・Mute Reader x Kazuki・

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Reader-chan who requested this, I hope you still here to read it! I'm sorry for taking centuries. If you're reading this then I want to thank you for your patience and that I appreciate your support! (Request from weebu_san) (1600+ Words)

F/c - favorite color
L/n - last name

"Class! Please settle down!" The teacher orders his loud class full of kids. The students groan before saying bye to each other and giving them luck to survive another boring and useless lecture. Once the class calms and took their seats, half of their attention focused on the teacher.

"As you may all know, we have a new student with us today." The class immediately erupts into whispers. Ishida couldn't care less as he brings his arms up and behind his head. "Sheesh, who cares? We already got her." He speaks loudly to Ueno, speaking behind Nishimiya Shoko's back. Another transfer student from before.

"Hey, Shimada, I heard it's a girl. You excited?" Shimada's seatmate whispers to him with a cheeky smile. "Hm... we'll just have to see." Shimada leans back in his chair, covering his mouth with his one of his long sleeves while also supporting his elbow with his other arm.

"Please settle down! (L/n), you can come in. The students watch as their new peer nervously shuffles in with her (f/c) bag. She clutches it to her chest for comfort to ease the nervous wrack she is feeling with all the eyes on her. "Please introduce yourself." (L/n) nods her head and takes out a notebook.

The class looks at her confused. A notebook? Like Nishmiya? But she heard sensei loud and clear so she has no hearing problems. The girl flips the first page of her notebook.

"Hello. My name is (y/n) (l/n)."

She waits for a second before flipping to the next page.

"As you can see, I have to use a notebook to speak, but that's because I am Mute."

After the class read the word mute, they broke into whispers again, confused at what it means. These 6th graders never met someone who is mute, so they have no idea what it is.

Shimada made an o shape with his mouth before smiling. He shifted his eyes towards his best friend to see what his take is on this.

"When someone is mute, it means they can't speak and use their voice."

"I hope that we can all be friends even though I can't talk. Nice to meet you! :)"

She then does a simple bow before looking at her teacher for instructions.

The teacher sighs, pushing up his glasses, "You can sit next to Nishimiya. The girl in the pinkish hair. She is deaf, so I hope you both can get along."

With these words that came through her ears, she was happy. Another girl who is just like me? Great! I'm sure we're going to be besties!

Walking towards her seat, she catches a boy with grayish eyes looking at her. (Y/n) immediately tries to avoid it, ignoring her rapid heartbeat. The boy was cute! How could she possibly feel normal?

Sitting down next to Nishimiya, she smiles at her before using her notebook to ask her if she knows sign language. Just in case. Nishimiya smiles wide before nodding her head. Thus, the two talked during the whole class and the teacher never knew, unless they started giggling at least.

"You two! Don't start causing trouble for the class."

Ishida looks at (y/n). Another girl to relieve his boredom. He probably coming up with a bunch of "playful" experiments to test on her mute disability.

Kazuki Shimada x reader|One-shots Collection (OLD AND DONE)Where stories live. Discover now