Carrier: Eleven

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"Now what should I do?" Xiao Zhan sighed. The noon had past and it's already five in the afternoon.

He grabbed his phone at the side table and browse to see what he can do. Then an idea came across him. 'I wonder how's JiLi and Yuchen doing? I haven't thanked them yet,' he thought. He browses for Yuchen's number.

After spotting, he called him. It was immediately answered.

"Yo bro! Long time no see, how are you?" Yuchen was the first one to greet.

"I'm fine, doing good," he smiled.

"I haven't seen you going to class, did your job made you stop?" Yuchen asked worriedly.

"Ah, no. I was advised to take an online class, my boss averted my classes to online to prevent from neglecting my job," he chuckled.

"Then it's fine, oh wait JiLi wanna talk t--" Yuchen was not able to finish what he was about to say when JiLi snatched the phone from him.

"Brooo! How are you?!" JiLi asked from the other line, a hint of his cheery self pierced across the phone.

Xiao Zhan laughed, "I'm fine, you don't need to shout tho," he uttered.

"We've been missing you, bro, when is your day off?" Ji Li asked.

"Ah well, how should I say this..." Xiao Zhan scratched his head, he can't tell them that the job is to be a surrogate mother.

"Don't tell me they're not giving you a day off?" Yuchen suddenly snatched the phone back.

"No! No! It's not like that," he defended and chuckled awkwardly, "They are good to me, I just didn't ask for a day off cause the salary I can get when I ask for a day off is a waste," he lied. He can't just show up to them with a baby on his stomach, plus Yibo told him that wherever he went he should bring a servant.

JiLi snatched the phone from Yuchen, "That's a shame," he sighed, "but it's okay. Tell us when you have free time, okay?" He said, bringing back his cheery self again.

"Yeah," Xiao Zhan answered and smiled, 'glad it got through to them,' he thought.

"You take care there, bro!" JiLi exclaimed happily before Yuchen snatch back his phone. "Take care, bro. Tell us when you are in need of help," Yuchen said.

"I know," he laughed, "Take care as well. By the way, your classes just ended?"

"Nah, we've been waiting for the professor to come," Yuchen sighed.

"Yeah! He's already ten minutes late y'know!" JiLi said from the background, sounding irritated.

"Let's just skip class, probably he's not showing up today," Yuchen said to JiLi.

Xiao Zhan laughed at them, It's always like that. When the teachers are late for almost ten minutes they'll skip class. 'How nostalgic, I miss going to uni again. Though it's only a week ago that I last went there,' he thought.

"That's just like you to do that," Xiao Zhan laughed at them.

"Right? Right? You go along with us anyway so you're with us!" JiLi said in the background, laughing.

Just then, the door bang opens interrupted Xiao Zhan. He looked in the direction of the door with his eyes wide open.

"Zhan are you okay?!" It was Li Ying, she barged in shouting.

"Hey, call you back later. My boss is here," he whispered to the phone and cut the call before they can speak.

"I-I'm fine, Mrs.--LiYing," He answered and scratched the back of his neck.

"I heard you collapse!" she sounded worried, "I was excited to go home to eat your meals, I didn't think that it cost you to collapse?" she shouted.

"It's not the reason LiYing, it was the morning sickness," he chuckled at her, 'is she that worried?' he thought.

She sighed in relief, "I'm glad it's just that. I'm terrified, I thought you'll lose the baby," she paused and sat on the chair beside Xiao Zhan. Xiao Zhan was surprised to see another side of LiYing.

"You know, I can't get pregnant," she smiled bitterly. Xiao Zhan felt sad for her, even if he already heard it from the maid from last time, it still a shock for him, hearing it from LiYing directly.

"My uterus is not working y'see. But I can get an omega pregnant," she chuckled, there's still a bitterness on her tone, "I'm an alpha female after all," she added.

"O-oh," it's all Xiao Zhan can answer. Well, he doesn't know what to say, all he can feel is a pity for her.

She smiled at him, she saw that Xiao Zhan is worried for her, "You don't need to dwell on that," she laughed, "I'm glad that you and the baby are okay," she smiled widely at him.

Xiao Zhan smiled back, "I'll cook something for you some other time," he tittered.

"Thank you!" She cheered.

But then, their conversation got interrupted when Yibo suddenly barged in with a tray of food in his hands.

"Don't let him do some work, what if he collapse again?" Yibo uttered in his emotionless tone.

Xiao Zhan and LiYing turned their attention to him.

"S-sir?? You heard?" Xiao Zhan asked surprised.

"Yes, so better not exert any energy," He said expressionlessly.

LiYing sighed silently, 'so stingy, it's not like something bad will happen again. And it looks like Zhan enjoyed cooking,' she said inside her head.

"Anyway, Zhan, I'll be on my way. I got another schedule today, I'll drop by to see you again, some time," she said and smiled at him and ruffled his hair.

"Y-yes," he answered shyly.

"You've been busy lately. Not having dinner?" Yibo suddenly uttered while putting the bed table in front of Xiao Zhan.

"Nah, Xiao Zhan's food is the best," she uttered while walking to the door.

"m'kay, have a safe trip," Yibo uttered and put the food in front of Xiao Zhan.

"Mn," She answered coldly and went out of the room.

When she already left, Yibo sat at the chair beside the bed.

"You eat your dinner now," He said with his stern tone.

"H-how about you, sir?" he asked, nervously.

"I already did," he lied. Just like what LiYing said, Xiao Zhan's food is better, that his taste buds are looking for it. But he can't let Xiao Zhan do the cooking again because of what happened.

"O-oh, t-then, thank you for the food," he said and held the spoon and started eating.

Yibo pulled out his phone from his pocket and do some of his works, he rests his back on the chair and waited for Xiao Zhan to finish eating.


A/N: If you'll ask me how does a female alpha get an omega pregnant, my answer is, I don't know HAHAHA I kind of adopted it from the mangas I'm reading so spare me. It's just fiction to begin with 😂

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