✨Chapter 12✨

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I wake up, surprisingly not scared and check the time, 4:23 am. I hear Lucy whine at the door and feel the need to pee. I get out of Awsten's tight grip on my waist and let Lucy in, she jumps on the end of the bed. I walk into the bathroom and feel cramps hit me hard.

"Shit." I sigh out quietly. 

I sit down and see I didn't make a mess, feeling a bit better. I put on a pad, then finish my business, wash my hands, and go downstairs. I walk into the kitchen and grab a bottle of water and a couple of Tylenols. I take the Tylenols and go back to my room, laying with Awsten again.

"Hey, Lil, you alright?" Awsten whispers with a tired voice.

"Yeah, just started my period. Did I wake you up?" I ask as I turn around to look at Awsten.

"Yes and no, I felt the bed get a little cold and you weren't here. Are you alright? It's not too bad is it?" Awsten shrugs a little then looks at me a little worried.

"It's a bit painful, but I just took a couple extra strengths." I whisper as Awsten wraps his arms around my waist.

"Aww, do you have to work tomorrow?" Awsten frowns a little.

"Yeah, it's a 4 hour shift, so not too bad, but I'm really overdue to get back to work." I whisper a little tired.

"When do you have to go in?" Awsten closes his eyes as he whispers.

"I think 3:30 pm." I whisper as I think of the time.

"I can take you, incase your cramps get too bad and you have to go home, but you can't drive." Awsten smiles tiredly as I chuckle a bit.

"Alright, thanks, Aws." I smile back as I pet Awsten's hair down.

"No problem, Lil." Awsten opens his eyes as he smiles.

"We better get back to bed, Goodnight, bug." I whisper with a smile.

"Goodnight, baby." Awsten whispers back as he closes his eyes. 

I turn back around and Awsten places his arms around me again.

I hear my alarm go off, so I shut it off and wake Lucy up.

"Come on, Lucy, we're gonna go on a walk." I smile at Lucy as she jumps up.

"Let me grab a sweater." I whisper as I pet her head. 

I grab my sweater, then we head downstairs, and I slip on my all black low top converse. I put Lucy's leash on her and grab her bags, then we head down to the pond. We spend a bit of time playing and walking a bit, then head back to the house. We get in the house then we go to my room and I take my shoes off. 

"Hey, Bug. We have to get ready for school it's, 6:36 am." I say as I shake Awsten a bit.

"I'm up." Awsten says half asleep then rubs his eyes.

"Come on now, we can get some breakfast sandwiches after we're dressed." I say as Awsten sits up and stretches.

"Ok." Awsten smiles then gets out of bed.

"Here's to wearing jeans and shorts all week instead of my dress and skirts." I sigh as I pull out black ripped skinnys and an oversized black tee with 'Love is Love' on it. 

I go into the bathroom, change, brush my teeth, and straighten my hair a bit. I head out as Awsten goes in and slip my black combats on, seeing as my socks were on. Awsten comes out, so I grab my wallet and we head downstairs. I grab the to-go Tylenol as Awsten gives me his keys, then we jump in his car, and go to McDonald's. I order five sandwiches for Otto, Grace, Geoff, Awsten, and me.

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