Carrier: Twenty-Nine

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"Bo, Zhan is awake," LiYing uttered and tapped Yibo's shoulder to get his attention. He'd been holding Xiao Zhan's hand, buried his face on it since they came to his room.

Yibo immediately lifts his head, his eyes are visibly swollen from crying. He looked at Xiao Zhan intently, waiting for him to open his eyes.

"mn" Xiao Zhan.

A smile sprung from his lips, "Zhan?" he called out.

Xiao Zhan slowly opened his eyes, he stared at the ceiling with his hooded eyes, the room was unfamiliar. He looked at his side and saw the window with the curtain swaying back and forth from the breeze. Then he looked at the other side, he saw Yibo, LiYing, and her secretary, he smiled faintly but then faded after. His lips are shut as he looks back at the ceiling. His usual smiling face was gone, it was replaced with an expressionless face.

LiYing and Yibo felt sad and worried. Something had changed to Xiao Zhan.

"Zhan?" Yibo called him trying to put a cheer on his tone.

Xiao Zhan looked at him then forced a smile on his face, "Yes, sir?" he answered faintly.

Yibo was confused, 'Sir?' he thought, he was just calling him Yibo this past few days but why is he calling him sir again. He looked at LiYing asking what's happening, LiYing shrugged. She doesn't know what's happening to him as well.

LiYing stood closer and smiled, "Zhan?" she called him. He looked at her and forced a smile, "Yes, Mrs. Wang?" he answered.

LiYing looks at Yibo as if telling him something's definitely up with Xiao Zhan.

Then she turns back his attention to him, "Are you okay? do you feel better now?" LiYing asked with her sweet tone.

Xiao Zhan once again smiled at her, forced,  "Yes, I'm fine, now. Thank you for your concern," he answered.

'Why is he being formal all of a sudden?' Yibo asked inside his head.

"Tell me if something's bothering you or if you feel any pain, okay?" Yibo asked and gripped his hands gently.

Xiao Zhan looked at their hands after realizing,  their hands are clasp together, he immediately pulled his hands away from Yibo's hands, pretending as if that didn't happen. "I'm already fine now, sir," he said and looked away, avoiding Yibo's gaze.

Yibo felt a sting in his heart as if he was rejected. He looked down, trying to control his emotions. 'what should I do?' he asked himself. He forced a wide smile to hide his worriedness, "Do you want to see the baby?" he asked, forcing his cheery tone though he feels like he's been stabbed with how cold Xiao Zhan treats him.

Xiao Zhan faintly smiled and lowered his head, "It's okay, sir. I don't need to see him," he answered.

"But, we want to see him with you Zhan," LiYing uttered, trying to convince him.

"I might get attached if I see him, Mrs. Wang. So I would like to decline the offer," he uttered.

LiYing and Yibo looked at each other, they can't figure out what's happening to him.

"I don't want to be rude, Mr. Wang and Mrs. Wang, I'm so grateful for all you have done for me throughout the contract. But I would like to rest for a while," he said and turn his back at them.

LiYing understood what he meant, she tapped Yibo's shoulder, telling him that he needs his time alone. Yibo looked at her then look back at Xiao Zhan with worriedness in his eyes. He sighed and stood, he followed LiYing and LiHua out of the room.

When Xiao Zhan heard the click of the door that indicates that it closed, the tears that he has been suppressing the moment he saw Yibo's face fell from his eyes. Deep pain stabbed him, the night he heard LiYing and Yibo talking about fixing their relationship suddenly came running inside his head.

It was painful, he doesn't want to ruin a family but he can't help that he fell in love with a married man. He closed his eyes shut, gritted his teeth, and clutch his fist tight.

He can feel the pain of his wound on his belly but nothing beats the pain in his heart, as if he's stabbed a million times in the same spot.

He bawled his eyes out until there are no more tears to cry. After an hour, he was able to calm down, but his eyes showed no expression as if it's been washed away with his tears.

Yibo, LiYing, and LiHua stayed outside of the room. They are worried about what's happening inside the room. But they also don't want to disturb Xiao Zhan.

"Why do you think Zhan is acting like that?" LiYing asked Yibo out of nowhere.

"I don't know," Yibo answered with his faint tone.

"What happened that night before finding Zhan collapsing?" she asked him.

"I left him in his room to bring the plates back to the kitchen, but then someone called me from the office. I took the call outside the house, that's it," he answered, trying to remember what happened. He can recall, Xiao Zhan was smiling genuinely at him after eating his dinner and nothing unusual happened that night.

LiYing nodded, recalling if she has any idea why Xiao Zhan was acting strangely.

"I think it's just because of his sudden labor that his mood has changed, give him time for himself for the meantime," LiHua uttered making the two look at her.

LiYing smiled at her and kissed her forehead. "You're right. We should go home for today and visit him tomorrow," she said and hold her hand.

She looked at Yibo, "How about you?" she asked him.

Yibo smiled bitterly, "I'll stay here, he might need me," he answered.

LiYing shrugged, "Then take care. See you tomorrow," She bid goodbye and pulled LiHua.

"Yeah, see you," Yibo answered faintly and rest his forehead on his palm. He can't still figure out what's happening to Xiao Zhan and doesn't want to leave it that way. He sighed as he looks in the direction of the door of his room. The cold look on Xiao Zhan's eyes is hurting him, he doesn't remember Xiao Zhan looking at him that way. Xiao Zhan would always have this sweet smile and his glittering eyes when he looks at him, "What happened?" he mumbled.


A/N: Sorry for not updating last night. Schoolwork had piled up so I had to finish it all. Now it died down so I have free time to update. Sorry for making you wait.

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