・Bye Bye!・

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Dear (y/n),

Even though I was a minor character and one of the antagonists in a movie that was focusing on forgiving and learning to change for the better, you still somehow simped for me and click on this fanfiction made about me and I would like to thank you for that. You know, the author was pretty worried somebody would bash her for it because she notices how some people dislike me but looks like she was worried about nothing. S M H am I right?

I had a fun time going through these scenarios with you. I applaud some of you, for reading this book back to back all the way to here. I mean... It's a pretty long book. Ahem, author-chan chill out a bit.

As some of you simp for me less and less and fall in love with other characters, I hope I am in your heart somewhere.

Thank you for reading. <3

-Kazuki Shimada

Thank you for taking the time to read this and vote. This book has taken me through quarantine and started my Wattpad journey as an author. Thanks to this book, I met some pretty amazing readers and I am thankful for all of you who kept me motivated, commented, and voted on this book. Never believed I could give a minor character a bunch of stories and even a life in France.

Thank you again!


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