Carrier: Forty-One

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Xiao Zhan was the first one to wake up. Gladly, baby Fanxing behaved well and didn't wake up in the middle of their "playing". Now, the moon had already engulfed the sky.

Xiao Zhan immediately opens his eyes upon realizing that he needs to check up on baby Fanxing, but upon sitting up, his back suddenly stung. He winced in pain as he tried to look at his back, he rubbed it. Yibo rammed him wild this afternoon plus it's his first time.

He bit his lip as he slowly stood from the bed, he needs to check up on baby Fanxing. He went to where the crib is and looked at him, he was sleeping peacefully. Xiao Zhan smiled at the sight and went back beside the bed to pick up their scattered clothes.

He put it in the basket of dirty clothes and went to grab a towel. He took a short shower before going back to the room.

"What should I wear? I can't go to my room with being butt naked like this," he mumbled as he wipes his hair dry. Then the sight of Yibo's closet caught his attention. He grinned and went to the closet, he grabbed a shirt from there and a boxer-short. He sniffed on it for a second, "His pheromones really smells good," he giggled before putting them on.

Then he went back to where baby Fanxing is, he stared at him with a wide smile for a moment before holding him in his arms, "Oh, look at that, my baby is awake," he uttered sweetly to the baby. As if the baby understood him, he smiled. Xiao Zhan giggled as he went back to the bed, sitting beside the sleeping Yibo.

Since the shirt he got is stretchable, he was able to pull down the neck of the shirt, exposing his left breast. Then he let baby Fanxing suck on it hungrily. He chuckled, "Slow down, son. No one will get your milk," he said as he gently rocks him back to sleep.

While he's feeding the baby, a thought suddenly runs across his head. After fainting, he doesn't know what happened to JiLi and Yuchen. He gasped and immediately grabbed his phone with his free hand while gently rocking baby Fanxing to sleep. Before he dials their number, he put baby Fanxing back into his crib as it was fast asleep again.

He dialed Yuchen and JiLi into a conference call, the two immediately answered, "ZHAN/ XIAO ZHAN!" they both welcomed him with their worried tone.

"Hey calm down," Xiao Zhan chuckled.

"How can we calm down if you are suddenly kidnapped after confessed to?" JiLi exclaimed worriedly.

"And on top of that, it was President Wang and his ex-wife who kidnapped you!" Yuchen exclaimed.

Xiao Zhan chuckled, "Don't say it that way."

"They didn't kidnap me," he added.

"Then what happened to you? We've been waiting for your call you know?! We're worried!" JiLi sulked from the other line.

Xiao Zhan then laughed, "Don't worry, I'm fine okay? We just fixed things," he answered.

"Wait, I just remembered, Mr. Wang was your employer right?" Yuchen asked curiously.

"Ah, well. About that--" he sighed, "It's a long story, I'll tell you some other time," he chuckled, "But, long story short, he fell in love with me," he shrugged.

"Woah! How about his ex-wife?" Yuchen asked again.

"They are under an arranged marriage," he said casually.

"Well, that's common to rich people," JiLi shrugged.

"Yeah--" Xiao Zhan was about to answer when he flinched in surprise when Yibo suddenly groaned. Yibo's slowly waking up, he looked in his direction.

"Zhan~" Yibo mumbled sweetly as he encircled his arms on his waist. Xiao Zhan's cheeks flushed red when he heard his name from his mouth.

"Zhan, you still there?" The two said from the other line, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Oh, a yeah," he answered.

"What happened to you man?/ Something's up?" The two asked in unison.

Xiao Zhan looked back at Yibo who is hugging his waist while his eyes closed.

He sighed, 'he's so clingy,' he thought. He's too happy, the skinship is high new level than their skinship when he was still pregnant, and he cannot get used to it.

"Who're you talking to?" Yibo mumbled but still, his eyes are closed.

He jolted, he thought Yibo went to sleep again. "O-Oh, it's my friends," he said to Yibo.

"Who are you talking to, Zhan?" the two asked. "Oh, it's Yi---" Xiao Zhan was cut off when Yibo grabbed the phone from him.

"Oh, hi!" Yibo answered the two.

The two were surprised at the voice, it was not Xiao Zhan, they stay in silence for a minute, figuring out who it was.

Yibo chuckled, "Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself," he paused, "This is Wang Yibo, Xiao Zhan's future husband," he introduced making Xiao Zhan blush hard. Yibo looked up to see his reaction. He chuckled, his red cheeks were so obvious.

"Uhm, may I know the name of my wife's friends?" he asked them. Xiao Zhan looked at him, when Yibo caught his eyes, he winked at him. Making Xiao Zhan look away in embarrassment.

"Oh, Hi Mr. Wang. I'm JiLi, in the same department with Zhan and his friend," JiLi introduced nervously, he never thought he'll be talking to president Wang since he's famous to every elite.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. JiLi," Yibo uttered.

"And I'm Yuchen. Cao Yuchen, friend and classmate of Zhan," Yuchen introduced.

"Ah right, you're the son of President Cao from YC fashions. Nice to meet you, Mr. Cao."

"So by the way, I would like to thank you for taking care of my dear wife all this time. But until we get married, can we keep it a secret? Though I know someone is already speculating because of what we did at the program," he laughed, "But yeah, please keep it for a while. You're invited to our wedding, it's not planned yet but we'll do that as soon as possible," he said cheerfully.

The two's jaw dropped, they can't believe that Yibo is that straightforward.

"W-we promise..." they uttered, still surprised.

Yibo handed back the phone to Xiao Zhan, who is obviously even redder than before because of what Yibo just said to his friends.

Xiao Zhan grabbed the phone from him, "S-sorry about that," he answered.

Yibo chuckled in triumph, seeing Xiao Zhan all flustered is making him love him more. He looked up at him then closed his eyes as he faces his belly, he pulled up his shirt and kissed and lick the scar from the stitches.

Xiao Zhan squealed in surprise when he felt YIbo's warm tongue, he looked down at him with his innocent eyes. Yibo just smirked and continued what he is doing. Xiao Zhan bit his lip as he turns his attention back to his phone, though he can't concentrate much.

"I-I'll call you l-later--" he stuttered and cut the call, not waiting for their responses.

"S-stop--" he moaned, trying to push him away but Yibo got a grip on him tight.

"Next time, I'll personally get your hands from your mother," he said while teasing his belly with his tongue and lips.

"Be ready," he added.

Just then, they were interrupted when LiYing suddenly barged in.

"Hey, love birds! I think you should be getting up now, it's already evening," she sighed.

"L-LiYing?" Xiao Zhan uttered, surprised at her sudden show-up, he suddenly felt embarrassed.

LiYing chuckled, "Shall I go with you to properly explain to his mother about this whole situation?" she asked as she went beside the crib to look at baby Fanxing, "oh, he's sleeping soundly," she mumbled.

Yibo shrugged, "either way is okay," he uttered and closed his eyes and snuggled on Xiao Zhan's waist. Xiao Zhan smiled as he looks at Yibo, he brushed his hair gently then turn his gaze to LiYing, "If it's okay with you," he smiled sweetly.

"Then it's settled!" she giggled and held the baby gently in her arms.


A/N: Yah, this update is so lame. HAHAHHA bear with me.

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