Carrier: Thirty-Three

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"I have a favor to ask. I'll tell every detail, just do me a favor just once," he said to his mother and rest his forehead on her chest. His mother hugged him, she can feel that Xiao Zhan is in pain.

She nodded as she caresses his back, "Be sure to tell me, hm?" she said and smiled.

"Yes, ma," he uttered as his tears slowly fell from his eyes.

"Tell me what should I do?" she asked him as she pulled away from the hug.

"Ma, tell them I'm not here. Please I beg you," he cried to his mother. She can see the pain in Xiao Zhan's eyes while begging.

She sighed before facing the door, she's confused at what's happening. Yibo showed such generosity to their family, without the job her daughter would have been dead by now, he also went out of his way to give gifts for them. But the look on Xiao Zhan is different, as a mother, who would've wanted to see their children in a painful state.

She looks back at him, "Go to your room, I'll talk to them," she uttered and caress his cheeks as she smiles.

Xiao Zhan nodded and went to his room. Locking himself up.

She plastered a smile, setting aside the image of Xiao Zhan's painful state. She opened the door, "Oh, hello Mr. Wang and Ms..?" she greeted them.

"Oh, Zhao LiYing, ma'am," LiYing smiled at her.

"Good evening," she bowed, "What brings you here?" she asked politely.

"We just wanted to ask if Zhan is here?" LiYing asked. Yibo was not able to answer. His head is lowered as he bit his lip, suppressing his cry. His heart is being torn, his mind and heart wanted to see Xiao Zhan badly.

"Oh, I haven't seen him yet," she lied as she cupped her mouth as if she's surprised that they are looking for Xiao Zhan.

"Is that so?" LiYing was dumbfounded and looked at Yibo. Yibo is stiff standing beside her, his fists are clenched.

She turns back to Xiao Zhan's mother and bowed, "Then, thank you for sparing your time," She smiled at her and tapped Yibo's shoulder.

Yibo didn't move his feet for a while, "Yibo?" she called him to get his attention. "Come on, we'll be back another time, maybe he's back at the hospital or at your house," she whispered to him.

Yibo relaxes his fist as he turns away, LiYing looked at Xiao Zhan's mother and smiled awkwardly. "We'll visit another time, Mrs. Xiao," she bowed once again and pulled Yibo by the wrist.

Xiao Zhan's mother bowed back, "Please come back again," she eye-smiled and waved at them.

When they left, Xiao Zhan's mother sighed and closed the door. 'Just what's happening to him?' she asked herself and went to Xiao Zhan's room.

She knocked on the door, Xiao Zhan then immediately opened it. She was welcomed with Xiao Zhan's painful face again. She sighed as she enters.

"Mind telling me?" she started and looked at him in the eyes.

Xiao Zhan avoided his mother's eyes and looked down.

"The job..." he started.

"My boss and his wife, the one you saw with him earlier..."

"Is that his wife? But her last name was not Wang and she looks familiar," she commented.

"It's because she's an actress, ma," he answered. She nodded, "Ah, that's why," she uttered.

"My job was to be a surrogate mother..." he stated that made her caught off guard for a moment.

"But that's---why didn't you told me earlier. Just as I thought! The pay is big that's why I'm suspicious that your job is not something that is easy!" she exclaimed.

"Ma, calm down," he said with his low voice.

She sighed, "Then what happened?" she asked to let him continue.

"I accepted it because ChuQiao needed the money for the operation. Plus it's not like I've exposed myself to danger, they took care of me there so well that even insects can't get near me," he stated.

She looked at him with her brows furrowed, "Then why are you making that face earlier?" she asked with her motherly tone.

"Because I did something unforgivable," he bit his lip, tears started building up his eyes again.

She hugged him and caress his back, "let it out son, I'm listening," she lulled.

"I-I fell in love with m-my boss..." he stuttered as he hugged his mother back. His tears are already falling, wetting his mother's shoulder. "I misunderstood his kindness. and got ahead of myself, assuming everything, and then just like that, I fell for him. Not taking in mind that he's married," he said between his sobs. "I'm so stupid that I let my heart take over me..." he cried clenching on her mother's clothes.

"Ma..." he mumbled.

She doesn't know what to answer, he hugged him tight and caress his back. all she can do is comfort him with her hug. Considering morality, Xiao Zhan should've not fallen in love with a married man. He was right to run away before he can destroy a family.

"I left the child at the hospital. Hoping for them to have a happy family..." Xiao Zhan uttered upon letting go, tears streaming down from his eyes. His hands are clasp tightly together.

His mother held his hands and lift his chin, she gave him a motherly smile, "You did well, son," she praised him. "Not destroying their family relation is the best thing you have done for them," she wiped his tears, comforting him, "move on and move forward, we're always here for you," she uttered.

"Ma..." Xiao Zhan called her out. "I will do my best to forget everything about them, thank you for always there with me, ma," he said and hugged her with a smile on his face. He's grateful that he had finally let out the weight in his heart, though the pain is not gone yet, he's ready to move forward just like his mother said.

"Next time, tell me before you rash into things okay?" she pinched his cheeks. "If you have told me earlier, I should've stopped you from doing that job," she scolded him.

"But well, I'm also thankful, because without the money you earned we should've not been seeing your sister by now," she sighed.

Xiao Zhan smiled, "yeah," he answered and looked down, fidgeting his fingers. She ruffled his hair and chuckled.

"Uhm, by the way, ma," he suddenly uttered.

"hm?" she turns her attention to him. "I've decided to go back to University tomorrow and probably look for a part-time job again," he giggled.

"You sure you can do it?" she asked worriedly.

"Of course I can!" he giggled.

"Didn't you just give birth?" she asked.

"Oh," he mumbled, he looked down at his belly, he remembered that he has stitches from his cesarean labor. But then he redeemed with a smile, "Then, I can find a part-time that will not make me exert some muscles," he said enthusiastically.

"Then, do your best, son," she said to him, "before applying, you should tell me beforehand," she squinted her eyes at him.

He chuckled, "Yes, ma," he smiled at her.

"Now, then. Let's go downstairs and eat, you need a lot of energy to recover from your labor," she said and pulled him out of his room.

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