Carrier: Twenty

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"Bro! It's been so long since the last time I came here," Jackson exclaimed as he and Yibo enter the house.

Yibo rolled his eyes at him, "What did you even come here for?" he asked emotionless.

"Aw, so cold," Jackson pouted and cupped his chest as if he was hurt.

Yibo raised his eyebrow at him, "shut up. Zhan is not cooking today, I have him stop preparing food because of his condition," he said straight to the point.

Jackson pouted again, "You're so mean, it's not like I'm here to eat his cooking. I'm here to visit him."

Yibo rolled his eyes again, "Yeah whatever, suit yourself," he uttered and continued walking.

But their attention was caught when they heard a clattered from the kitchen. The two immediately run to the kitchen to check what's happening.

They are both surprised upon seeing Xiao Zhan supporting his body on the sink, while his head is lowered.

Xiao Zhan bit his lip as he suppresses the pain, it's contracting again. He just went to get some water because he's too ashamed to ask over the speaker for just water. But he didn't expect that it will suddenly occur.

Jackson immediately run to the rescue and held his hand, "Are you okay?" he asked worriedly. Xiao Zhan immediately looked up upon seeing Jackson hold his hand for support.

"I-I'm fine," he answered.

Yibo gritted his teeth and immediately went near them and yank away Jackson's hand and held Xiao Zhan's hand, he put his other arm to support his back.

"Why are you here? You should have called someone if you need something," he said worriedly as he helps him stand.

Xiao Zhan smiled at him, "I'm fine," he said.

Yibo sighed, "Don't make me worry. See, if we hadn't come back home who knows what will happen to you in the kitchen," He said worriedly, Yibo's tone changed little by little. He even refrained from scolding Xiao Zhan, instead, he talks to him in his gentle tone.

"I'm sorry, sir," he said and lowered his head.

Yibo sighed once again, "I'm not scolding you, I'm just reminding you to not exert too much since you'll be in labor in a month," he said worriedly. "Come on, let's go back upstairs and I'll let the servant get you what you need," he added and smiled at him gently. He swiftly swoops him up in his arms. Xiao Zhan yelp in surprise.

"Hold on me tight," he uttered and carried Xiao Zhan.

Jackson was observing them for the whole time, he chuckled, 'he's gotten soft towards Zhan,' he said inside his mind with a sly smile on his face, as he follows them upstairs.

Yibo put down Xiao Zhan gently onto the bed and covering his lower half with the blanket.

"there you go, feeling better?" he asked him and sat on the chair beside the bed, Jackson also sat on a chair across Yibo.

Xiao Zhan nodded and smiled, "I told you I'm fine," he chuckled, "It's just a bit of the contraction but I can handle it well," he added.

"I'm glad your okay," Jackson smiled at him. Xiao Zhan giggled, "yes. By the way I forgot to greet you," he said to Jackson, "long time no see, Jackson," he smiled at him.

"Same to you, how have you been? I see, you're growing healthy in here," he said and looked at his belly.

Xiao Zhan chuckled, "It's because Mr. Wang had been taking care of me every day," he said.

Yibo's cheeks flushed, he's flattered that Xiao Zhan is acknowledging his hard work in taking care of him.

"So Bo does have his soft side huh?" Jackson teased that made Xiao Zhan laugh.

"Shut up!" He retorted as he rolled his eyes at Jackson.

Jackson laughed, "I'm just kidding, don't be so stingy~" He teased.

Yibo raised an eyebrow at him and shook his head as he ignored him.

Jackson and Xiao Zhan laughed at his reaction. "Anyway, let's talk about something else!" Jackson changed the subject and turned to Xiao Zhan. He can already understand the atmosphere between them. He can see Yibo's flustered face and doesn't want to expose him too much.

"Right! Right!" Xiao Zhan exclaimed excitedly as he focuses on Jackson. Yibo didn't bother and grabbed his phone while the two talked to each other with so many things.


It's already eleven in the evening, Xiao Zhan started to yawn. They enjoyed talking to each other since Jackson had too much to share.

"Oh, you're already sleepy?" Jackson suddenly asked when he notices him yawn.

Xiao Zhan smiled, his eyes are hooded as he nodded as an answer.

Jackson chuckled, "Then I should get going then," he stood from his seat.

"Sorry," Xiao Zhan uttered with his apologetic smile.

"It's okay, I was the one who troubled you so don't be sorry. Well then, rest well," he uttered and smiled at him, he ruffled his hair.

"Bo bro! I'll be off, take care of Zhan!" he reminded him.

Yibo raises his head to look at him, he nodded and turn back his attention to his phone.

"Aw, so cold," he pouted, then he turns to Xiao Zhan. "Good night and sweet dreams," he said to him and winked.

After Jackson left, Yibo put down his phone on the table. He turns his attention to Xiao Zhan who was already sleepy.

"If you want to sleep, go ahead," he said to him and stood from his seat to help Xiao Zhan adjust himself on the bed.

"How about you, sir?" Xiao Zhan asked with his sleepy tone and look at Yibo with his hooded eyes.

"I'm not that tired so don't worry," he uttered with a smiled, "I'll go to sleep after you," he added and ruffled his hair.

Xiao Zhan smiled widely after feeling the warmth from Yibo's palm. He unconsciously rubbed his hand on his hand that surprised Yibo, but then he smiled, "Good night and sleep well," he said to him as his hand slid down to his cheeks. Xiao Zhan then again unconsciously rubbed his cheeks on it. Yibo just smiled at him and sat on the bed beside Xiao Zhan, he didn't remove his hand from his face since Xiao Zhan feels comfortable with his hand on his cheeks. The warmth is making him sleep peacefully.

Yibo smiled as he watches Xiao Zhan's angelic face as Xiao Zhan drifted to sleep on his hand.


A/N: It's kind of lame, cause I got too much in my mind right now huhu

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