✨Chapter 21✨

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I wake up as Awsten opens the bathroom door. I rub my eyes as he shuts the light off.

"Hey, Lil, did I wake you up?" Awsten asks as he gets back in bed.

"The light did. What time is it?" I ask softly as he reaches over and grabs his phone.

"1:23 am." Awsten smiles then puts his phone back.

"1 2 3." I smile and bury myself in his chest making him chuckle.

"Why'd you wake up?" I ask, muffled by his chest.

"I've been up, I can't go to sleep." Awsten sighs as he traces shapes on my back.

"Aww, why not?" I frown as I pull away to look at him.

"I don't know, I just can't." Awsten shrugs with a sigh as I lay on my back.

"Come here." I pat my chest as he lays his head down on me.

"Can you play with my hair?" Awsten looks up at me with puppy dog eyes.

"Of course, I love playing with your hair. It's so soft." I smile as he smiles back.

Awsten's head was the only part on me until he put himself between my legs. He wraps his arms around my waist, and puts his head back on my chest as I start playing with his hair.

"Throwing rocks at your window at midnight, you met me in your back yard that night, in the moonlight you look just like, an angel in disguise, my whole life seems like a postcard." I sing softly as I twirl his red locks around my finger.

"You were mine for a night I was out of my mind, you were mine for a night, I don't know how, to say good bye." Awsten sings quietly as he closes my eyes.

"Making all my plans in the Santa Cruz sand that night, I thought I had you in the palm of my hand that night, screaming at the top of my lungs till my chest ran tight, I told myself that I'm never gonna be alright." I sing as my free hand goes to Awsten's bare back.

I start drawing hearts, stars, and some little words like 'You're so pretty' or 'I'll keep you safe' or 'My Knight'.

I sing a few more songs until I hear him snoring quietly, then I feel my own tiredness set in, and I fall asleep.

✨Time Skip✨

I wake up from the kittens crying loudly, so I quickly get up and hurry to them, seeing Lucy sleeping next to their bed. I smile as they start climbing on her.

"Let me grab your formula." I whisper as I look out the window and notice the sunlight flood the room.

I open the window and jump as Awsten turns in one of the chairs, making him laugh loudly.

"I'm so sorry, baby." Awsten laughs as I pout.

"I'm feeding the kittens, and now you can't." I say as I fold my arms.

"Ugh, fine, I'm sorry." Awsten fights a smile.

"Come on." I say sweetly, making him laugh again.

"You're so weird, darlin', but so cute." Awsten smiles as he comes in and grabs my hand.

"Well, you wanted to date me, so... Plus, you're the same way." I smile as I kiss his nose.

"Yeah, and I'm so glad I got the guts to ask you." Awsten smiles as he kisses my nose back.

"Me too, I'm so glad I'm yours and you're mine." I grin as I kiss him and feel him grin into the kiss.

"Now let's feed the kittens." I say as Lucy wakes up from the kittens.

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