Carrier: Eighteen

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Xiao Zhan is facing the cabinet with his troubled face. His upper body is cover with a towel while he's already on his pants that are just below his baby bump so it went get crushed.

"Are you ready?" Yibo asked upon peeking in Xiao Zhan's room. 

His attention turned to Yibo, he chuckled awkwardly and scratch his nape, "O-oh, just a minute, sir," he answered as he looks back at the cabinet and rummages on his clothes.

Most of his clothes have been too tight for his baby bump and all he can wear is his hoodie jackets, but he had used up all his jackets that he didn't have any spare.

"What's the matter?" Yibo suddenly uttered that made Xiao Zhan jumped in surprise. He's too focused on looking for clothes to wear that he didn't notice Yibo was already at his back watching him.

"I-I don't have anything to wear, sir," he confessed shyly and look down.

"Is that so? You should've told me earlier," he uttered, "wait here, I'll get you a jacket from my room," he said and went out of his room. Xiao Zhan was about to stop him but it was too late. He sighed as he sat on the bed and waited for him.

Not long after when Yibo arrived with a jacket on his hands.

"Here, wear this," he said and handed him his clothes.

"thank you, sir," he bowed at him.

Yibo nodded, "well then, I'll wait for you outside," Yibo said and went out of his room as Xiao Zhan put on the jacket.

He was surprised when the jacket touched his nose, the scent of an alpha linger under his nose. As he pulls down, he sniffed on it again.

The scent is making him feel secure. He smiled widely, "it smells good," he giggled as he went out of his room.

"Let's go?" Yibo uttered, he looked at him from head to toe, "You look good on my jacket," he said unconsciously that made Xiao Zhan's cheeks blush.

"t-thank you," he stuttered and look down, he can't let Yibo see his flustered face. 'that compliment doesn't mean anything,' his mind reminded him.


They arrived at the mall, Xiao Zhan follows Yibo as Yibo takes the lead. But then Yibo stopped in his tracks when he noticed something, Xiao Zhan looked at him clueless why did Yibo stop.

"Don't just walk behind me." he uttered and look at him, "Come here, walk beside me. Someone might say I'm making a pregnant do an errand," he added.

Xiao Zhan lowered his head shyly went beside him.

"There, that's fine right?" Yibo uttered and patted his head. Xiao Zhan's cheeks flushed.


They first entered a maternity shop, wear maternity clothes and other essentials for pregnancy is present.

"You can pick anything you want," Yibo said to him as he watches him go through the clothes.

"Can I really?" He asked worriedly, he's worried that he might pick something too expensive.

"Yes, don't worry too much about the price," He said.

Xiao Zhan looked at the price tag of one of the clothes, he sighed. He can't even afford something so expensive like that.

"Why? There's not to your liking? we can go somewhere," Yibo uttered upon noticing his distress.

"N-no, sir. This place is fine," he smiled and scratched his nape, 'I guess I have no choice,' he said inside his head and pick few clothes that took his interest.

After picking a few he went back to Yibo, "Is this all? You could've picked more," Yibo uttered as he looks at the ones he picks.

"B-But--" he was about to answer when Yibo cut him off, "Go look over there as well, there's a lot more to choose from," he suggested. "Give me that," he added and grabbed the clothes Xiao Zhan had already picked and let Xiao Zhan look as well.


After an hour, they were able to pay for all the clothes. Yibo held the bags of clothes, "Sir, let me hold at least one," Xiao Zhan felt shy seeing Yibo carry a lot of bags and tried to get one bag to carry but Yibo yank it away. "It's fine, I can do it. I can't let a pregnant carry anything," he said sternly.

Xiao Zhan blushed at his remark, "o-okay sir," he answered as they made their way to other stores.

They dropped by a baby essentials store and looked around.

Something caught Xiao Zhan's attention. It is a red shoe for a baby. It's so little and adorable that made Xiao Zhan's eyes twinkle in fascination.

Yibo followed him with his eyes, "That will look good for the baby when he grows a little bigger," he uttered that made Xiao Zhan look at him, he didn't notice that Yibo is watching him look at it.

"Yes!" he giggled and look back at the red shoe.


While they were walking around the store to look at the baby's essentials...

"Look, that's a male omega right?" a saleslady whispered to her co-saleslady. They were watching Xiao Zhan and Yibo the moment they entered the store.

"Yeah, and he's pregnant," the other answered.

"It's rare to see a pregnant male omega go in this store," she uttered. "I wonder if they're married?" She added.

"I think so, he will not bring his omega in here if they're not married," the other shrugged.

"You're right. But they look cute with each other," they both squealed.

While the two are whispering to each other, Xiao Zhan accidentally heard them. He faced them and smiled, "We're not really a c--" Xiao Zhan was cut of when Yibo suddenly faced them as well, "what's the matter here?" he asked and put his arm on Xiao Zhan's shoulder. For a moment, misunderstood them, he thought they were talking ill about Xiao Zhan.

"A-ah no, we're just talking about how cute you were together with your wife picking clothes and things for your future baby," the saleslady said with a wide smile on her face.

"ah no--" Xiao Zhan was not able to retort.

"Thank you, can you guide us on things around here. It's my first time to be a daddy so I'm a bit new to some things," he smiled at them

The two salesladies giggled, "Sure sir," they answered happily as they guide them.

Xiao Zhan's heart is beating fast all of a sudden. The reason is still unknown for him, 'why am I so nervous?' he thought. As if every step is while walking beside Yibo is making his heart run wild. 'Heart calm down, will you?!' he scolded himself.

Baby Carrier (YiZhan FF) || Omegaverse AUWhere stories live. Discover now