・French Culture・

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Hello! I'm sorry for taking about 7 days to write this. I'm a really bad procrastinator, but that's no reason to take too long than usual. Thank you for being patient tho! This is probably going to be a short scenario, but it's cute. For the next one, you and Shimada will be hanging out with Ishida and the others! I can't wait to write the next story. (Hint hint wink wink, you guys will be in your swimsuits!) Please enjoy!

(Y/l) - Your Language (or any)



It was Tuesday. A normal afternoon on a normal Tuesday. Yep. This couple is bored.
(Y/n) is laying her head on Shimada's stomach, surfing the internet. Shimada is texting Hirose with his blank eyes following the text. That Tuesday is just sucking the life out of them. "Youch!" (Y/n) clutches her noise with her phone right beside her. Shimada begins to burst out laughing his boredom out. "Hey, that's not funny!" (Y/n) scowls, chucking a pillow at him. (Y/n)'s phone have slipped out of her hands and attacked her face. "Sorry, sorry, now let me see your face." Shimada gently grabs her cheeks and observes it. (Y/n) almost let out her squeak. "Your nose is a little pink, but you're okay." He pecks her nose softly. (Y/n) cheeks melted into his hand with a warm blush. "Aahhhh, you're making my heart feel weird," she says drowsily with a smile across her face. "I'm glad." Shimada chuckles and lets go of her face. "Anyways...," (Y/n) falls back and covers her eyes with the back of her hand, "I'm bored." "Yea, me too." Shimada relates and lay down right beside her. "Wait!" (Y/n) quickly sits back up with an idea stirring in her mind, "We should..."

*Time Skip*

"So your idea is to learn about France?" Shimada asks with a sigh. They both were at the computer, sitting in separate chairs that are way to close to each other. "Oooohhhh, the capital city, Paris is known as the city of love~. Couples like to go there and spend some romantic time because it delivers a love promise. It's also known as the city of light. We can eat macaroons there." (Y/n) informs, staring at the picture of the Eiffel tower dreamily. "Macaroons?" Shimada questions in puzzlement. "N-Nah, I will tell you later." She changes the subject, "Wait! Potatoes were banned from France for 24 years!?" (Y/n) clicks on the website, "They say it wasn't good for humans to eat because they thought potatoes caused leprosy. That's crazy!" (Y/n) chimes in amazement, "Imagine not having french fries for 24 years." Shimada yawns, then he pauses, "That wasn't a pun." They both crack up laughing for 5 minutes right there and then. (Sorry that was kinda corny... (~_~))

(Y/n) went back to the computer, wiping the joyful tears out of her eyes, "The French invented the Crepe cake and they sell them all over the place! We should get some." (Y/n) squeals in excitement with images of different types of crepe cake flooding into her mind. She drools a little, thinking bout the crepe cakes, their little whip creams with strawberries, and chocolate fudge. MMMMMmmmmm. "Maybe they have a Creme Cakeshop near our dorm." Shimada says, taking the mouse and clicking on something else, "They are also known for their art galleries, like the Louvre." Shimada clicks on the image of a building that is shaped like a pyramid. "Reminds of Inkemen Vampir-" (Y/n) immediately stops herself, "Inkemen Vampire?" Shimada cocks his eyebrows, "You downloaded that app?" "Uhhhhh... maybe..." (Y/n) gave him s sheepy grin, "It's cute tho." (Y/n) reasons, "Yea, but obviously you love me more right?" Shimada says, almost like a whisper with jealousy in it. "Of course, you're MY future husband!" (Y/n) assures him with confidence, patting his shoulder.

"A-anyways, let's learn some French." (Y/n) changes the subject and searches up google translate. "I love you." She types in the (y/l) box and clicks translate. "je t'aime" (Y/n) turns to Shimada and told him, "je t'aime, Shimada." She gives him a proud UwU smirk. "Wow, you're going to be cute like that." Shimada puts on a smirk of his own as he reached for the keyboard, "You're beautiful." ----> "Tu es beau." He turns to (y/n), pulling her close to his body and whispering in her ear, "Tu es beau, (y/n)." His breath gives (y/n)'s spine the jiggly tingles. "Jeez, you're impossible when you do that." (Y/n) pouts turning away from him. "Do wha-" "Let's search some more up!"

Translations: (From Google Translate so I don't know if it's correct or accurate)

My Love ---> Mon amour
Shimada: You're such a weirdo, Mon amour."

Macaroons ---> Macarons
(Y/n): I want to eat Macarons with Shimada!

Best Friends --->Milleurs amis
(Y/n): Nishimiya is one of my Milleirs amis.

Potatoes ---> Pommes de Terre
Author: Who wants to eat Pommes de Terre.

Heart ---> Cœur
Shimada: Listen to my Cœur beat.

Flower ---> Fleur
Shimada: You're my precious Fleur.

Kiss me ---> Embrasse Moi
(Y/n): Embrasse Moi, Shimada!

You give me light ---> Tu me donnes de la lumière

Honey bear ---> ours de miel
(Y/n): Shimada is my big ours de miel!

Crepe Cake ---> gâteau aux crêpes
Author: Let's get some delicious gâteau aux crêpes!

Cute ---> Mignonne (Feminine)
Mignon (Masculine)
Shimada: She's so mignonne.

Thank you for reading! ---> Merci pour la lecture!

"We learned a lot." (Y/n) says as she hops into bed. "Yea, but we can learn the rest in our experiences in France." Shimada sighs as he snuggles right beside her. "Yea, bonne nuit, Shimada." "Bonne nuit, mon amour." Shimada hugs her close. They fell asleep, with their dreams in France.

The End


Welcome to the end! I hope you guys learned something about France. I had a lot of fun writing this chapter and learned many amazing things about France. I mean I know most of it, but hey I learned about the potatoes thing. Try to guess what, bonne nuit is!

As you may know, 2020 has not been the best year. So I hope my stories are providing some sort of comfort for some of you. Just know that we are in this together and we can get through it. Shimada will be holding our hands along the way. UwU
Remember through this time, we must stay kind and support each other! We should never treat somebody badly just because of the color of their skin or where they are from. No matter what religion you have, music you like, favorite food, or whatever, you are still an amazing and special person. We should respect other people opinions and judge people by their personalities. Please stay safe and healthy! Keep fighting!

Thank you for reading and I will see you all next time! (> ₃ <)
Shimada: Stay safe my hunny bunny.
(^^) Lᵒᵛᵉᵧₒᵤ♥


Oh, Crap- we at 3k already- You. Guys. are. the. BEST!! (About the 2k special, yea ignore that, it's not going to happen because we got to 2k too fast. :v) 

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