Carrier: Twenty-Six

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"Are you done eating?" Yibo asked Xiao Zhan, while Xiao Zhan wipe his face.

Xiao Zhan nodded and smiled, "Thank you for the food," he uttered.

Yibo smiled back and cleaned up the utensils he used, "I'll just bring this back downstairs. Call me in this speaker," he said and pointed at the speaker on the wall just beside the bed. "The servants are on their leave so, it's only us here," he added.

Xiao Zhan nodded happily and watch Yibo do all the work.

"Well then, wait for me," he said and turn his way to the door.


Thirty minutes had passed, Yibo hasn't come back yet. Xiao Zhan is getting bored as hell waiting for him.

His brows met, and faced the speaker, "Yibo?" He called out but no one answered. The speaker is only connected in the kitchen, which means he was not there. He's starting to worry, "What could have happened to him?" he mumbled.

He remembered what he said just a while ago, they were only the ones in the house. "Oh noh!" he panicked. He immediately stood from the bed but his big bump is slowing him down.

He places his hand on his back and walked out of his room, slowly. He heaved a deep breath before looking at the stairs, he stared at it, "I can do it!" he said to himself as he gripped the handle.

He took one step at a time, carefully. He sighed, "This is tiring," he mumbled as he continues his way down. after minutes of taking one step at a time, he was able to reach the base of the stair. He smiled in triumph, but his smile faded when he heard something...

"Don't give up on me please!" It was a familiar voice of a woman. His brows met, "Is that LiYing?" he asked himself and about to see what's happening but he stopped halfway.

"After all this, we'll fix this together. Just don't let go of me!" She exclaimed, her voice is almost cracking.

'She's talking to someone?' he thought as he keeps listening. He knows that eavesdropping is a bad thing but he can't help to be curious.

"I'm begging you. I love you so much that I can't leave without you!" her voice sounded like she's crying.

Xiao Zhan was statued, a sting suddenly hit his heart. 'He's obviously talking to Yibo,' he said inside his mind with bitterness.

'Right, I almost forgot,' he added. 'They are married. They are husbands and wives. I'm just a petty surrogate,' he smiled bitterly. His knees started to weaken, his whole body is trembling, the pain in his heart is affecting all over his body. 'Why did I even forget about it?' he asked inside his mind.

His knees finally gave out, 'I fell in love with a married man, how dirty of me.'

He cupped his face as his tears fell continuously. He cupped his mouth to prevent making noise that might interrupt the two.

He bawled his eyes out, suppressing the sound. 'I fucked up, ma,' he said inside his head. 'Ma, I fucked up,' he cried. 'I can't do this anymore! I should've set aside my feelings. I didn't predict that this will happen!'

'Now how should I face them? LiYing became my dearest friend, but I fucking fell in love with his husband of all people,' he thought. 'I messed everything up. You're a fucking idiot yourself Zhan,' he scolded himself.

'I didn't use my head and got carried away by his kindness. Now I'm trapped with this crap love thing,' he pulled his hair angrily.'I should have expected from the start that it was the baby he cares for and not for me, I got carried away myself and assumed that it was for me,' he rests his hands on his bump, 'sorry baby. I'm taking my stress out on you. I hope you'll forgive me.'

Then he smiled bitterly, 'Right, after I gave birth to the baby, the contract will be finished. Until then I'll get out of here and never see him again,' he thought and sighed. 'It's best for me to not get attached to them after giving birth,' he said to himself.

'Be patient Zhan, everything's will be fine. Endure it until the baby is born. It's only a week and a half more,' he resolved.

'I better be getting back upstairs before they found out I'm eavesdropping,' he said to himself and wiped his tears. He was about to stand when he suddenly felt a pain in his stomach. "URK!" 'why now?' he thought.

He closed his eyes tight, as he cupped his belly with both of his hands, "hang in there baby," he mumbled.

His world is spinning, "No--hng!" he exclaimed as the pain grew stronger.

"Zhan!/Zhan!" Someone called him but he was not able to see clearly who it was. But by their silhouette, it seems like it's Yibo and LiYing running to his rescue.

Before he can see them clearly, everything went black as he collapses on the floor.


"Immediately call an ambulance!" Yibo shouted as he rests Xiao Zhan's head on his lap. He was able to catch his head before it fell on the floor.

LiYing immediately called an ambulance, her hands are slightly trembling as she dials the number.

Not long after, the ambulance arrived. They carried Xiao Zhan inside, he was unconscious. Yibo sat just beside him and held on his hands tightly. "You'll be okay, Zhan. Just hold on," he said to him. His hands are trembling in fear, he's also panicking, thinking of what would happen to Xiao Zhan and the baby. Tears started to fall from Yibo's eyes, but he's trying to suppress it, 'I need to be strong for Zhan and the baby,' he said to himself. But his tears betrayed him, it fell slowly as the thought of Xiao Zhan collapsing.

LiYing was left in the house and told Yibo to inform her what will happen to Xiao Zhan when they arrived at the hospital.

LiYing is panicking as well, her hands are clasp tight, praying that nothing bad happened to Xiao Zhan and the baby. "Please be safe," she mumbled.

Baby Carrier (YiZhan FF) || Omegaverse AUWhere stories live. Discover now