・Second Traitor・(Prologue)

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Before you guys read this. I like to address something really important!!! So it turns out that I actually took one week to write this. WHOOPS!  Starting today all the way to Tuesday. I will be posting the 4 parts. Each day I will post one chapter of this. Sorry for the misinformation, I happen to finish everything early. As for the next scenario, I will post that on the next weekend. Thank you for understanding!

Trigger warning - Bullying

Please Enjoy~


(Y/n)'s POV

Everything happened so quickly...

We all used to be friends, laughing, and having fun... just like how any group of friends from elementary school would do...

I thought my friendships will last me a lifetime...

I really did...

I even loved him...

I was a naive fool.

"But Shimada! What you are doing to Ishida is wrong- It's hypocritical! Beating up Ishida will only make you bad as him! It's better to just ignore it!"

"You don't understand! He dragged all our friends into trouble then try to place the blame on us! He deserves it. This is life (y/n), and life involves karma." Shimada gave me a deep glare. His eyes were filled with frustration.

"You joined in too, didn't you!?" I argued back with the weights of desperation on my shoulders. The desperation to make him understand this is wrong.

"Like I said, he got me to do it! I even tried to make him stop and he didn't listen to me or to anybody. He didn't listen to you! He deserves to be alone after what he just put us through! Stop being so stubborn!" Shimada pushed my shoulder against the wired fence. He got me trapped. I looked up at his angered eyes with my own.

"It's still WRONG!" I pushed him back with my own force and immediately regret it. He stumbled back a little, almost losing his balance. When he looked up at me, I expected cold hard anger, but instead, I got painful-looking eyes, that look like they just got betrayed. "Shimada-"

"Enough!" I squeaked at the harsh voice that ringed out my ears. "If you are standing up for Ishida, you might as well join him too. You chose him over us, this is all on you. You've changed, (y/n)..."

Those words made my eyes widen. Join him too? Is he going to give me the same dumb treatment? I fell into a hole of questions. My breathing got heavier as my thoughts got messier. This is it. I thought.

This is over... isn't...

This whole friendship-

with the boy I like is gone.

Tears blurred my vision of his angry and pained face.

"Fine! Do it! I rather be treated that way than treat somebody else that way!"

I ran away as fast as I could. My feelings and mind was scattered and running around. I didn't want to look back, and I will never look back.

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