✨Chapter 24✨

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"Awsten! I'm home!" I smile as I walk in the house.

I hear noises coming from upstairs so I head up there and realize it was from our room so I open the door to see Awsten cheating with some random woman.

"Fuck, Awsten!" I yell making them look at me.

"Oh, Lilly." Awsten says with wide eyes and scrambles to get off of her.

"You're home early, when-" Awsten starts as I shake my head.

"Who is she?" I say calmly.

"She works with us." Awsten whispers as I stare into his eyes.

"Leave." I say sternly as I look at her.

She just stays in her spot looking scared and I start to get even more pissed.

"Leave!" I yell making her jump up and grab her clothes then walk out of the room.

"How long?" I ask as I feel my tears fall.

"A month." Awsten looks down.

"Wow, a fucking month? Are you shitting me, Awsten!" I scream as Awsten looks at me.

"I'm sorr-" Awsten starts whispering as he looks down.

"No! I don't wanna hear it cause you're fucking not! You're only sorry because you got fucking caught! If you were sorry it wouldn't have gone this long!" I scream as I start sobbing.

"I can't believe you did this to us! God!" I yell as I start pacing.

I glare at him as he stares at me then I wipe my tears and pull out my suitcases.

"What are you doing?" Awsten asks softly as he grabs my hand.

"I'm going home, you can keep this place and that bitch can share the bed with you!" I yell as I rip my hand out of his grip and start packing.

I pack all possible clothes I can find going through the house with Awsten following as I pack in thick, angry silence.

"Bye, Awsten, I really do love you, but I can't take knowing that you had sex with another woman in our bed." I whisper as I cry softly.

I start walking out the house and hear my name.

"Lilly, Lilly, Lilly!" Beckett yells softly as he looks sad.

"Are you ok? I woke up from hearing you crying and mumbling. I've been trying to wake you up for 10 minutes." Beckett whispers as I cling to him.

"Hey, it's alright. I promise, Lilly Billy." Beckett whispers making me chuckle a bit as he rubs my back and holds me tight.

"Where's Awsten?" I whisper with a hoarse voice as Beckett chuckles lightly.

"He's right next to you, but he was scared to touch you because you kept saying his name like you were mad." Beckett says a smile evident it his voice.

"I'm sorry I made you upset." Awsten whispers as Beckett let's me go, and I jump in Awsten's arms.

"Just promise me you won't ever do it." I whisper, desperately, as Awsten squeezes me as tight as he can.

"I promise, baby." Awsten kisses my head as I cry softly.

We spend the next few minutes with me being squeezed by Awsten, which really helped me relax since he makes me feel safe, Beckett rubbing my back, and Awsten whispering about everything being ok.

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