Carrier: Nineteen

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"You have a check-up this afternoon," Yibo uttered and gathered the plates and bowls that Xiao Zhan used after eating.

"Mn!" he answered and watch Yibo clean up, "But how about your work sir?" he asked curiously.

"I already canceled my schedules for this afternoon to go with you at the hospital," he uttered.

"Isn't it too much, sir? You've been having a day off frequently lately then you'll work your ass off the next day," he said worriedly.

"It's for my child. I want to be the one looking after everything for my kid."

"Is that so?" Xiao Zhan answered and smiled, "You'll be a great father then when the child is born," he giggled.

Yibo's cheeks flushed red at his compliment. "You're blushing, sir!" Xiao Zhan teased and giggled at him.

"I'll be off. See you this afternoon," he bid goodbye as he turns to hide his flustered face. Before going out he turns back at Xiao Zhan and ruffled his hair, "Take care," he said to him with his soft tone and smiled to tease him, which made Xiao Zhan's cheeks flustered.

He bent down and caress Xiao Zhan's baby bump, "Goodbye baby, daddy will see you later," he bid talked to his belly.

Xiao Zhan was too flustered that he was not able to answer and can't even look straight at Yibo.

Yibo smirked in triumph when he saw Xiao Zhan's cheeks blush. "Bye!" he waved goodbye at him with a smirk on his face, as if he won on Xiao Zhan's teasing game again.


Afternoon came, Yibo immediately went home at around three in the afternoon.

"Is Zhan ready?" he asked at one of the servants that had been checking Xiao Zhan whenever Yibo is not around.

"He's been waiting at his room for half an hour sir," he reported.

Yibo immediately ran towards the stairs until he reached Xiao Zhan's room, he doesn't know why he suddenly panicked because the servant said he was waiting for almost thirty minutes.

Upon banging the door open, Xiao Zhan looked at him with his surprised face.

"D-did you ran, sir?" he asked. Yibo is panting drastically when he entered.

"I thought you're getting bored waiting," he asked as he pants in between.

When he entered the room, Xiao Zhan was reading a book but he was already dressed to go out.

But then something caught Yibo's attention, "I see you're wearing the clothes we bought last week?" he remarked.

Xiao Zhan raised his brows and looked at what he was pertaining. "oh, this? I liked the design of this and it's comfortable too," he giggled.

Yibo smiled, "Good to know," he remarked and held his hand out, "Let's go now," he said.

Xiao Zhan grabbed his hand for support and stood from the bed.

He put his hand on his back as he supports his body, his baby bump had been growing that he barely move it.

"You okay?" Yibo asked as he notices his discomfort.

Xiao Zhan smiled, "I'm fine, sir," he answered.

Yibo put his hand at his back to support him as they stoop down the stairs, he's guiding him slow and steadily until they reached the bottom.

"Thank you," Xiao Zhan looked at him and plastered a wide smile.

"Don't sweat it," Yibo looked back at him and smiled as well.


they arrived at the hospital. Yibo waited outside while Xiao Zhan went inside the room. It is already the time to see the gender of the baby. Yibo nervously clasps his hands together, as he impatiently waits for the declaration. He even sighed for who knows how many.

After for about how many minutes, the secretary of the doctor came out, "Mr. Wang?" she called.

Yibo immediately stood, his heart is racing fast in excitement.

He followed her inside and sat across the doctor.

"Congrats, Mr. Wang, it's a..."


"Li Hua~ look, isn't it cute?" LiYing tittered while showing her secretary the pink baby shoe she picked from the rack of baby shoes.

"It is, Miss," she uttered and smiled.

"I think it'll look good for the baby!" she giggled and put the shoe on the basket she is holding. "How about this? This baby dress is cute as well, Oh my, I want them!" she giggled again upon spotting a pink dress. She put them on the basket again and walked around while her secretary followed her.

"How about this miss, this looks beautiful," her secretary grabbed a small pair of socks, it is white with small touches of pink.

"Yes! Gimme that!" she tittered. Her secretary giggled at her jolliness as she put the pair of socks on the basket. "Anyway, let's go look for the baby's drinking bottle as well and towels and others too!" she exclaimed excitedly.

Her secretary followed behind her slowly, she giggled as she watches how much she's enjoying the shopping.

"Oh!" LiYing suddenly stopped, "Sorry for getting too excited, I forgot to wait for you," she smiled at her secretary and walked at her pace.

"It's okay, miss. It seems that she's enjoying," she tittered.

"So much! I'm just too happy," she giggled.

They walked around other stores too and bought essential things for the baby.


"Sir, are you okay?" Xiao Zhan peeked to see Yibo's reaction.

His check-up was done and they were already heading home.

"Yes, I'm just happy," he uttered. His cheeks are flushed red after hearing the confirmation from the doctor.

"I think all fathers feel the same way when they knew the gender of their child," he remarked and chuckled.

"Yeah, I think so too," Yibo chuckled and look outside the car window.

Xiao Zhan smiled as he watches Yibo's reaction. The things Yibo did for him every day just to make sure he's healthy are flashing inside his head.

'He's the type to devote his time for him child huh. Just like how I give all my time for my family,' he said inside his head.

A tear suddenly fell from his eyes. He suddenly missed his mother and sister. He looked down and sniffed that made Yibo turn to him, "You okay?" he asked him worriedly.

Xiao Zhan raised his chin and fake a smile at Yibo, "I'm fine," he lied, though his tears don't want to stop flowing from his eyes.

"Did I made you uncomfortable?" Yibo asked panickily.

"N-no," he answered and lowered his head, "I-I just miss my family," he mumbled but enough for Yibo to hear.

Yibo sighed and hugged him tightly, he caresses his back. "Shh, don't worry. After this you'll be able to see them," he assured him.

Xiao Zhan sniffed and nodded," y-yes," he answered and buried his head on Yibo's shoulder.

Yibo then cupped his cheeks and lowered his head to see Xiao Zhan's face, he smiled as he wipes his tears with both of his thumbs, "They are fine, I think they're missing you as well," he comforted him and bring him again in a tight hug.

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