(⌐■_■) FBI, Open Up

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Heyyyyyy... it's definitely been a while, hasn't it?

As you may notice by the title, I left this book on hold. I've lost most, if not all my motivation into writing this book. Even though it's the first book that got me starting to write more, I still can't help, but feel embarrassed about writing it. I started to unpublished some scenarios from this book because I was too embarrassed to leave them out- 😀

I've been publishing on my other books because I notice this book is dying and also my motivation for this book also faded. Yes, I will publish the wedding, and yes there is a request waiting to be written, but after that, I think maybe if I watched "A Silent Voice" again and get back some motivation then I will maybe add a headcanon about kids because some people wanted to see that. (Unpublished that)

Like, I'm not even kidding when I say, I could regret writing this book, but what's keeping me from saying that is the readers that supported it. Seriously, you all are amazing and I met some great readers that make me laugh with all their comments. That is one of the best reasons why I don't fully throw this book in the trash of regrets.

I notice I was really dedicated to this book back then because come on it's like my first book and my friends kind of inspired me to make my own fanfics. This book has really made me into a better writer, but sadly, I lost my motivation for this book.

Like most of you all, I stop crushing on Kazuki, (I'm so sorry brubsuf) and that is my biggest reason for loss of motivation.

I'm not even sure if a lot of people are going to read this or even get to this part of this, but that's okay. Once I finish the wedding scenario and the request then I'll just end this book. I'll publish again when I have an idea idk LOL.

But thank you so much for supporting it. I appreciate you all very much. <3

Love from Author

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