Carrier: Thirty

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The next day...

Yibo entered the room, sluggishly. He spent his night outside Xiao Zhan's room, unable to catch any sleep. Not only the chair outside the room is uncomfortable and chilly but also his mind is too preoccupied to sleep, he's thinking about what he had done that made Xiao Zhan became cold all of a sudden.

He saw Xiao Zhan sleeping, it's still early in the morning. He smiled as he walks beside the bed and looked at his face, Yibo smiled. It's the peaceful face he always sees when Xiao Zhan's fast asleep when he was still pregnant.

"I want to see his smiling face when he woke up," he muttered to himself and sat at the chair beside the bed. He buried his face in his palm as he sighs, 'just what's happening to you?' he thought, frustrated at what's happening.

Then he stood, he needs to prepare his food and medicine for his recovery before he wakes up. He called for food delivery for the meantime then set the medicine on the tray.

After about thirty minutes he's done preparing, the food delivery had arrived as well. After finishing he sat back to the chair beside the bed and wait for Xiao Zhan to wake up. He crossed his arms on his chest, his eyes started to feel tired. But he's fighting the urge to sleep. He shook his head, waking himself but his lids are falling,

But before his eyes close, Xiao Zhan started waking up. He groaned as his eyes slowly opened. 'he might be feeling the pain from the cut,' he said inside his head.

He stood to assist him to incline on the bed. Xiao Zhan looked at him for a moment then immediately look away. "Thank you..." he uttered with his small voice.

'Ah, here it is again,' Yibo said inside his head, his heart started to ache again. The cold shoulder Xiao Zhan is radiating, he didn't even smile. But Yibo forced himself to contradict the energy he's giving off, he doesn't want to add up the gloomy energy on their atmosphere.

Yibo smiled, he grabbed the tray and put it in front of Xiao Zhan, "There you go, you should eat properly to be able to heal quickly," he uttered with a smile. "Can you eat by yourself?" he asked him.

Xiao Zhan nodded as an answer and grabbed the spoon. He started eating. The atmosphere of the room is in a deafening silence.

Yibo watched Xiao Zhan as Xiao Zhan eats in silence. He traced his face and stopped at his eyes, his eyes are swelling. 'Did he cry?' he said inside his head. 'Is it because of the cut on his belly?' he added, 'or something else?'


Xiao Zhan finished his food in silence, he drank his medicine as well.

After drinking his medicine, he pushed himself to bring his body into lying on the bed. Yibo grabbed the tray and put it on the table and immediately went to assist Xiao Zhan.

"Tell me if you feel something painful," he said to him and smile, he brushed the hair on his forehead but Xiao Zhan immediately yanks away his head. "I'm fine, sir," he answered and gazed at the window to avoid Yibo's eyes.

Yibo sighed and closed his eyes, he needs to remove the tension right now. But he has no idea how, it was always Xiao Zhan who lights up the atmosphere.

"Uhm, Zhan..." Yibo suddenly spoke. Xiao Zhan didn't answer, rather, he stared at the window where the sun is rising.

"I know the contract is finished," he paused, "Do you want to stay at the house for a while?" he asked with his head lowered.

"I mean, you need to recover first right? My house is always open for you," he forced a smile. He knows it's pointless to talk because Xiao Zhan is not even answering.

"And you can be with the baby, don't you want to see him more often?" he said nervously. His voice is a bit trembling. His heart is pounding at every single word he says.

"Mr. Wang..." Xiao Zhan finally uttered.

Yibo immediately lift his head and looked with anticipation in his eyes at Xiao Zhan whose back is facing him.

"Yes?" he answered, a bit happy that Xiao Zhan finally talked to him.

"The contract is finally over right?" he asked, "yes..." Yibo answered.

"Then there's no reason to be in touch with each other anymore, sir," Xiao Zhan uttered and bit his lip to suppress his tears.

"But, we can hang out as friends if you'd like," Yibo said, trying to convince him though anytime his voice might crack.

Xiao Zhan clenched his hands, 'I don't want anything to do with you anymore, please don't make me feel hurt any further,' is what he wants to vocalize. But for him, it's better for Yibo to not know his feelings.

"I'll be busy on my studies, sir. I won't be having time to hang out. I need to exert an effort to be able to graduate and have a nice job. My family needs me most," he uttered. What he said are half-truth and half lie. He just wants to leave his miserable self and move on from his foolishness in falling in love with a married man.

"But we can visit you at your home, right?" Yibo persistently uttered.

"T-that would be troublesome, sir," Xiao Zhan uttered. If he needs to be rude to stop Yibo's persistence, he is willing to do it just to push him away.

Yibo lowered his head, he can't think of a reason anymore. The crack on his heart just grew bigger.

"Thank you for everything that you have done, sir. You don't need to take care of me like when I was pregnant," he said, trying to push him away with his words. 'because this is the reason why I fell in love with you. That I misunderstood your intentions,' he said inside his head.

"N-No, at least let me take care of you until your discharge," he said, his voice is trembling. He clenched his fist as he suppresses the pain he's feeling.

Xiao Zhan didn't answer anymore. Tears are slowly flowing from his eyes. He doesn't want to talk anymore, or Yibo might notice that he's crying.

"I-I'll just talk to the doctor," he excused himself as he forces a smile.

Yibo stood as he waits for Xiao Zhan to answer, but he didn't speak a word. Yibo bit his lip and turn to the door. Before leaving the room, he glances at Xiao Zhan, expecting him to look his way. But he didn't, he went out of the room with his gloom in his eyes and heavy feet.

A/N: I almost cried writing this. 😓

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