・Nutria's Blessing・

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They literally took a nutria home. I'm back with another scenario for you all! This takes place when they are kids. Enjoy the story!


(H/c) - hair color


"Yes, we got her!" Shimada lifts the brown nutria in the air as the wet fur shines in the sunlight. "Haha! She was so hard to catch. Good thing she likes you, Shima!" Ishida pets the nutria's head. "I'm out of breath." Hirose breathes out heavily, sitting down on the ground of the bridge. "Same..." Ishida wring his shirt as he joined Hirose. "What should we name her?" Shimada sats down with the nutria, snuggling on to his lap. "Hmm, what about Joe? Or no no, The Legendary Beast!" Ishida raises his arms in the air, mimicking a tall, scary beast, waiting to devour something.

"Nah, maybe we should name her something... cute?" Ishida gives a disgusted look, " Cute?! Why... Cute!? We should give her a cool name!" Shimada looks down at the nutria, "I mean, it's cute. It doesn't look like it can hurt anything." "Yea, I agree. Let's name her muffin because she's plumpy!" Hirose suggests. Ishida rolls his eyes and rests his head in his hands with a bored look. "Okay, okay. I have no ideas."

Shimada pets the Nutria as it sniffs his fingers, "Maybe (y/n)." "(Y/N)!? Why (y/n)!? Isn't she that chick in class. The one with (h/c) hair?" Ishida points at his hair with a shocked look and then he smiles mischievously at Shimada, "Do you liiiikkkeee her~?" Shimada's soaked cheeks light up, "N-no! It's nothing like that! I just think (y/n) is a cute name that's all!" Ishida snickers, "So you DO like her!" "No!" Kazuki argues back with a scowl. Hirose giggles, "Guys, looks who's coming.

He points towards a girl coming their way, seemingly staring at the ground, fiddling with the twig in her hand. They can hear her hum as she starts to come closer. "Ohhh, Shima~"

"I already told you it's nothing like that," Shimada grumbles bluntly right when (y/n) finally notices them.

"Oh, hey guys." She smiles at them and soon as she stops in front of them, something caught her eyes. "Oh my goodness! Is that a nutria on Shimda's lap!?" She was taken back as she examines it from far away. "Oh, don't worry it won't hurt you," Shimada assures and pets it. "Oh.. can I take a closer look?" Shimada's hearts beats a little faster, "Yea, sure..."

Ishida and Hirose try to stifle their giggles as (y/n) sits down next to Shimada. "It's so cute. Can I pet it?" The nutria squirms around and look at (y/n) in the eyes with its deep black one's. "Yea, sure." She hesitantly lowers her shaky hand down as the nutria stares at it with confusion and caution. It's little nose sniffles and twitches. "Don't worry, it won't bite." Shimada gently takes (y/n)'s hand and places it on the head of the wet nutria. The nutria jumps a little, but quickly warms up to (y/n)'s soft hand. It snuggles into it. "Haha, it's so cute! And also..."

She looks up the 3 boys, "Why are you guys all soaked, don't tell me you all jump off the bridge again. "We did! It's the test of courage, you wouldn't understand." Ishida says with pride. He grins and crosses his arms. "Well, it's dangerous. You can seriously get hurt." (Y/n) scolds with a blank face, "Who are you? My mom? It's fine. We're just being courageous." (Y/n) rolls her eyes, "Alrighty then... SO what did you name it?"

She turns back to the little nutria, "Shimada names her (y/n)!" Ishida blurts out loud, "Ishida!" Shimada's cheeks glow red again as (y/n) giggles. "Wow, did you name it after me?" She scratched the nutria's head, "I guess we are both (y/n) now huh?" The nutria made a happy noise. Shimada glares at Ishida. Ishida simply put his hands behind his head and gave his buddy a wink of tease.

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