Carrier: Twenty-Eight

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They immediately arrived at the hospital. The nurses drag the hospital bed out of the ambulance inside. Yibo followed while holding Xiao Zhan's hand. 'Please be okay,' he prayed inside his head. His hands are trembling as he follows them.

"We'll bring him to the emergency room, please kindly call his personal doctor for the meantime," The nurse who came rushing to them said to Yibo. Yibo panickily grabbed his phone from his pocket and dialed their doctor.

Not long after, the doctor arrived. The doctor went to the room where Xiao Zhan took into and checked his conditions.

Yibo waited outside the room. His hands are clasp together, still trembling. His eyes are closed tight trying to gather all his strength on whatever might happen to Xiao Zhan.

He heaved a heavy sigh as he waits.

As time pass by, he's getting anxious. But then when he heard the door clicked indicating it opened, he immediately stood from his seat and face the doctor.

"What happened to Zhan, doc?" he asked with his voice trembling.

"He collapses due to stress. His corticotropin-releasing hormone in his amniotic fluid had risen, it was not able to control the concentration of his stress hormones. We advise him to labor as soon as possible to avoid affecting him and the child," The doctor explained as he waits for Yibo's answer.

It's only a week and a half before he gives birth, but because of his stress, he needed to give birth early.

"It won't be a normal delivery, doc?" he asked worriedly as his voice are shaking.

"Yes, he will undergo cesarean delivery," the doctor answered. Yibo lowered his head. It may affect Xiao Zhan and the baby if he doesn't act now. But he doesn't want Xiao Zhan to feel the burden of having his belly cut because of the cesarean, it will leave a scar to him, and might regret meeting him and having the baby.

He sighed and clenched his fist tight. "Do it," he mumbled, enough for the doctor to hear.

The doctor taps his shoulder, "The baby will be fine," he assured and entered the room and instructed the nurses to bring Xiao Zhan into the operation room.

Yibo collapse on the chair in the waiting area. He bit his lip, thinking if he picked the right decision.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled, he knows that the scar that the cesarean will create will never be erased on Xiao Zhan, but he has no choice. Xiao Zhan's health and the baby's life are at risk.

He cupped his head, everything is blurring. Tears started falling from his eyes one by one. His mind is getting blank, anxiousness succumbs him and his palm is sweating.

"Fck," he mumbled.


It's already past midnight, the doctor hasn't come back yet. Yibo's anxiousness grew every minute.

Just then he heard steps getting closer as if they were hurrying. He raised his head to see who it was. It was LiYing and LiHua, "What happened to Zhan?" LiYing asked worriedly as she helps LiHua sit comfortably on the chairs.

"In the operation room," he faintly answered.

LiYing sighed as she saw the visible swelling of Yibo's eyes. She bring out her handkerchief and handed it to him. "At least wipe your face," she said calmly.

"Why are you here?" he asked faintly as he grabs the hanky from her and wipes the dried tears from his cheeks.

"We haven't heard from you so we decided to come here, we're too anxious to wait for any news," she shrugged. "I also thought you're too panicking to even message me," she added.

"How'd you know?" he asked with his head lowered.

"Just a hunch," she shrugged though she knows that Yibo panics a lot whenever something happens to Xiao Zhan.

Yibo sighed, "He was under stress," he opened up. LiYing looked at him, listening intently.

"The doctor advised to have a cesarean delivery to ensure Xiao Zhan's health and the baby's life," he added with his faint tone.

"I don't know what caused his stress. I'm incompetent to even realize something is bothering him," he continued, tears started building upon his eyes again.

LiYing didn't utter a word, rather, she listened.

"I spent my morning and night with him but I didn't even notice that something wrong with him, I'm such a stupid," he cried. The tears that's building up under his eyes overflowed.

LiYing patted his back, consoling him. "He'll be fine don't worry," she assured him.

Yibo cupped his eyes and gritted his teeth as he bawls his eyes out.

Just then the doctor came out. LiYing patted Yibo as if telling him to look up. Yibo raised his head, upon seeing the doctor he immediately stood up, "How was he?" he exclaimed.

The doctor cleared his throat before speaking. "The operation was successful, but he's still unconscious, we will bring him to his private room," he uttered. "While the baby was brought to the newborn intensive care unit, he needs to be under the incubator for a while, since he's premature and has no protective fats that will help him survive a room temperature," he added.

Yibo sighed in relief, but his heart is still racing fast, he's still anxious unless he sees Xiao Zhan in one piece, "Can we check Zhan?" he asked desperately to the doctor.

The doctor nodded, Yibo didn't lose any time and run to his private room. LiYing and LiHua followed after him.

He arrived at his room. Xiao Zhan is still not awake. Tears started falling from his eyes again, but now, he is relieved to see Xiao Zhan still breathing. He held his hand and kissed his knuckles, "get well sooner, so we can look at our baby together," he mumbled.

LiYing smiled as she watches Yibo kneeling on the ground while holding Xiao Zhan's hands tightly. She encircled her arm on Li Hua's waist, "He still doesn't realize what he feels for him," she shook her head, "though it's showing on his actions, unless he verbalizes it, he will not get through him," she added and chuckled.

"Your right," Li Hua agreed as she remembered her foolishness, if she didn't vocalize her love to her, she wouldn't be in her arms right now.


A/N: So yeah, about the medical explanation in this update, I just based on my basic knowledge with a lot of help from Mr. Google. I'm no health/medical enthusiast or knowledgeable about this so I can't guarantee the precision of what I wrote. Check me if I committed something wrong that ruined what you have learned about such a topic. As always, enjoy reading, and thank you so much! ❤

PS. I committed a lot of typographical errors, wrong grammar, and such, so bear with me. hihi

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