Carrier: Eight

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The night had enveloped the sky. Xiao Zhan stood from his seat after studying for almost five hours. He stretched his arm above his head as he yawned.

"I can't believe it's already night," he mumbled and grabbed his phone from the edge of the table. He looked at the time, "And it's already seven in the evening, it's this time that Mrs. Wang drop of to get some of her things and ate my food," he said. He shrugged and put his phone in his pocket, "Might as well head to the kitchen to cook some for them," he added and went to the kitchen.

After arriving, he immediately wrapped the apron on his waist and didn't waste a time, and started preparing the food.


After about two hours of preparing, he sighed in satisfaction. He removed the apron and then sat at the stool. He grabbed his phone from his pocket and browsed his phone while he waits for Mr. Wang or even Mrs. Wang if she has free time.

He waited for about thirty minutes and there's still no presence of any of them. It's already nine forty-five, Mr. Wang arrived yesterday at about eight.

"Mrs. Wang is probably on her shooting again, she's working hard too much," he sighed.

"And Mr. Wang is late, is he still working at this hour? They are hardworking that they're doing it too much," he sighed once again.

"Hah! I kinda feel sleepy," he mumbled softly, his eyes starting to blink continuously, as a sign of his sleepiness. "Ah, I should not be sleep while waiting for them to arrive," he whined. But without realizing it, his eyes closed, and drifted to deep sleep.


Yibo arrived from his work. He looked at his watch and it's already ten. "I kind of feel hungry," he mumbled to himself.

"Sir, the cook probably cooked a portion of food for you at the kitchen. Want me to get some for you?" His secretary asked politely.

"Oh, no. I will get it myself, I know you're tired too. Go get some rest after putting that on my room," he told him and removed his coat and loosened his tie. "Thank you for your hard work," he added.

His secretary bowed and went to put his things to his room, leaving Yibo making his way to the kitchen.

Upon arriving, he was surprised to see Xiao Zhan sleeping on the stool. His head is buried in his arms.

He clicked his tongue, "He should have not waited," he mumbled and went near him.

He taps his back to wake him, "Hey, if you're going to sleep. Sleep in your room," he said to him.

"Hmmm," Xiao Zhan muttered and slowly lift his head, he yawned and stretched his arm above his head and blink twice with his hooded eyes. He turns his head to Yibo, trying to clear his vision. After some time, he was finally able to see him clearly. He immediately jolted after realizing that it was Yibo.

"S-sir!" he exclaimed and stood from his seat, he bowed at him. "Good evening sir, sorry for making you see an unsightly thing," he apologized.

"It's okay. But what I'm most worried about is, you should not be sleeping at this kind of place." He said with his stern tone.

Xiao Zhan suddenly felt the guilt, Yibo is worried for his child yet Xiao Zhan is careless about that thing.

"I-I'm sorry sir. I was waiting for you to arrive since I cooked dinner," he said as he lowered his head.

"It's okay. If you're sleepy go back to your room and rest," he uttered.

"Grrr," it was Xiao Zhan's stomach. Their eyes both went wide upon hearing it. Now that his stomach growled, he remembered that he didn't eat after cooking.

He chuckled awkwardly.

"You didn't have your dinner yet?" He asked with his brows met.

Yibo sighed and massaged his temple, "Just sit there, I will get us food," he said and rolled the sleeve of his shirt up to his elbow.

"But si--" he was about to retort when Yibo stopped him.

"No, I will do it," he said sternly and made his way to the stove where the food Xiao Zhan cooked is placed.

"O-okay sir," he uttered, admitting defeat. He sat back on the stool quietly and waited for Yibo to serve the food for the both of them.


While eating, the atmosphere is too quiet. Only the clang of the plates and utensils are the only sound surrounding them.

They finished their food without no one speaking a word.

After finishing, Xiao Zhan picked their plates.

"I will be washing the dishes, sir," he uttered, "so you can rest," he smiled at him.

"No, you should be the one resting not me," he said sternly.

"But sir, you worked overtime. You're more tired than I am," he insisted.

Yibo clicked his tongue, "Then I'll escort you to your room after you wash that," he insisted as well. No one is willing to back down.

"But sir--" Xiao Zhan was cut off again, "I insist," Yibo said sternly and sat on the stool across the sink.

Xiao Zhan sighed. Yibo got a thickhead. "Okay, sir," he answered since he can't win against him.

After ten minutes or so, he was done. He wiped his hands at a cloth near him.

"Uhm, sir..." he uttered, getting Yibo's attention, who is busy scrolling at his phone to check his schedules for tomorrow.

"Oh, yes. Are you done?" He asked him as he raises his head and put back his phone in his pocket.

Xiao Zhan nodded shyly, he can't believe that Yibo will do such an extent even if he's tired with work and all.

Yibo didn't speak a word and started walking. It was his cue to follow.

While walking, Yibo suddenly spoke, "The food was great," he broke the ice.

"T-thank you, sir..." he answered shyly.

"But next time, if you feel sleepy you should sleep in your room," he uttered making Xiao Zhan lower his head.

"Yes sir..." he answered.

"And don't wait for me and eat ahead of me," he added.

"yes sir..." he answered again.

"Now, we're clear," he said.

Then he stopped, "We're here," he said making Xiao Zhan stop and raise his head. It was really his room.

"T-thank you for dropping me by, sir," he said and bowed and grabbed the knob.

"Good night," Yibo uttered before turning back to the way of his room.

"Good night sir," he uttered before entering his room.

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