Carrier: Forty-Three

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"Mom, I know you hated my decision, for going against your will. But I just want you to know, I'm getting married. It's not with the person you want me to be with but with the person I CHOSE to be with. All these years, I'm grateful that you were there to decide what's good for me because without it I would not be the man I am today. But for once, I want to decide for MYSELF. I want to spend my life with this person with the family that we created. I love you mom, thank you for everything you did for me until now. I hope someday, you'll accept my decision. And in that someday, I can proudly show you the family I created with my heart and will. -Your son, Yibo."

. . .

"Son, don't be nervous," Xiao Zhan's mother gripped his hand and smiled at him, reassuring him that it'll be fine.

His hands are shaking in nervousness, he's never been pressured like this before. Standing outside the hall, he can hear the sound of the piano playing.

Just the thought of Yibo standing at the end of the aisle waiting for him is enough to make his heart beats so fast.

Xiao Zhan's mother smiled at him, she can feel his hands still trembling, "Son?" She called his attention.

He cupped his cheeks and caress them, "Now breath in and breath out," she said.

Xiao Zhan did what he was told. Then he closed his eyes, discarded the thought of the people who are witnessing their wedding, and focused on Yibo's image smiling at him.

He smiled to his mother, "I'm ready, ma," he uttered, head held high.

"Let's welcome our beautiful bride!" the emcee uttered, it's his cue to enter.

His mother held on to his arm as he walks the aisle, eyes are on him, but his eyes are on Yibo who is staring at him with his loving eyes.

He smiled wide as if the world is only theirs, not bothered by the people around them.

Flowers fell from above and the music plays a mellow tune, the sight of Xiao Zhan walking in the aisle is like a dream for Yibo. He never thought that he will choose a decision for himself. He lived off letting his mother choose what is "good" for him. And now the decision he made is holding this beautiful man in his arms forever.

He smiled as he gets Xiao Zhan's from his mother, she bowed at her then faced Xiao Zhan. He held both of his hands as they stood in front of the marriage officiant.

"Today, we witness the unity of Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo. Every one of us has a deep desire to love and to be loved. Your marriage today is a public and legal affirmation of the bonding that you had already begun. Marriage is a commitment to life that will allow you to share your lives together.

Marriage will stretch you as individuals, deepen your love for one another and bring out the best in each other. So, enjoy your marriage and let it be a time of waking each morning and falling in love with each other all over again," he introduced.

Yibo and Xiao Zhan stare at each other's orbs as if they have their own worlds.


The wedding proceeded, "I will take your love, to give me joy, hope and be a better man. I promise to be by your side, for better or for worst, in ups and downs, and in sorrow and happiness. We will take this journey together, facing every problem that comes across us. I will fall in love with you every day, as long as I live," Yibo uttered not taking his eyes off from Xiao Zhan as he put the ring on him.

A tear fell from Xiao Zhan's eyes.

He grabbed the ring and stared back at Yibo with his loving eyes, "I will be by your side, promise not to leave you and be with you until I die. We will face the future with our hearts together, resolve any problem together, and flourish the family that we created together. I promise to love you with the rest of my life," He uttered as tears slowly escape his eyes and put the ring on Yibo.

after Xiao Zhan put the ring on him, he smiled. He cupped his cheeks and wipe his tears.

"So the moment we have been waiting for!" The marriage officiant remarked, "You may kiss your wife," he uttered.

Yibo didn't waste any second and cupped his cheeks, planting his lips on his. The guest cheered but it was all noise to them. Yibo brushed his hair from the back as he pulled him in a deep kiss not being bothered by the people watching them. Well, it's their special day and no one can stop them.


The reception was held in the garden of Yibo's house, The two sat on the stage that is prepared just for them as the guest started the party. Xiao Zhan is holding baby Fanxing in his arms.

"He's so behaved," Xiao Zhan smiled widely as he watches his son, sleeping peacefully in his arms.

"Yeah, I didn't even saw him cry today," Yibo said and leaned to his shoulder as he watches baby Fanxing as well, Xiao Zhan nodded in response.

"By the way, did your parents came?" Xiao Zhan asked Yibo as he looks at him at the corner of his eyes.

Yibo smiled faintly, "I don't know, maybe not?" he shrugged.

Xiao Zhan smiled and rubbed his cheeks on Yibo's head, "It's okay. Sooner or later, they'll accept your decision. Maybe they are still in shock because of the divorce," he reassured him.

Yibo smiled, "yeah," he uttered and leaned to kiss baby Fanxing in his forehead then turn to Xiao Zhan and kissed the tip of his nose.

"I love you," he whispered and rest his head on his shoulder.

"I love you too," Xiao Zhan answered and leaned his head on Yibo.


Xiao Zhan's mother felt tired and went inside to get some water. As she enters, she bumped into someone. She turns her gaze into whoever was it to apologize, she bowed, "I'm sorry," she uttered.

The one she bumped into bowed back, "It's okay, I'm sorry as well," she uttered.

"Is it really okay? Want me to accompany you to the garden?" Xiao Zhan's mother asked worriedly.

The woman smiled at her, "It's okay. I'm here to see my son, but I cannot let him know I'm here," she smiled faintly, a painful smile.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Xiao Zhan's mother felt pity, "It's okay, I'm sure he's happy to see you when you show up to him," she gave her a reassuring smile. As a mother, she knows how painful it is for a mother like her to watch their child from afar because of some sort of problem between them.

The woman smiled at her and bowed, "I got a glimpse of him just a while ago, by the looks of it, he's so happy. It's okay to stay that way, I was able to see him smile so happy now," she uttered, "By the way, thank you for listening, I better go," she bowed once again and turned.

Xiao Zhan's mother looked at her worriedly and about to stop her but she thought, the woman needs time for herself and let her think. She smiled faintly, "I hope you'll fix whatever your problem with your son," she mumbled and watch her leave the door.

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