Carrier: Twelve

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Xiao Zhan was woken up by his stomach turning upside down, he immediately stood from the bed and went to the bathroom. He's getting used to it by now, though it's making him uneasy and disgusted by the after-taste.

After throwing up, he faced the mirror and looked at his face, he can see his face is getting in shape already. He sighed, "you look awful," he said to himself and washed his face.

After leaving the bathroom with a towel in his hand. He grabbed his phone. The sun hasn't turned up yet. He checked the time and it's still five in the morning.

"Now what should I do? I'm forbidden to stay in the kitchen!" He whined.

He went back to his bed and lied down, and closed his eyes.

But no matter what he does, he can't go back to sleep.

While twisting and turning on his bed, his phone suddenly rang. He immediately grabbed it again and answered the call.

"Zhannnie~" It was LiYing, excitedly exclaiming from the other side of the phone.

"Good morning!" Xiao Zhan greeted back, 'she sounds happy,' he thought and smiled.

"Good morning to you too, I'm surprised that you're awake at this time," she tittered from the other line.

"Oh, my morning sickness just kind of occurred," he chuckled and scratch his nape.

"That must be hard," She uttered.

"Not really, it's normal for a pregnant I guess, so I'm fine," he said and smiled.

"Good to know. But that's not really the reason why I called," she paused, "I got a day off tomorrow, want to go to the beach so you can relax?" she added with excitement in her voice.

"Really?!" Xiao Zhan exclaimed happily.

"Yes, do you want to?" she asked with a beaming smile on her face.

"I've never gone to beaches before," he said excitedly.

"Then, let's go tomorrow. It will help clear and calm your mind for the baby," she uttered.

"I would like to go!--" He exclaimed but he paused when Yibo suddenly barged in without knocking.

He is already in his work suit while holding a tray of food, "You're so lively, early in the morning," he uttered as he went inside.

"Hello, Zhan? Are you still there?" LiYing uttered from the other side of the phone.

Yibo can hear her, he looked at the phone Xiao Zhan was holding with his brows furrowed.

"Is that LiYing?" he asked Xiao Zhan. Xiao Zhan nodded nervously, it is like he just cheated the way Yibo look at him.

"Can I talk to her?" He asked. Xiao Zhan nodded again and handed him the phone.

Xiao Zhan grabbed the phone from him, "Why are you calling early in the morning to Xiao Zhan?" he asked in his emotionless tone again.

"I was just asking if he's okay," She answered.

"But what got you two so hyper in the morning?" he asked once again.

"I'm inviting him for a beach tomorrow since I have a day off," she answered, a bit pouting. 'stingy', she thought.

"No, he needs to rest," Yibo said sternly that made Xiao Zhan looked at him, dumbfounded.

"Stop it, it's not something bad will happen to him. I'm going with him and there will be my assistants too!" she raised her voice. It's the first time she raised a voice since they got married.

He sighed and massaged his temple, "Fine, but I will go too, to make sure," he said.

"Bu--" She was about to retort but she thought that Yibo wouldn't let Xiao Zhan go if he doesn't accept his conditions.

"Tch, Fine," she answered and rolled her eyes, though they can't see her.

After hearing her say okay, he handed back the phone to Xiao Zhan, "We can go, three, don't worry," he uttered and placed the bed table in front of him.

"O-oh," Xiao Zhan uttered, then turn his attention to the phone.

"S-see you tomorrow," He said to her.

"Alrighty! See you tomorrow!" She giggled before cutting the call.

As he put the phone on the bedside table, Yibo was finished setting up his food.

"Eat as much as you can," Yibo uttered and sat to the chair beside the bed. Xiao Zhan followed him with his eyes.

"S-sir, aren't you going to work?" he suddenly asked. Yibo was already dressed in his work clothes yet he still stayed.

"I'm making sure you're in your proper health. I will go after you eat," he said sternly and checked his watch.

'Is he that too much worried?' he thought, but shrugged internally and looked at the bed table that is set in front of him. His mouth suddenly watered, he suddenly craved.

He grabbed the chopsticks and spoon on the other hand and started digging.

Yibo just sat down beside him, browsing on his phone again. Checking on his schedules and adjusting his dismissal time so he can go home early and manage Xiao Zhan.

After thirty minutes, Xiao Zhan was finished eating.

"Thank you for the food," he uttered and about to stand when Yibo stopped him. "I'll clean it, you rest," he said sternly.

Xiao Zhan sighed, 'how many days does he want me to restrain from going anywhere other than inside the room?' he thought. He's getting bored already.

"But, sir, I would like to go to the garden for a while," he said and lowered his head.

"What if something happens to you?" He said emotionless.

"But, sir, they said that the morning sun is good for the health," he said trying to convince him.

Yibo sighed, "Okay. You can go but wait for me, I'll escort you there," he uttered.

Xiao Zhan's eyes went wide, "But sir, you don't need to," he retorted.

"No, I insist. Come on, after sending you there I'll be going to work," he said and started walking out of the room.

Xiao Zhan sighed and shook his head, "He's too much caring," he mumbled to himself and stood from the bed. He grabbed his blanket, wrapped it on his body, and followed Yibo out of the room.


A/N: OMFG I'm starting to get lame again HAHAHAHHAH

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