbbing and his stomach is turning upside down.

After throwing up, he wiped his mouth and washed his face, he sighed as he raised his head and looks at his reflection in the mirror with his hooded eyes, "Ah, the symptoms are occurring," he mumbled to himself.

He grabbed the towel and wiped his face dry, as he wipes his face he went out of the bathroom. "Great, now I can't sleep anymore," he sighed and went to the closet. He rummages and changed his clothes. after changing clothes, he turned his head to the window. "The sun is still not up huh?" he mumbled and grabbed his phone, he looked at the time and it's still 4:45 am.

"I should just cook breakfast since I can't return to sleep anymore," he said and put his phone in his pocket and went down to the kitchen.

The house feels empty, maybe because the servants and maids are not yet up. He arrived at the kitchen and opened the lights, he feels like he was at his home. He always wakes up early in the morning to prepare breakfast for his family then goes to school after.

"Now what should I cook?" he mumbled and grabbed the apron and wrapped it on his waist.

"Ah right! Egg and toast would do the trick, and might as well cook food for Mr. President's lunch," he cheered and started moving.

About thirty minutes when the cook arrived at the kitchen, "Sir, you should have called me if you're hungry," The cook uttered, abruptly stopping him.

Xiao Zhan smiled at him, "It's okay, I was awake and cannot go back to sleep so I decided to cook breakfast for everyone," he tittered.

"Next time, if you need anything please call me. Master Wang might scold me," he sighed.

"No, don't worry. I talked to him last night and he let me cook for dinner, it's just that I am free right now so I cooked," he giggled and turn his attention back to his cooking.

The cook sighed, he accepted his defeat. Xiao Zhan's charm is working on him, he's too beautiful to reject.

Just then, the two were interrupted when, "What are you cooking?" It was Wang Yibo. he suddenly popped out in the kitchen.

"Oh, hi sir! Good morning," Xiao Zhan greeted happily and bowed at him. The cook bowed as well.

"Good morning too," he greeted back.

"I'm cooking toast and egg, sir. Do you want something other than toast?" he smiled at him.

Yibo shook his head then turn his attention to the cook, "Mr. Feng, you can let Mr. Xiao take over the kitchen once in a while," he uttered. The cooked bowed and took his leave, leaving the two in the kitchen.

Yibo sat on the stool, "Uhm, sir. Here's your toast and egg," he said and served the food in front of Yibo, "What would you like sir, coffee or tea?" he added.

"Coffee," he answered and grabbed the toast and started biting on it.

Xiao Zhan brews him a coffee, not long after, he put it in a mug and served it in front of him.

"Thank you," Yibo mumbled as he eats peacefully. Xiao Zhan watches him with a smile, he's glad that he was of help to the house even if it's just for cooking.

"What? Aren't you going to eat?" Yibo asked, he notice him watching him and it's kind of making him embarrassed being watch while eating.

"Oh, right," he giggled. He put a toast on his plate alongside the egg, then sat on the stool beside Yibo.

Yibo paused for a minute, "Make sure, to eat plenty," he reminded him.

"hmm!" Xiao Zhan answered while his mouth is full.


They finished their food about an hour ago. Wang Yibo went back to his room to prepare for work after eating.

He went downstairs after minutes of preparing.

As he walks, passing the kitchen. Xiao Zhan stopped him, "Sir!" he called.

Yibo stopped in his tracks and turn his attention to him, "what is it?" he uttered.

Xiao Zhan shyly handed him a bag of lunch. "Your lunch sir," he lowered his head because of shyness.

"Oh, thank you," he uttered and grabbed the bag from him.

"You're always welcome, sir," he smiled widely like a sun.

"Then, take care," he nodded at him and turned his attention to his tracks again.

But then, something caught Xiao Zhan's attention, "Uh sir!" he called out again.

"Yes?" he answered.

"Y-your tie is crooked," he said and pointed his tie. It was indeed crooked. "Let me fix it, sir," he volunteered.

"No it's fi--" before he can retort, Xiao Zhan was already fixing his tie.

Wang Yibo was caught off guard, no one ever tied his necktie for him. He looked at Xiao Zhan who is concentrating on tying his tie.

'His lashes are long, his brows are thick and he has a mole below his lips.' he said in his mind, 'I wonder if my child will look like him?' he added. Since LiYing can't produce an egg cell, Xiao Zhan's egg cell was used instead.

"There, done," Xiao Zhan giggled after finishing. Yibo immediately snapped out of his thoughts.

He cleared his throat, "Thank you."

"No big deal sir," Xiao Zhan smiled widely.

"Be careful and do not do so much work or the baby might get harmed," he reminded him as he continued walking with his secretary following him.

"Yes, sir!" he answered cheerfully and watch Yibo's back get farther away from him.

He smiled widely as a sense of accomplishment. He finally has a use in the house, he can cook whenever he wants.

"Aaah! Gonna stay at the garden for a while to catch some vitamin D from the morning sun," he said happily and gallop his way back to his room to get a book and went to the garden after.

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