✨Chapter 4✨

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Lilly's pov

We were having a really good time then we reached the school and Awsten looked like he had something to say. He was just about to speak when someone walked up to the car. Ciara Hanna. The most popular girl in school. She has hated me since me and Awsten first became best friends. All because me and Awsten were so close and she had such a big crush on him. Now, she's got him wrapped around her finger and she wasn't letting him go. He loves her, so much that she cheated on him multiple times and he stayed with her, but only because she's 𝘴𝘰 manipulative. It makes me sad to see him in such a relationship, but he thinks he's happy so, it's ok? Plus it's not my place to say anything. Ciara walks up to the door opening it, smirks at me and kisses Awsten, but stares at me as she kisses him.

"What? Picturing me instead?" I wink at her making her go red in the face.

"Yeah, what are you gonna do about it?" Ciara smirks again making me want to roll my eyes.

 I just stare at her and motion for her to come here. She walks over to my side, opens my door, and I grab her neck, putting my face not even an inch away from her's.

"I'm not desperate for you or to make you cheat on him, again, got it?" I whisper and put on a fake smile.

I push Ciara's head out of the way and get out of the car.

"Thanks for the ride, but I think I'm just gonna walk to school from now on!" I yell as I sling my bag over my shoulder and walk into the school.

Even though it would be about 35 minutes to walk, I rather that then to be around her again. I get to class and sit in my spot, waiting for Caidance.

🍴Time skip to lunch🍴

Caidance finally came in right before lunch. We're at her locker, she puts her stuff away, then when she's done we head to the lunch room, get our food, and sit at our table. We claimed it when we first started going to this school and we've kept it ever since. As we're laughing and eating, I can feel a stare from the side of me. So, I look to see a sad Awsten looking my way and Ciara trying to make him look at her. Once he sees me looking, he looks away and smiles at Ciara. I can see she's asking him what's wrong, but he shakes his head and says nothing's wrong. I look away and see Caidance looking at me weird, so I look at her confused. She just shrugs so I shrug back and we start looking at stuff on her phone until lunch ended.

Time skip

As I'm walking up to my locker, I see Awsten standing there looking at his phone, so I walk up to him.

"Move." I tell him as he shakes his head.

"Awsten. Move. Now." I say firmly, but he stays.

"Fine, dick, I guess I'm going home without a bag. What do you what asshole?" I ask as he looks down at me then looks up.

"I just-" Awsten stops himself as he sees Geoff and Otto.

They used to be so sweet to me and after what happened they turned into dicks too. Geoff pushes me and Otto just laughs at me when I walk away limping or holding my arm then they all throw in something wrong about me or my family.

"Shit!" I whisper, flinching already.

They all smirk as Geoff and Otto walk over. 

"Hey, daddy issues, did daddy come back yet?" Geoff asks with a smirk as they laugh.

"Did he say he loved you at least?" Awsten asks as they laugh harder.

Then, Otto came in, his hurt the most, cause he's usually the sweetest.

"But why would be when he has a disappointment as a kid that can't even keep the same mental state. Is that why you're gone all the time, because of your "depression"?" Otto asks condescendingly as I let a tear slide down.

He attacked my mental health, my self-esteem, and me not having a dad. I never cried when it came to them. This is the first time they made me cry since I was 11. They stopped laughing.

"We finally made her cry, all because of daddy." Otto added as they start laughing again and pushed me into the lockers.

"I thought you were different, Awsten. We had fun this morning and don't lie to me saying it was an act you started playing- whatever. I knew I should have just lied and said I rode with you and just walked. Well you guys did it. You made me cry after all these years, but you know what the hardest part about not having a Dad was? Was not having my best friend, I knew everything about him, and he just left like I was nothing to him. He left for some girl. So, fuck you for attacking me for not having a Dad. Imagine only seeing your Dad a few times a month for up to 30 minutes then he just fucking leaves you. Just fuck off!" I walk away and start walking home. 

When I got home, I sat in my room crying for what felt like hours, until I cried myself to sleep. Mom woke me up by knocking on the door asking to come in. I told her she could come in and when she came in, she sat on my bed and hugged me.

"You look like you've been crying. Are you ok? What's wrong?" Mom asked as I clinged to her.

"I'm ok, just had a bad dream." I smile at her.

"Wait, what time is it?" I ask as my smile falters a bit.

"7:30pm. I was just about to ask you what you wanted for dinner since it's just been you and me, with Mia going to college last week. I thought since we hadn't been able to eat dinner or hang out together because of my work, we could have what you wanted for dinner." Mom smiles as she messes with my hair a bit.

I smile as I think of an idea.

"Mom, why don't you pick and we watch a movie of my choosing. Horror, of course!" I grin as Mom smiles.

"Alright, then we'll be having pizza! Now, go pick a movie!" Mom smiles as we get up and head downstairs.

Mom orders the pizzas and I pick out the movie.

"I ordered 2 pizzas cause I couldn't choose between all dressed and pepperoni!" Mom yells from the kitchen.

"You know I won't eat all dressed plus it's better to have two then one!" I laugh as Mom laughs too.

"Guess what movie it is?" I asks as Mom sits on the couch. 

"Maximum Overdrive!" Mom's face lit up as it came on.

I know how much she loves this movie. I love it too. Its been such a long time since we watched it, I don't even remember what happens in it! After about 25 minutes, the pizzas get here. I get up and open the door to see a surprised Geoff looking at me. He starts stuttering as I glare at him.

"$20.59" Geoff says as I pull out my wallet and pay.

 He walks away as I close the door and smile before looking at Mom.

"Pizza's here!" I announce as I set them on the coffee table. 

After a little over an hour, the movie is over, we put the pizza away, say our goodnights, and head to bed. I was so tired, I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.


Surpise! Another chapter!❤️

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